The corner of Tang En's mouth twitched. He really wanted to refute C.C. He would burst out in God Emperor mode and slap these ants to death, but obviously he couldn't do this. How could he still be fooling around when the world collapsed? What's more, there is a will body of the world spirit here. Those who break the rules, even if they are the gods of all realms, destroy the system of the world without any reason, they will be disrespected or even resisted by others. After all, such an approach, It’s no different than the restless elements of the world.

Hey, C.C. Don't be surprised for a while.

C.C curled his lips.

This man was not afraid of her, which aroused her infinite curiosity.

Not only that, but coming back from the dead would have been scary to ordinary people. After all, he said it himself and had been watching from the side, but he was directly shot in the head.

Couldn't the strange power make him waver at all...

Tang En lowered his head and met C.C's eyes, and he smiled.

A flick of the wrist...

Out of sight of the two of them, Tang En's snow-white skateboard was speeding towards the two of them at high speed!

Oh hahahaha, what a pity, Private Shumu! You are just one step away from the kingdom of heaven!

Suzaku lay on the medical bed and opened his eyes in confusion.

What came into his eyes was a man with long lavender hair, a slight dot, wearing round glasses, and a strange expression.

Behind him was a beautiful young woman wearing an orange military uniform, showing off her beautiful figure and neat short purple hair. She also held a pocket watch in a handkerchief.

If you look closely, you will see that the dial on the pocket watch is shattered. The cause is a bullet.

The protagonist's upper body was wrapped with a bandage. He was obviously injured, but compared to losing his life, he could already thank God.

Um...where is this?

Huh? Ah! This is still a concentration camp, but it's actually a medical vehicle in Britannia Logistics.?

Because His Highness Clovis is nearby, this is the safest place. Don't worry.

This is the command position of the entire army.

Centered around the royal command vehicle of Clovis LA Britannia, the third prince of Holy Britannia, surrounded by various defensive positions and this medical position.

There are countless Nightmare Cavalry mechas guarding the periphery...

Suzaku-kun, you can save a life, but this protects you!

This pocket watch is of good quality and can block bullets fired into protective clothing.

Is this something...important to you?

Suzaku looked at the cracked pocket watch and recalled something...

Yes, it is.

The Imperial Earl beside him, Lloyd Asplind, said to his female assistant Cecil Kermip:

I remember that the people in District 11 believe that everything has gods. This is the same?

That... road... how is the situation now?

Chapter 12 Please start your performance

I heard that the poison gas has spread, and a large number of people in District 11 have died. It seems that the prisoner has not been found yet.

Let's not talk about this matter for now, First Class Shumu, do you have any experience in driving the Nightmare Cavalry~A!

He didn't ask Suzaku about this on a sudden whim -.

As a soldier of Holy Britannia and a first-class soldier, driving mobile weapons should be the foundation of a soldier. It just depends on whether you have experience.

Moreover, when Suzaku was being treated, the instruments showed that Suzaku's physical fitness was far beyond that of ordinary people and could be described as extremely excellent.

In the eyes of this mad scientist, Suzaku is undoubtedly the most perfect core part of Lancelot, that is, the driver.

Suzaku was dumbfounded by the question. Although he has received training, a resident of District 11, there are regulations that prevent him from becoming a knight.

He looked at Cecil Kermi and Lloyd Asplind blankly.

My background means I cannot become a knight...

Haha, what if I said you can do it!?

A golden mobile armor key dangled in Lloyd Asplind's hand...



Lloyd Asplind didn't give Suzaku any time to rest. He grabbed his arm and put some clothes on him, then pulled him into the maintenance compartment at the back.

Congratulations~~~! The only super mecha in the world is waiting for you!

I'm telling you, once you get on it, you and your world will all change!

Lloyd Asplind was right. This white knight mecha named Lancelot possesses absolutely overwhelming technological content.

Even the newest mecha model of the empire is definitely no match for Lancelot...

Cecil Kermi was beside Suzaku, reminding Suzaku who raised his head and stared at Lancelot dumbfounded:

It depends on you...whether you want to sit on it.

