At this time, Kitahara Hao suddenly asked softly.

You don't need to send it, I will find a way to go back myself.

Miyamoto Yumi refused the first post without even thinking, group 9.80?2ュ0 @5ヘ8?5♀6.

Just kidding, she didn't dare to let Kitahara take her home.

After all, she currently lives alone in an apartment. If Kitahara wants to do something to herself...0.5...there is absolutely no way to resist.

Occasionally, you have to trust your juniors, and - Kitahara Hao looked up and looked out the car window, and paused for a moment, It seems to have started to rain outside, and there probably won't be many taxis at this time.

If you wait like this, you might not get home by night.

...Tsk, did you do this on purpose?

Miyamoto Yumi got up from his arms, looked at the raindrops gradually falling outside the car window, turned her head and asked unhappily.

She felt like it was all planned in advance by Kitahara.

First, he deliberately made her drink vodka, and then took advantage of the rainy day to offer to take him home...

Does this guy really think she is a deceitful high school girl?

No, even if I don't go home tonight, I won't let you send me away!

Miyamoto Yumi crossed her hands on her chest and refused in a very firm tone, group 9.80?2ュ0 @5ヘ8?5♀6Juedao.

You are really defensive about me, senior.

Kitahara Hao pretended to sigh sadly, then turned to look at her and asked thoughtfully: Speaking of kissing a drunk person, shouldn't it be considered a drunk driving, right?

What do you want to do?!.

114: Miyamoto Yumi: If you capsize, I will be dead too!

What do you want to do!?

Miyamoto Yumi instantly moved her body closer to the car window, and looked at Kitahara Hao warily with a pair of dark brown eyes.

She is not an idiot, so she can naturally understand the meaning of this sentence.

Just asking out of curiosity.

Seeing her vigilant look, Beihara Hao couldn't help but chuckle.

At this time, Miyamoto Yumi was like a frightened little animal, as if any disturbance could scare her.

It’s so cute!

Get out of the car quickly, I have to find a way to get home.

Miyamoto Yumi did not let down her guard, looked at him with half-squinted eyes, and urged him.

She didn't even know how many times she had been deceived by Beihara Hao.

If you are still fooled, it would be a bit unjustifiable.

It's really just curiosity, but - Kitahara Hao listened to the sound of rain hitting the glass in his ears, stretched out his hand to touch her face and said, If you are disobedient, it is not just curiosity.

The space in the traffic police car was already small. Miyamoto Yumi looked at his stretched out hand and subconsciously wanted to avoid it.

But her whole body was already leaning against the car door. There was simply no other place to hide.

I...I know!

Miyamoto Yumi held the extended hand, closed her eyes tightly, and said in a complicated tone.

I'll just go with you.

After saying this, her head hung down feebly, as if she had exhausted all her strength.

Wouldn't it be better to do this earlier, Xiaoyumi.

Beitahara rubbed her long, silky hair and said with a chuckle.

...Don't add a small character in front of my name. Miyamoto Yumi slapped his hand away and said helplessly, I am eight years older than you!

12 I was threatened by him again.

It’s really a great shame in life.

There's no need to care so much about your age. I won't dislike you. Kitahara Hao stretched a little and said with a smile on his lips.

It’s none of my business if you don’t mind me!

Miyamoto Yumi glanced at him out of the corner of her eye, and then looked out the car window, feeling deep in thought.

I said you -

She looked at the raindrops falling on the car window and said in a long tone.


Kitahara Hao responded casually.

Do you just like people older than you?

Miyamoto Yumi held her chin, turned her head and asked him thoughtfully.

She discovered that Beiyuan completely ignored the young girls who came to her door during the social gathering.

But he just focused on himself and Miwako.

The only thing she and Miwako have in common is that they are both 28 years old.

There are no similarities between the rest. After all, one has short hair and the other has long hair. Miwako has a serious personality, but she likes to play pranks...

Apart from age, they have nothing in common.

It's just that I like the two of you. I don't have any preference regarding age.

