Without enough time to react, Kitahara Haki subconsciously took over the fallen Sato Miwako.


With a soft sound, Miwako Sato knocked him to the ground.

While Kitahara Hao felt the pain in his head, he also felt a touch of softness at the corner of his lips.

Wait - isn't this what you call good luck?

(Suddenly I discovered that Miike Naeko is also very good-looking, a trio from the Metropolitan Police Department!)


043: Yes, Kitahara is my boyfriend!

Wait - isn't this what you call good luck?

Feeling the soft and warm contact on her lips, Kitahara Hao, who was pressed under her, slowly opened her eyes and bit her subconsciously.

The red lips are like a piece of strawberry jelly, slightly sweet and soft.

If I remember correctly, Sato-senpai had been eating strawberry cake during the fellowship.

He thought subconsciously.


Miwako Sato suddenly trembled when her moist lower lip was bitten.

She couldn't help but open her eyes wide, and looked blankly at Kitahara Hajime beneath her with a pair of purple eyes. She subconsciously wanted to make a sound, but because it was blocked, she could only make a cute whimper.

Kissed... kissed? !

This is her first kiss.

Thinking of this, Sato Miwako's cheeks instantly turned red, her breathing became rapid, and her body became a little tense due to nervousness.

Sato-senpai looks very nervous.

As Kitahara Hajime's hands were wrapped around her waist, she soon felt Sato Miwako's body become a little stiff.

Even - so nervous that they forgot to separate.

Shouldn't normal people break up immediately when encountering this kind of situation?

Thinking of this, Beihara's hazy brown eyes looked directly into hers. He could clearly see a trace of panic flashing in those purple gem-like eyes.

Miwako Sato usually looks heroic, but her delicate face has never shown such an expression.

This kind of Sato-senpai is really tempting.

Seeing Miwako Sato's eyes averting due to shyness, Kitahara Hajime couldn't help but lightly press her right hand on her silky short hair, tilting her head slightly, wanting to taste the taste more carefully.

However, just when he was about to take a step further, Sato Miwako also reacted. She quickly gritted her teeth and tried to hold up her upper body with her arms.

Want to escape?

Noticing her movements, Kitahara Hao pressed his right hand slightly harder on her short hair.

The tips of the two people's noses that were about to separate suddenly touched each other, and the hot breaths of each other's breath blended with each other.


Kitahara——You guy...

Miwako Sato, who failed to resist, had a trace of embarrassment in her eyes and looked at him fiercely.

It seemed that he wanted to use this method to make him retreat.

Unfortunately, Kitahara Hao simply ignored her look.

He didn't want to give up such a good opportunity.


The bright moonlight shone lightly around, as if everything around the apartment was covered with a thin layer of moon veil.

Almost five minutes passed.

Ha...ha, Kitahara!

As Kitahara Hao gradually loosened his right hand on the back of her head, Miwako Sato finally broke free.

She held her upper body hard with both hands, her fair complexion turned crimson, and she gasped for air.

As the cold wind slowly blew by, after regaining her rationality a little, Miwako Sato focused her eyes on Kitahara Hajime, who was pressed under her, and clenched her teeth subconsciously.

Well... the floor is quite dirty. Can you let me get up first? After enjoying it, Kitahara asked in a low voice.

If others see it, they will be misunderstood.

...Are you still afraid of being misunderstood?

After hearing the next sentence, Miwako Sato gritted her teeth and said.

If you were afraid of being misunderstood, you shouldn't have held her head just now.

Even though she said that, she still slowly got up from Kitahara Hajime and stood aside with her arms folded.

Sato Miwako took a deep breath, suppressed her rapid breathing, and looked at Kitahara Hajime, who was already half sitting on the ground, with complex eyes.

Until now, she could still feel her heart beating faster.

How is it...are you okay?

Looking at Kitahara Hajime, who had already stood up and touched the back of his head, Miwako Sato couldn't help but asked worriedly.

