But she barely kept a smile on her face...

"No...it doesn't matter! We can wait for Tang En for ten thousand years!"

The evening breeze of early summer blew slowly, giving the girls a sense of coolness.

They looked up at the starry sky one last time, then turned and returned to the house...

The deepest part of the void.

That golden mirror surface is full of cracks!

There are countless people gathered here!

And standing at the front are the leaders of the major forces!

Whether it's a god, a demon, an angel, or a fallen angel!

No matter which force you are from!

Is it the Bible, or the East, or Greece, or Northern Europe!

Everyone must dedicate everything to this world!

"Old man Odin, since you have decided to participate in the eternal war, then the funeral arrangements should be made!"

"Bah, what about the funeral? Just let the boys below manage the Norse mythology on my behalf!"

"Aren't you too, Zeus!"

"Hahaha, don't you need to say that! We are all old! The world now belongs to young people."

"Haha, aren't you two afraid that your mythology system will be destroyed by young people!?"

"Oh? Emperor Shitian, you have the level of a sitting disciple, but you still have the nerve to criticize us!"


Obviously, the gods of each mythological system cannot deal with each other.

It's no wonder that their beliefs conflict.

Seeing the three parties bickering there, several people on the other side laughed.

"The battle between the big guys, I and other little shrimps and fishes can only watch the fun, right, Aton."

"Ruger, your funeral arrangements are also arranged!?"

"Hehehe, I am the only one we have there. I must be participating in the eternal battle, and those people are eager to see me!"

"Tsk, tsk, there are people like this in every force. Aren't they afraid that we will come out of the eternal war and ascend to the throne!?"

"Well, who can tell what will happen in the future!"

"Look, Sirzechs and the others are coming!"

"Haha, they are the most powerful force among us."

"If it weren't for that funny guy Li Lin, their demonic power alone would have three extraordinary beings..."

"Now there are two of them, okay!"

"This doesn't even count the boy who claims to be the God Emperor of All Realms!"

"...I admit, he is very strong!"

At this time, Serafuru raised her eyebrows.

"Twain is very strong. Everyone recognizes this. Do you still need to admit it?"


Big fish eat small shrimps, this is such a reality!

The same is true among gods.

Celtic mythology and Egyptian mythology are not as strong as biblical mythology, and you see, there is this bullying scene.

at this time……

A purple light illuminates the dark space deep in the void!

Unlike the gods!

If the divine brilliance of the gods can only be regarded as the light of fireflies in the depths of the void!

Then the coming purple-gold divine light is as dazzling as the sun!

Chapter 100 The Eternal Battle!

Everyone looked intently and saw this purple light suddenly appearing in the deepest part of the void, coming to them in a flash.

Then, the purple light turned into dots of light and dispersed, revealing the figure of its owner.

"It's him...he's coming!"

"Is this...the legendary God Emperor of All Realms, Uzumaki Tang En!"

"Although I have been hearing news about him recently, this is the first time I have seen him in person."

"Yes, the aura is indeed extraordinary!"

The gods around him, including those who had never seen Tang En before, were looking at him carefully.

Most people gave it a high rating.

But why does Tang En need their evaluation? ?

You must know that Tang En is a god above all realms.

It's not on the same level as them at all, okay?

Several people who were familiar with Tang En came over one after another!

"Twain, as I said before, you only have one chance."

"I know."

Tang En expressed his understanding and nodded.

After speaking, Sirzechs turned around and spoke loudly to the gods:

"Now that everyone is here, we are ready to enter! After this, this place will be re-sealed until Beast King 666 is killed or re-sealed!"

No matter which faction they came from, their expressions became serious.

This is not only about the survival of their world, but also about their lives!

As a god, wouldn’t he be greedy? How can it be.

You must know that their life span is infinitely close to eternity, no one wants to die!

If this was not their responsibility, I think many people would not come! ?

After speaking, Sirzechs nodded to Azazel beside him.

"Then it's up to you!"



Azazel shouted loudly!

Then, the entire golden barrier seal in the void suddenly lit up!

Slowly, a small dark crack appeared in the center!

The moment it opens!


The majestic roar struck the entire depths of the void in an instant!

That extremely terrifying aura caused the expressions of everyone present to change drastically!

Tang En glanced at the gods and was the first to go in!

With a "whoosh" sound, Tang En disappeared from everyone's sight in the blink of an eye!

"Let's follow!"


You know, the first person to enter has the greatest pressure!

But can Tang En care about this kind of thing?

"Hmph, we can't lose to a junior! Our faith can't be shaken!"

The gods looked firm, and suddenly they rushed into the crack one by one.

When the last figure disappeared, the space crack also closed.

Azazel waved his hand, and countless troops from all forces immediately surrounded him!

"Activate the 666 sealing technique!"


The next moment, everyone dispersed!

Then, silver light lit up from the hands of various superior angels, demons, and others!

These silver rays of light intertwine in the sky, and finally become more and more complex!

Time passed, and a huge silver seal covered the golden seal!

This is the result of Rossweisse's research!

It can be seen from this that Rossweisse's talent is not inferior to Jessica and Azazel at all.

"Let's hope they succeed."

Azazel whispered.

And standing beside him were all the subordinates of the commanders.

For example, Gurefia.

For example, the ACE of Heaven.

For example, Akeno's father.

When Tang En regained his clear vision again, he discovered.

This is a separate world!

Perception through the ten realms chakra eyes and the galaxies in the brain.

This place is completely different from Wanjie!

Here, there are no elements.

Whether it’s metal, wood, water, fire, earth, or wind and thunder!

Even the concepts of time and space do not exist here!

This is completely another plane, another dimension.

And then, Tang En's eyes narrowed tightly!

Standing in the middle of nowhere is a huge monster!

I don’t know how long the body is because it’s coiled up!

The whole body is dark in color, and black mist is emitting from the body!

And its huge eyes, the moment Tang En came in, stared closely at this little figure!


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