...You mean E.U? Is it...that E.~U??

Not only Lelouch, but also Charlie, Leva-Er and others were a little confused this time!

E.U, how could they not know?

There are four huge forces in this world.

The first one, of course, is the super empire that conquered one-third of the world, the Holy Britannia Empire!

Its territory is spread all over the world. The entire America, including North America, South America, and the Arctic Circle, are all its territory! In addition, the Asian region includes the former Neon which was renamed District 11, of course.

The second one is E.U United Nations! Its territory is only slightly smaller than Holy Britannia. The territory of the E.U United Nations is most of Europe plus all of Africa and part of Asia.

The only one who can compete head-on with Holy Britannia is this powerful E.U. United Nations! Although in terms of military strength, it is far behind Holy Britannia.

The third one is the Chinese Federation in Asia! Its territory includes most of Asia, including Southeast Asia. This is also a very powerful force.

The fourth is the Commonwealth of Australia.

Tang En, you... still have friends in E.U?

Charlie is a bit cute.

Ah, I feel quite nostalgic when I think about it. Speaking of it, we're not really friends. We just met on the road. We just got along very well. I don't know how he is doing now.

By the way, Lelouch, do you want to go to the Commerce Building later? I found a pretty good game arcade!


Charlie suddenly frowned. Tang En actually wanted to run out to play again!

What to do with the work of the student union!

Ah... I'll just make it up tomorrow.

Lelouch smiled slightly.

No, I found something more fun, more exciting than playing video games and chess!

Hey? Can you take us with you?

This won't work. I advise you to give up. Hahaha.

Charlie looked confused... They had to go out to play no matter what, and each one was more exaggerated than the other!

Let's go Charlie!

Tang En patted her shoulder and separated from Lelouch and others.

He is responsible for sending Charlie back to the girls' dormitory.

The two of them were walking in the corridor and happened to pass by Kallen who was about to go out on the other side...

A glimmer of light flashed in Tang En's eyes.

I thought to myself:

It seems that Lelouch asked Kallen out...then the big drama should start tomorrow.

Twain, I'm going back! See you tomorrow!

Ah, Charlie! See you tomorrow!

The two people were walking in the school, and the classmates had already become accustomed to it. Even if Tang En sends Xia Li back to the girls' dormitory, it is considered normal among the students now!

The last time the two of them flirted in front of the whole class and the teacher was quite memorable.

Ever since the two were misunderstood by their classmates at school, they had just let things take their course. Faced with this fact, Charlie had no choice but to comply with everyone's wishes... Anyway, the feeling Tang En gave her, great.

Return home.

Hey, C.C. Do you want to watch the show tomorrow? Or, you want to meet your contractor.

C.C's eyes were always fixed on the anime on TV, without even looking at Tang En.

Of course I'm going. I thought about it today and decided to forget about meeting the contractor.

Hearing her reply to him, Tang En's lips curved into a smile.

C.C gave up meeting Lelouch, so it proved that his words had an effect on C.C's heart, or in other words, they had some weight.

Tang En walked to her side and sat down.

Xu Mu Zhuque will be sent to a military court tomorrow. I wonder how many interesting things will happen along the way?

You are such a boring person.

Believe me C.C, you will become like me in the future.

The amount of information in your sentence is really quite large.

Kallen was guided to the iron tower in the city center by Lelouch's recording, and then followed the instructions and boarded the tram.

The imperial military on the other side is preparing to send Suzaku to a military court tomorrow.

I have to say that you did a good job in the memorial program for His Highness today. But it was a bit too tear-jerking.

Uncle Orange Remya Goldbald sat behind a large desk and said to the reporter Ditohart Little in front of him.

Your Excellency, this is the kind of tear-jerking program the public is looking forward to.

Okay, I admit your ability. Since you did a good job this time, let me ask you one more thing. Tomorrow night, we will send Suzaku Shumu to a military court.

Haha, let me guide the patriotic Britannians along the way.

It's easy to talk to smart people. Remember to show his face during the escort. This is your chance to make a name for yourself.

Sir Jeremiah, I have to remind you that many people in District 11 regard Private Suzaku Shumu as a hero. After all, you know the resistance organization.

It's very possible that prisoner hijackers will attack us on the way this time.

Hmph, I will personally take action. If anyone dares to block the car, I will kill him on the spot!

Lelouch, wearing a black uniform, black cape and mask, stood in the carriage of the tram.

On the opposite side, Kallen, Shan Yao and others were confronting him.

How's it going? What do you think of this trip? The concession on the left and the concentration camp on the right!

I admit that there is a big gap between us in Britannia, so as a resistance organization...

Are you kidding me? Do you think you can defeat the Holy Britannia Empire with terrorists like you who can only play house and do nothing? Do you think your joke is funny?

You mean... knock down?