After all, Kitahara Hao fell to the ground just to catch her, so he couldn't be angry at all.

In other words, everything that is happening now is all because of her.

If he hadn't tripped, what just happened wouldn't have happened.

Don't worry, there's nothing wrong with it.

Beihara Hao shook his head and said softly.

Perhaps it was because he was shot with a red bullet. Apart from his clothes being a little dirty, he was not injured at all.

However, this lucky event is really good.

Recalling the scene just now, Kitahara Haji subconsciously looked at Sato Miwako's lips as pink as cherry blossoms.

What are you looking at?

Noticing his gaze, Sato Miwako said in an annoyed tone.

This guy Kitahara definitely did it on purpose.

It's nothing, I just think Sato-senpai looks pretty good tonight.

Beihara Hao put his eyes on her face and said with a chuckle.

Saying this again...

Miwako Sato turned her head slightly, trying not to look directly at him.

By the way, why did Sato-senpai suddenly rush out just now?

Seeing that she didn't speak, Beitahara patted the dust on his sleeves and asked pretending to be confused.

...It's gunshots!

Hearing his question, Sato Miwako was stunned for a moment, and then she immediately thought about it. She couldn't care less about being shy and quickly looked at Kitahara Hajime.

Did you hear gunshots outside just now?

As soon as she returned to her home, she heard a crisp gunshot outside. After informing her mother at home, she rushed out.

As a result, she saw Kitahara Yuri standing at the door smoking. She thought he had been killed, so she ran over anxiously - and then tripped over the threshold.

No, maybe you heard it wrong, Sato-senpai.

Beihara Hao shook his head and said thoughtfully.

No way, I live on the second floor - that pistol must have made the noise near here!

Sato Miwako looked around cautiously and said in opposition.

How is that possible? I've been here since you went upstairs and I haven't seen anyone shoot at all.

Beihara Hao slowly approached her and said softly.

Have you been here since I came upstairs?

Sato Miwako looked at him subconsciously, and she became a little self-doubt: Did I really hear wrongly?

However, that gunshot was really——

Miwako, what happened to make you come down in such a hurry?

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from the door, interrupting her thoughts.

Miwako Sato heard this voice and quickly raised her head and looked over.

Kitahara Hajime, who was standing aside, also followed the sound and saw a middle-aged woman with short hair standing at the door of the apartment.

Mom - didn't I tell you not to let you come down?

Seeing the middle-aged woman, Miwako Sato complained with a headache.

She had clearly told her mother not to go downstairs.

Hello, aunt.

Kitahara Hao bowed slightly and said hello politely.

Oh, this is...

Shinobu Sato looked at the young man who greeted her, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

Did his daughter come here specifically to find him?

My name is Kitahara Hajime, and I am Sato-senpai's colleague at the Metropolitan Police Department. Kitahara said with a smile.


Sato Shinobu smiled and nodded, then looked at his daughter.

Because what happened just now was too exciting, a slight light pink color could be seen on Sato Miwako's face and ears.

The relationship between these two people should not be ordinary colleagues, right?

No wonder my daughter doesn’t look for a blind date.

Thinking of this, she nodded happily.


Seeing the happy smile on Shinobu Sato's face, Miwako Sato called her helplessly.

She knew that her mother regarded Kitahara Hao as her boyfriend.

Wait - aside from anything else, if Kitahara Hajime is really her boyfriend.

Does that mean we no longer have to be forced to go on blind dates?

Thinking of this, Miwako Sato subconsciously glanced at Kitahara Hajime, her eyes flashing slightly.

After all, they all kissed——

What's wrong, Miwako? Shinobu Sato looked at her in confusion.

It's nothing, just like you thought, Beiyuan, he is my boyfriend!


044: Miwako, do you want some candy?

Kitahara, he is my boyfriend!

After Sato Miwako finished speaking, she licked her cherry lips that were still moist to the touch, and looked at Kitahara Hajime with her lavender eyes.


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