Just when Suzaku hesitated, the concentration camp.

The battle here has become fierce!

The terrorist's lair was indeed found by the third prince with some intelligence, and it's right here!

Facing the Imperial Army, which completely crushed them in quantity and quality, the terrorists had no power to fight back!

Somewhere on the battlefield, a girl named Kallen drove a mecha she snatched from somewhere and shattered an Imperial mobile suit with a flying claw!

With tears in her eyes, she gritted her teeth and looked at everything outside.

You bastards of Britannia! They actually... actually... actually did this! Ahhhhh!

The anger in the girl's heart cannot be understood by outsiders at all.

Kallen now understands all this, and their actions have completely fallen into the enemy's trap.

In the eyes of Britannia, they snatched chemical weapons and were just used as bait! The real purpose is to eliminate their base!

Unfortunately, their base is in the concentration camp.

It's them, their organization! This has affected the people of District 11 here...

Karen, calm down! Calm down! Can you still move your Glasgow!

No... no problem! I'm here to attract the enemy's attention! I'll slap you and evacuate the people here quickly! Don't let the enemy carry out cruel massacres... please!

They only want to arrest us, those of the resistance organization!

I understand, but now we are surrounded like this...


Shan Yao, who was talking, was blown away by a sudden explosion, and the communication was interrupted. It seemed that it would take time to restore normal communication.

Ashford Academy.

Charlie is changing into her swimsuit.

Didi didi.


Just halfway through changing, her phone rang.

Hello? Lu Lu? What are you doing! You actually hung up on me at that time! Really...where are you! If you keep skipping classes like this, you will repeat the grade!

Hey, do you have a TV over there...

Ah, wait a minute, lend me this.

You turn on the news channel and see what happened in the concentration camp!?

Ah, there's nothing special to report, it's just martial law.

Is there no particular reason?

I don't know, I didn't explain it.

Lelouch's eyes flashed as he sat in the mobile armor.

I see, are you planning to make false reports to suit the needs of the military after everything is over?

Hello? Are you doing some weird gambling again?

Ah, I understand. By the way, give me a message for my sister. I will go back later today so Nunnally doesn't have to worry.


Charlie here’s eyes widened!

Before she could finish her words, Lelouch hung up the phone again...

The anger in Charlie's heart... suddenly surged up!

I was about to throw the phone away! At this time, the phone rang again.


Charlie raised her eyebrows!

I didn't want to answer the phone at first, but after thinking about it, I walked to the corner and answered the phone!

Hey, let me tell you, Lu...

Charlie, it's me, Tang En.'s classmate Tang En! What's wrong!

Ah. Today's student union will help Mi Lei and I take a leave. You can help me with tomorrow's work! I will go back later!

Ahhh! Why are you all like this! Lelouch is the same, and so are you!!!

What's wrong, Charlie, did Lelouch call you? They haven't gone back yet?

Yeah, it's really annoying! If you don't come back, then the only three students left are me, Mi Lei and Nina!? How can the three of us do the work of so many people! Besides, we are still girls! You have You don’t have any responsibility as a man!”

Ah, I'm sorry, Charlie. I'm going to hang up now! See you later!


Charlie looked at the phone call that was hung up again with a blank look on her face!

After receiving three critical hits in one day, Charlie was about to go berserk!

As a goddess-level beauty, when had she ever been so angry! ?

Ahhhhh, Uzumaki Twain!!! Lelouch!!! I'm going to kill you!!!

Hey, hey, hey...who made Charlie lose such a good temper...

Didn't you hear, it's classmate Tang En and classmate Lelouch...

It's understandable that Mr. Lelouch skips class every day... isn't Mr. Tang En always very easy-going? Why does he still make Charlie so irritable?

Hey, didn't you know that Tang En also skipped class this afternoon?

Uh... no wonder Charlie went berserk.

the other side.

Tang En hung up the phone with a bang.

But if you look closely, you can see that the phone is not in his hand at all, but in his arms, C.C is holding it for him and putting it to his ear to talk.

Oh, I didn't expect you to have good luck with women.

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