Tang En just smiled and did not answer.

In fact, apart from various souvenirs and photos, there is nothing else in his villa.

It was our first time here, so we were just amazed. Seeing that Mi Lei had been here many times, it was normal.

It was getting late and everyone was ready to leave.

Tang En sent them to the door of his yard and waved goodbye to everyone!

Looking at the people leaving, they smiled.

Destiny is really mysterious. Even classmates who play together will take their own paths in life.

Whether it is happiness or tragedy, emperor or common people, it is their own choice...

Tang En shook his head, turned around and returned to the villa, gently closing the door...

The next day, Tang En got up on time and began his 180 days as a fake student.

Just like usual, Lelouch and his little brother skipped class again!

Let Charlie keep complaining. Tang En just smiled and said nothing. He was thinking about something else.

I heard that the new governor of District 11 is on his way today. This Governor is the third prince of the Holy Britannia Empire, named Clovis LA Britannia.

Clovis LA Brittania's purpose is simple, she came here to find Lelouch and Nunnally.

In their eyes, Lelouch and Nunnally were already dead.

As the royal brother, he hopes to turn this place into a peaceful and pure land.

The starting point is good, and the people are kind...but...

Tang En thought about all this and took a deep look at Lelouch's empty seat.

After Clovis LA Brittania arrived in District 11, a grand induction ceremony was held, but Tang En did not watch it.

Just playing with a beautiful white skateboard in the living room.

This is what he recently tinkered with!

Don’t all the Nightmare Rider mechas in this world ride on pulleys... Okay, Tang En should also jump on the bandwagon!

An ordinary week passed like this.

On this day, Lelouch and Livar skipped class as usual. Tang En sat by the window, supporting his chin with his hand, squinting and looking out the window, wondering what he was thinking.

Chapter 5 Office Coolie

Report, the target has entered from β12 to β14!

It is moving at a speed of 80 kilometers per hour!

A super high-tech patrol plane was tracking a large trailer in the sky.

CCB is calling everyone, please send FLOOR5000 to FLOOR2 for you, combat code 3.

All mobile teams, please capture the target on D-81!

The security patrol aircraft in the sky monitored the terrorists' vehicles below and issued instructions to others through the radio.

With a speechless face, Tang En opened the door of the student union room, looked at the empty lobby, and grinned with a headache.

She also said that others were not serious, but Mi Lei herself was no match for them.

Tang En joined the student union, and for a while he was very good at handling documents.

Mi Lei and others noticed Tang En's working ability, hehe...

The next day, all the work, whether it was that of the student council president, vice president, or student council members, was delegated to Tang En!

In their eyes, Tang En was like a universal computer, able to solve any problem with ease.

Except for the allocation of funds from other clubs, which must be signed directly by Mi Lei, Tang En is doing almost all the work!

This made him confused!

Before coming to the student union room, Tang En had already prepared himself. It was estimated that these people were going out to play again. At this glance, it turned out to be the case!

Your sister...it's so sad to pretend to be an ordinary person. Is this the end of being mentally strong...

Tang En shook his head with a wry smile, sat at the table, and quickly started working. At the same time, he picked up the remote control and turned on the news channel.

He sat alone in the deserted student union room, processing various documents while listening to the reports on TV:

This is the scene from the terrorist bomb attack a few days ago, which killed eight Britannians and 51 other people.

The terrorist forces in District 11 have grown. The new Admiral, His Highness Clovis LA Brittania, has announced that these terrorists will be treated as priority targets. Please maintain a normal attitude.

As soon as the pen in Tang En's hand stopped, he started to look at the TV...

Oh, it's begun.

He smiled an imperceptible smile.

Counting the time, the secret test equipment over there has been hijacked...

Tang En quickly completed the final work, put it together, and disappeared into the student union room in a flash.

Slowly, Tang En walked out of his villa, put on sportswear, and skated through Ashford Academy.

At this time, school has ended and it is time for activities of various clubs.

Because it is a private aristocratic school, almost all students participate in various clubs.

School is also the busiest time now.

Hey, Charlie, where's Lelouch?

Hey, he was taken away by Livar.

Sneaking out again? Are you playing poker or chess this time?

Tch, they two have no self-awareness as members of the student union, and they actually took the lead in skipping classes.

They are gambling! Obviously their IQs are so high and their brains are so easy to use, but they don't need to be in a serious place! If you study hard, your grades will definitely... right!!

