Why are you suddenly so close that you can call each other by name?

Obviously, the last time he was at the Medieval Museum, Kitahara was still using the honorific title of Miss Mori...

Do you even know?

Seeing Conan staring at him in a daze, Kitahara Hao rubbed his little head with some discomfort.

...I said that's it. Conan suppressed the doubts in his heart and said through gritted teeth, Sister Xiaolan has been living with her mother for a while, so she did not follow Uncle Maori.

Did Xiaolan go to Fei Yingli?

Hearing Conan's words, Kitahara Hao was slightly stunned.

This result really surprised him.

Um... do Brother Beihara and Sister Xiaolan have a good relationship? Conan, who was standing next to him, asked tentatively.

But I remember the last time we were in the Medieval Museum, you were still saying - it hurts!

You little brat, don't ask so many questions if you're fine.

Beihara Hao retracted his finger and said calmly.

Now that he knows where Xiaolan is currently, Conan is no longer of use to him.

Naturally, I can knock on it if I want!

Tsk, what...

Looking at Beitahara's back as he turned away, Conan smacked his lips and couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

You obviously started this topic, but you couldn't even ask a question out of curiosity!

This guy doesn't look like a policeman at all960!

Rubbing his aching head, Conan recalled the name Beihara Hao had just called him, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of nervousness in his heart. His eyes hidden under his glasses gradually narrowed.

Kitahara Hajime...could he be attracted to Xiaolan?

Thinking of this possibility, Conan's face turned a little pale.

On the other side, Kitahara Hajime was perfectly unaware of Conan's changes. He had returned to Sato Miwako's side, and his brown eyes were looking at the corpse in front of him.

How about it, have you found any clues?

Watching him come over, Sato Miwako, who was wearing gloves to observe the bullet holes in the wall, stood up and asked in a somewhat expectant tone.

Senior Sato overestimated me. I haven't even seen the corpse of the deceased yet. Kitahara Hao shook his head and said with a chuckle.

Even if he has the reasoning ability, he still needs to find some clues to restore the truth of the case.

The deceased was shot in the head, but the walls were surrounded by irregular bullet holes. From this, it can be seen that the prisoner was not proficient in the use of firearms.

After hearing Miwako Sato's discovery, Kitahara nodded in understanding, and then carefully observed the murder scene in front of him.

The deceased was slumped in front of the window facing the door, with blood splattered on the glass behind him. He was holding a mobile phone lightly in his hand, and it looked like he was talking to someone on the phone before he died.

Is it a murder case on a Japanese TV station...

Kitahara thought carefully, and he still had some impressions of this case.

If I remember correctly, the deceased seemed to have been tricked out of the window by the murderer using a phone, and then shot from upstairs.

Police Department, the deceased's name is Suwa Michihiko. He is 37 years old and is a producer at Nippon TV.

Based on the judgment at the scene, the murderer should have shot the deceased with a pistol, then threw him in the room and fled the scene.

The police officer responsible for collecting evidence at the scene told Memu Shisan about the information found.

There was no other exit to the room, so the murderer should have suddenly broken into the room, forced the deceased to the corner of the window, then shot him to death - and finally left the murder weapon on the scene and fled... That's it!

Mouri Kogoro gently pinched his chin and said to Officer Megure with a determined look on his face.

That should be the case... Mumu Shisan nodded subconsciously.

After all, Mouri Kogoro's reasoning was the same as what he thought. After all, the deceased's death posture was with his back to the window.

But - thinking about how this guy used to lead them astray when he was a detective, it felt like he was in a maze, so...

Brother Beihara, did you find anything there?

Mumu Shisan looked at his most capable subordinate and asked.

He still believed in his brother Kitahara more than Mouri Kogoro's reasoning.

The method of killing is already known.

Kitahara opened the window and glanced at the street below, then turned around and answered softly.

If the murderer was shot from upstairs, it means that the bullet passed through the glass of the window and hit the ground.

It seems that there is no need to use any reasoning hat this time.

Less than ten minutes after arriving at the scene, you already know the murder method?

After hearing his words, a trace of suspicion flashed across Conan's face, who was standing not far away and was looking for clues.

Isn't he coming to the same conclusion as the uncle?

Oh! Now, Brother Beihara, does he know who the murderer is?

Mumu Shisan's eyes lit up and he asked quickly.

The murderer...

Kitahara raised his eyes to look at the crying man who was surrounded by a group of reporters in the corridor, and then picked up the blood-stained phone from the deceased's hand with gloves on.

Senior Takagi, what does the man who is being interviewed by reporters outside do?

That person is Matsuo Takashi. His identity is the host of Nippon TV. In the past, he and the deceased were partners in planning a program together.