Kitahara Hao shook his head and replied in a somewhat casual tone.

That's it...

Miyamoto Yumi nodded clearly, and then yawned lightly.

I'm sleepy.

It seems like I should go home and go to bed soon.

Let's go, it will get dark if we continue talking like this.

Kitahara Hao opened the car door and walked out. Raindrops fell on the tips of his hair, and then slowly fell to the ground, splashing raindrops.

His car was parked not far away.

So the two of them sat back in the car without getting caught in the rain.

Inside the silver-white Porsche.

Warm-colored lights illuminate the interior of the car, and the cold breeze is blocked outside the car door.

The apartment in Cupido Town, it will take about twenty minutes to arrive.

Kitahara Hao looked at the route displayed on the navigation system and raised his eyebrows slightly.

Speaking of which, he still knew that Yumi Miyamoto lived alone in the apartment.

You're not thinking of doing anything bad, are you?

Miyamoto Yumi asked suspiciously as she watched him staring at her home address.

I don’t know if giving him my home address is the right choice...

You are overthinking. If you wanted to do something bad, I would have done it a long time ago. Kitahara turned the car key and looked at the exit of the parking lot in front. There is no need to go to your house to do it.


So should I be happy?

Miyamoto Yumi crossed her slender legs and looked at the rainy scene outside the car window with a pair of dark brown eyes.

She was too lazy to talk to Kitahara Hagi.


On the streets of Cupido Town.

It was already approaching seven o'clock, still some distance from Miyamoto Yumi's apartment.

Ding dong~

In the silent car, a pleasant ringtone suddenly sounded.

Miyamoto Yumi subconsciously glanced at her mobile phone, but there was no new news coming.

This means that the ringtone comes from Beihara's cell phone.

She looked sideways and saw Kitahara taking out her mobile phone from her pocket.

Looking at your phone while driving can be dangerous, and it's still raining...

Miyamoto Yumi supported her chin with her hand and reminded softly.

If she normally caught him, she would have to give him a fine no matter what.

Unfortunately, now is not the time for her patrol.

Since you're off work, don't be so strict.

Kitahara Hao unlocked the phone screen with one hand and said disapprovingly.

If there is really any danger, his [Spider Sense] will give the message in advance.

So don't panic at all.

Be careful. I'll tell Miwako.

Miyamoto Yumi half-closed her eyes and said as if threatening.

This guy Kitahara doesn't look like a policeman at all.

After all, how can any policeman know and break the law...

But - she was more concerned about the pendant on Kitahara's cell phone than the violation.

Was that pink rabbit pendant a gift from Miwako?

After seeing the pendant on Kitahara's cell phone, Miyamoto Yumi was slightly stunned.

Based on her knowledge of Kitahara Hajime, there was no way she would hang a pink rabbit pendant on her mobile phone.

Then there is only one possibility, it must be given to him by someone around him - and that person is very important to him.

After all, no man likes pink, right?

She tapped her fingertips on her lips, and she couldn't help but start to speculate in her heart.

And on the other side.

After seeing the person who sent the message on his mobile phone, Kitahara Hao unconsciously raised the corners of his mouth.

It was sent from Nino.

It's almost seven o'clock now, so it's time for the quintuplets to go back.

With this thought in mind, Kitahara Hajime tapped her finger to open the LINE chat interface.

Nakano Nino: Why haven't you come back yet? It's probably because of some case (curious)

Nakano Nino: Since Mr. Ebata has to send dad to a party, we can't leave until eight o'clock.

Nakano Nino: After seeing the message, remember to reply to me~

Leave at eight o'clock...

Kitahara Hao could not help but be stunned for a moment, and then subconsciously glanced at the current time.

It had just reached seven o'clock, which meant that when he arrived home, the Nakano family's quintuplets were still at home.

After thinking for a while, Kitahara Hao tapped his fingers on the keyboard to reply.

Kitahara Hajime: I understand. Besides, I'll be home in about half an hour.

As soon as the message is sent, the status changes to read.

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