"What? He's still a doctor?"

Mouri Kogoro shouted in surprise.

"Keep your voice down~ Dad ......"

Mauilan was disgruntled for a moment.

"I think that kid is just trying to solve the case before I do!"

Mouri Kogoro said to follow suit.

The mayor first looked at Wang Xiaomeng for a moment of silence before he said, "Since you are a doctor ...... then it's troublesome for you young man, if you find anything please let me know."

Saying that this old man bent over and looked around him sternly and said, "In the meantime why! Get your stuff together! The ritual continues!"

Of course, everyone went to clean up the food and the float that they had just accidentally knocked over, except for Makoto Yakko, who continued to stand by Wang Xiaomeng's side without moving.

And then, the rain started to fall.

The air became a little colder, and the sea breeze wandered around this village with a salty smell.

Looking down at the corpse in the float, Wang Xiaomeng was a little puzzled.

This corpse didn't look like it had been killed at all, instead it looked a bit like it had been poisoned to death.

This was because the young man's lips had an obvious purple color.

If it was poisoned by a murderer, it would usually be food.

Then ......

When Wang Xiaomeng turned his head to look, the food that had just been knocked over seemed to have been cleaned up.

Wang Xiaomeng ignored it, his eyes focused on the villagers who were cleaning up the trash.

Of course, everyone was doing their job.

There was nothing wrong with them.

With everyone's efforts, a single umbrella topped the surrounding area.

A circle surrounded the city.

And in the middle was a clearing where the rainwater dripping down on the soil became a little soft.

The floats also splashed under the rainwater.

If there were no dead people now, then this kind of festival, this kind of weather, would still be pleasant.

"Bastard, what did you find?"

Perhaps he had been on the sidelines for too long, but Mouri Kogoro couldn't help but run over and ask.


Wang Xiaomeng shook his head, looking at the deceased's appearance and roughly speculating the time of death.

The lips had turned purple, which could have caused vomiting and other symptoms if it had been an acute poison.

But there was no spit in the float at all, so this is not the first scene.

Or it was a chronic poison that didn't kick in until afterwards.

Of course, after the deceased died, he was moved to the float again.

"Uncle, there seems to be something in his pocket ugh~"

At some point, Conan crouched in front of the body and pointed to the other man's jacket pocket.


Although he was concerned about how Conan's little friend was able to free himself from Mouilan's grasp, Wang bent down and took the note out of the corpse's jacket pocket.

"If you don't want to die, come see me at the restaurant."

"Restaurant? Is there a restaurant here too?"

Wang Xiaomeng said to himself, then looked to the village chief who was presiding over the ceremony for now without speaking.


The ceremony was still going on.

The matter of the corpse was also put aside.

The float that had been there before was also abandoned, and the body inside was still covered by a sheet of plastic Wang Xiaomeng had found to cover it from the rain before it didn't get wet or destroy the evidence.

"We prayed for the blessing of the sea!"

"The great Poseidon will bring us fair winds and rain!"


The mayor was like a prodigy droning on like there.

Even though he was soaked to the skin from the pouring rain that fell from the sky, he was still looking at the sky as if he were a god.

He was still looking at the sky as if he was saying something.

The surrounding villagers, like devotees, knelt down.

They were the only ones standing under the umbrellas, watching quietly.


It was three o'clock in the afternoon when I got back to the hotel.

The heavy rain outside still had no tendency to want to stop, and it was still crackling.

"I didn't expect this kind of thing to happen when I came out to travel ......"

The middle-aged woman sat on the couch looking worried.

"Well, it's me, isn't it."

Her husband was there to comfort her.

"By the way guys, do you know of any restaurants in the village?"

Wang Xiaomeng asked the two politely.

"Hm? Restaurant?"

The middle-aged woman spoke slowly and said, "There was one near the hotel, it was opened to entertain foreign tourists, but because there were fewer tourists this year, it was deserted."

"Well, thanks."

Wang Xiaomeng nodded thoughtfully.

"So annoying na, I was going to go to the restaurant for some more food."

Conan said dissatisfied as he sat on the couch.

"Conan don't you have enough to eat?"

Maureland asked.

"Well ......"

"I have cookies here."

The middle-aged woman looked like Conan seemed to be in a good mood and reached out to hand the box of cookies she had taken out of her travel bag to the little kid.

"Thanks auntie~"

Conan took it and took a look at the other man's travel bag.

It was filled with, mostly, disposable items.

Or rather, all of them were unopened things.

But this was normal, after all, it was a trip, it was impossible to bring bottles and cans, right?

"Brother Wang Meng, do you eat too?"

Conan walked over to sneak a glance at Wang Xiaomeng and asked.


And Wang Xiaomeng is sitting on the sofa without saying a word, and that slightly furrowed brow seems to be thinking about something.


Chapter 261.

One thing he was confused about.

Why would their client refuse to let anyone know who they were.

If the detective's identity was sensitive, then it wouldn't have been right to keep it a secret.

Without anyone else's consent, Wang Xiaomeng's investigation of the corpse had all passed on the lie that he was a doctor.

It was a good thing that the information about the deceased wasn't hard to find, otherwise it would be a bit embarrassing.

"When the rain stops, let's go talk to the village chief."

Mouri Kogoro spoke up.


Wang Xiaomeng nodded and didn't refuse.


Of course, Wang Xiaomeng didn't ignore Conan's little friend who kept giving himself hints.

As for why he kept saying that he wanted to go to a restaurant or something.

Wang Xiaomeng naturally knew what the other party was trying to hint at.

That note from before had a very clear location.

And after this couple proved that this village used to have a restaurant.

It had been deserted though.

"Since it's still early, does Conan want to go out exploring with me?"

Wang Xiaomeng followed Conan's intent and said.

"Expedition? Ugh~ Where to go exploring wow?"

Conan said with an excited face.

If it wasn't for knowing that Conan was a high school student, Wang Xiaomeng might have been confused by the other party's childish appearance.

"Of course it's here ......"

Wang Xiaomeng said, reaching out and pressing her finger to mark the location of the restaurant at the top of the map.


The rain was relatively lighter than before.

But they had spare umbrellas at the entrance before, so Wang Xiaomeng and Conan also took one each to the restaurant here that the couple said.

Of course, only when they arrived here did they realize that the restaurant wasn't abandoned at all.

It had just turned into a noodle shop.

"Well ......"

The owner's wife who was at the counter smiled when she saw a customer.

"Welcome, may I ask if you two are here for dinner?"

"Conan, do you want some?"

Wang Xiaomeng turned her head and asked.

"Let me ...... er ...... have a bowl of beef noodles ......"

Conan said.

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