Takagi Wataru took out his investigation results and answered.

However, there are recent rumors that Suwa Michihiko is going to cancel his show, so there is some discord between the two...

The murderer is this guy.

When Beihara Hao heard the last sentence, a smile slowly formed on the corner of his mouth.

Although his memory was blurry, it was not impossible to recall completely.

Finish early and get off work early.

Almost half an hour has been wasted here.

You don't mean to say that he is the murderer, do you? Mouri Kogoro couldn't help but remind him, We have been recording the show since just now, and Matsuo Takashi has an alibi...

No, didn't Mr. Matsuo go to the toilet because of a stomachache? The show was on commercial time at that time.

Conan quickly stood up and retorted.

...It seems that he was gone for a few minutes? Mouri Kogoro held his chin and thought for a moment, then his eyes lit up, I know, it was during this time that Matsuo Takashi broke into the room and forced the deceased Get in the corner and shoot to kill!”

Your reasoning is really no brainer.

The corner of Beihara Hao's mouth twitched and he couldn't help but let out a sigh.

Come on, let's go there first.

As they walked out of the room, Kitahara also saw Matsuo Takashi crying in front of the camera.

I am here to announce to everyone that I will definitely inherit Suwa's legacy, continue to stay on this show as the host, and do my best to find his murderer!

The voice sounded very sad, but there was no sadness in the expression on Matsuo Takashi's face, and the corners of his mouth even slightly raised.

But anyone can tell that something is wrong with him.

Memu Police Department, have you found any clues about the murderer?

Seeing Megure Thirteen walking towards the room, Matsuo Takashi quickly asked.

Brother Kitahara——

Megure Thirteen ignored him, but turned to look at Kitahara Hajime, who was playing with the deceased's cell phone next to him.

Kitahara? Matsuo Takashi was slightly startled when he heard this last name.

As the host of a detective show, he has naturally heard of this policeman who has been in the limelight recently.

Not to mention that a few days ago, Kitahara Hajime helped Okino Yoko solve a bizarre suicide case.

Not only the clues, but I have also found the murderer, Mr. Matsuo.

Sensing Matsuo Takashi's gaze, Kitahara Hao held a cigarette in his mouth and said with a chuckle.

At this moment, the head of the Japanese TV station, who was watching the excitement in the TV station's screening room, suddenly lit up.

Quick, help me cut this part directly into the live broadcast!

But will this -

If any problems occur later, I will be responsible for them all!

Before the staff member could finish speaking, the minister interrupted him loudly.

This is a great opportunity to increase ratings!


Nakano family.

Ah, I feel like my empty head is being filled!

Nakano Ichika lay softly on the sofa, then turned on the TV in the living room, and looked at the notebook filled with knowledge with blurred eyes.

This is the result of her study today.

I don't know why, but I felt that the class Xiao Dora taught today was so engaging, and I didn't feel sleepy at all.

“And those math questions, I didn’t expect that even I could understand them!”

Nakano Yotsuba gently shook her rabbit headband and said something in a surprised tone.

She naturally knows how bad her grades are.

It is precisely because of this clear self-awareness that I feel a little incredible.

Xiao Dora is really awesome - eh?!

Nakano Yotsuba looked up at the TV and was stunned when she saw the playback screen in front of her.

Then her eyes widened and she let out an exclamation.

Look, everyone, Officer Kitahara is on TV!.

068: I really want to taste the taste of senior!

Where there!

Hearing Nakano Yotsuba's exclamation, the remaining three sisters quickly raised their heads and looked at the scene on the TV.

The daily sales channel that originally broadcast advertisements has now been converted to live broadcast.

The long corridor was already crowded with reporters and police, while Kitahara Hajime was standing in front of the camera, looking at Matsuo Takashi with a smile on his face.

With a handsome face and a thoughtful smile, if it weren't for the live broadcast logo in the corner of the screen, he would have looked like an idol drama being staged.

Nino, come out and see your Kitahara-kun!

Nakano Ichika immediately turned his head and shouted into the kitchen.


Hearing the sound coming from outside, Nakano Nino slowly poked his head out of the kitchen and looked at Nakano Ichika and the others with some confusion.

What's so fussy about—Hazy? !

Following their gaze, the spoon in Nakano Nino's hand fell to the ground with a bang. She slowly opened her beautiful eyes, and her lips opened slightly in surprise.

“Is this—a live broadcast?”

When Nakano Nino saw the live broadcast sign on the TV, his little mind understood it instantly.

She turned around and turned off the fire in the kitchen, then quickly walked to the soft sofa in her slippers and sat down, staring curiously at the picture on the TV with her blue eyes.

This was the first time she saw Kitahara Hao when he was handling a case.

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