On the huge lawn next to the fountain in front of the teaching building of Ashford Academy, students gather in small groups here to enjoy the seductive beauties and the leisure time of their after-school life.

The most eye-catching thing is the three Mi Lei who are chatting.

Charlie was complaining that Lelouch and Leval, as members of the student council, did not abide by the school rules.


Let me tell you, Charlie, you don't feel very self-conscious, do you? You left all the work of the student union to me alone, and then you are here basking in the sun! You have the nerve to say that!

Tang En stepped on his skateboard, performed a super difficult fancy move, and stopped next to the three of them.

When she saw Tang En coming, Mireshali's expression suddenly changed!

Mi Lei threw away the bento lunch box, took two steps and hugged Tang En's arm. With a smile on her face, she spoke coquettishly to Tang En in a sweet tone:

Oh, it's Brother Tang En! Have you finished today's work!? That's really hard on you! Besides! Brother Tang En is so capable, shouldn't he help us little sisters with some strenuous work? Right, right, right?”

Tang En's face twitched when he saw that Mi Lei was trying to trick him again.

Even if you come here to give me benefits like this, I will never give in! Next time, you guys, please finish the work for me honestly! I'm going out to play!

After saying that, Tang En waved to the three girls and skated towards the school gate!

Ahhh! Brother Tang En, how can you be so heartless!

Tang En shivered directly.

This Mi Lei's heart is simply black!

In order for Tang En to work in the student union, he did everything possible!

Sliding out of the school gate, he walked towards the abandoned VO building.

Along the way, the handsome skateboard is definitely eye-catching.

Many people have not noticed that Tang En's skateboard does not require any foot assistance at all. As long as you step on it, you can keep sliding!

Would I tell you that this is the highest level of research into magic and technology?

The other side.

Damn it, I managed to steal it with great difficulty! It's all because of that funny Yucheng who didn't follow the plan!

The person who spoke was one of the two terrorists who were arrested by the police while driving a large trailer.

Facing the police plane monitoring them in the sky, the entire cab was filled with suffocating pressure.

It wasn't just him, the co-pilot, who was wearing a hat and showing a trace of her brown hair, was also nervous.

Through his perception, Tang En clearly captured the position of their car. He raised the corner of his mouth, and the skateboard under his feet suddenly accelerated, with a squeak sound and the speed increased again!

The eyes of pedestrians and vehicles on the roadside almost bulged out when they saw this kid who was risking his life on a skateboard!

I, Cao, brother, are you risking your life just to show off!

Yeah, be safe!


There was also a heartless driver who shouted at Tang En’s back:

Brother, where did you buy this skateboard? It's faster than my car, oh my god! It's so handsome!

Tang En ignored them completely, turned at the intersection on the street, and slid onto the viaduct.

Tang En kept gliding at a high speed, turned his head, looked at the commercial building in the center, and raised his eyebrows.

Next to the building, there is a huge screen that is broadcasting the terrorist attacks in the past few days.

Although dozens of people died in the attack, to Tang En, this was nothing more than child's play.

What he wanted to watch was not this, but another show.

Chapter 6 Exaggeration

Hahahaha, nobles are really the best!

Humph, because of your proud status, you will definitely pay! This time we made a lot of money! We also set a new record, 8 minutes and 32 seconds, tsk tsk!

Lelouch walked in front with a smile on his face.

The other party's thinking time is short, and he is stupid. People like nobles... are just parasites with privileges.

Livar was speechless.

Although he and Lelouch are both Holy Britannians, it is obvious that they are different from other Holy Britannians due to their living environment.

They do not exclude people from District 11. Of course, this varies from person to person and is not absolute.

Would you like to try with the residents of District 11 next time?

Haha, forget it. I don't think anyone in District 11 would waste time on this kind of sport. After all, we still have to survive. What has become of this place now, Livar, you don't know.

Hey... Lelouch, look.

Rivar did not reply to him, but reminded Lelouch to look at the big screen outside.

I kept you waiting for a long time!

It is now time to meet with the third prince of the Holy Britannia Empire, His Highness Clovis LA Britannia!

After the introduction of 510, the camera on the big screen was switched to a banquet hall.

Not only Lelouch and Livar saw it, but Tang En, who had been waiting for this show, also saw it!

Ha, the time is just right.

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