You have always had the wrong goal. What you want to defeat is not the British people, but the Holy British Empire! If you want to resist, go and start a war! Don't involve civilians. This is justice. What you have done before is nothing. !?

Stop joking, who can't talk nonsense? We will never believe you, a person like you who hides your face and hides your face! Unless you can show us your true face.

You can see my true face, yes. But I'm not showing you my true face, but my power! I believe that having power can help you win, so you should believe it a little bit.

By the way, remember my name, my name is ZERO!

Chapter 28 The hearse drifts

Another secret meeting place. There are dozens of soldiers in military uniforms gathered here. Looking at the huge national flag on the wall, they are the ex-Neon Soldiers who have perished.

The leader was none other than Todo, whose name the third prince called out once. They were considering whether to go and watch the Suzaku procession.

However, he gave up in the end. It was obvious that this man Toudo was not a kind person, and he was brave and resourceful. It is no wonder that only such a person could survive under the encirclement and suppression of the powerful Holy British Empire army.

The time has come for Suzaku to go to court-martial.

The entire straight central avenue of the concession has been placed under martial law.

The parade is also being broadcast live on TV.

The time is coming, the time is coming! Dear viewers in front of the TV, please look at the crowds of people along the way, everyone is waiting!

The student union room of Ashford Academy is also watching this live broadcast.

Looking carefully, there were only Mireille, Charlie, Leval, and Nina in the student union room.

As for Tang En, Lelouch and Kallen, they all disappeared.

As for the reason, it’s okay not to say it. They are all random nonsense anyway.

The suspect who killed His Highness Clovis, the honorary Britannian Suzaku Suzaku, is passing through this road! Everyone is waiting for the former citizen of District 11 Suzaku Suzaku to be escorted through this place!

The people nearby are waiting!

Suddenly, at the end of the street, rows of Britannia Army mobile suits appeared!

Ah! It's coming, it's coming! I can see it! It's the suspected Shumu!

Suzaku was surrounded by countless mobile suits on the roof of the armored vehicle in the middle. His hands and feet were shackled, and there were soldiers guarding him with guns.

There was only reluctance and silence on his face.

Damn it, give His Highness to us! You murderer!

Damn District 11 people! Bah! How did you get along with the honorary Britannia! You are so blind!

Damn bastard! Why don't you go to a military court? Just shoot him on the spot!


Countless civilians held tomatoes, rotten eggs, and mineral water bottles in their hands, and threw them at Suzaku crazily. He was in a panic for a while.

Watching the live broadcast on TV, Earl Lloyd and his deputy, Cecil, who wanted to protect Suzaku, could only sigh with excitement.

Lloyd, is there nothing we can do?

There is nothing we can do. The court has decided not to accept our testimony. What can we do?


You should understand this kind of case. We couldn't get in touch with that person at the summit, so we have nothing to do now.

After speaking, Lloyd looked at the new Lancelot standing next to him.

Then his expression changed.

Damn it, there is no better driver than Suzaku! Without Suzaku, how can I defeat that mysterious enemy! These idiots in the empire don't understand the power of that mysterious enemy at all. They will only fight for power and profit below, ha! Wait for the situation to unfold. When you can’t control it, it’s too late!”

If Tang En knew that Lloyd thought so, he would definitely applaud him.

It seems that the empire still has people who understand. The following group of officers are fighting for control of the army because of the death of the third prince Clovis. They have completely forgotten about the mysterious organization or... the mysterious organism that defeated the resistance elements and Lancelot.

Listen! The voice of resentment is gradually rising! This is proof of how much His Highness is loved! This is also a call for justice to punish terrorists!

Look, the one who is entering now is Count Jeremiah Border, who has been working hard to properly handle this incident! He is personally commanding as the acting consul!

On the wide street, there were originally only four mechas escorting them, but for some reason they turned into a large group!

Smart people may have thought about whether this is a sign of something...

As we get closer and closer to the court, the atmosphere becomes more and more solemn, whether it is Lelouch, the middle school boy who has changed his clothes and transformed into ZERO, or the Imperial Army who is escorting them.

Report, His Excellency Consul Jeremiah, a car is driving from the third security line to the main line, although according to the previous instructions of the plan, no security check has been carried out.

Are you worried about terrorists?

This... they are driving the hearse of His Highness Clovis...

Oh, interesting. Let them come over!


In the sky that no one pays attention to.

The elegant and beautiful super magical modified version of the Unicorn Gundam uses the fluttering fruit ability that Tang En studied from the leisurely ship combined with the magical ability. It floats quietly in the sky, and the injectors driven by the magic power on its back are always Remaining still. Turn on the black technology invisibility ability all over your body and completely integrate with the surrounding space.

In the cab.

Tsk, look over there.

Tang En reached out and pointed, and the picture on the other side suddenly enlarged and appeared on the main holographic screen.

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