Then...he missed the opportunity to meet Yuffie.

Tang En and Yuffie were walking on the street.

By the way, I haven't introduced myself yet! I am...

Yuffie thought for a moment.




Euphie's crimson waist-long hair, coupled with her girl-next-door dress, exuded a vital and youthful aura, like a little angel.

Tang En had never seen this feeling in any woman.

As they spoke, the two people walked past the location near the court.

Although there were many people shopping here, Tang En still saw Shumu Suzaku carrying a luggage bag and a band-aid on his face at a glance.

Not only him, Yuffie, who was walking with her, also noticed.

Hey! Suzaku-kun! We're here to pick you up!

Cecil stood on the side of the road, leaning against the maintenance vehicle and waving to Suzaku!

That 19 is... the celebrity Shumu Suzaku?

Tang En said to Yuffie.

Yuffie stared at Suzaku.

Yes, he is really a celebrity. Although his reputation is very bad, I think he must have his own ideals to become like this. Even I can see that he was completely framed.

Huh? Can you see this too?

The two of them were not paying attention to Suzaku, but walked directly past here.

However, Lloyd, who was sharp-eyed, still saw the two of them.

He looked confused.

Ah? Why?... Huang...

Lloyd, what are you looking at?

Ah! It's nothing. Let's go back!

As smart as Lloyd, he didn't want to talk nonsense to the royal family, not to mention that he knew exactly what the third princess was like.

Walking on the commercial street, Yuffie was very happy. She felt that walking here was no different from being in Britannia.

Everyone is living a peaceful daily life. They are all running for life.

There is happiness and there is bitterness.

Is Yuffie from your own country?

Yes! I was a student until last week!

Tang En nodded. Judging from Yuffie's appearance, she was only about 16 or 17 years old. She might be the same age as Charlie and the others from school.

You were still a student until last week, so why are you coming to District 11 now? You must be a high school student. Now is not a good time to travel to District 11, right? Not to mention you can come anytime.

Why isn't now a good time to travel, Tang Enjun?

Tang En smiled.

Now we are walking in the concession, Yuffie. Don't think that this place is no different from Britannia on the surface. That's because this is the British concession. Once you leave here and go to the concentration camp, you will find that 11 The district and the concession are two completely different worlds.” that so? So Tang En, can you take me to visit the concentration camp? I'm very interested in it.

Looking at Yuffie's solemn request, Tang En raised his eyebrows.

He doesn't have a unicorn in his hands now. If something happens, is it possible that he can use inhuman strength to crush those ants to death? What does this make Yuffie think?

Yuffie herself didn't tell her identity, so how could Tang En not know.

The third princess of the Holy Britannia Empire, Euphemia LI Britannia.

And the reason why I saw her running out of the house today was probably because today was her last day of vacation. She came to District 11 with a letter of appointment, as the deputy governor of District 11...

Huh...Okay Yuffie. I'm not from District 11 or Holy Britannia, but as for the concentration camp, I'm fairly familiar with it. But I have to warn you, the concentration camp is very dangerous, especially the people there. I hate Britannians very much, I want to make this clear to you in advance.”

…Why do they hate Britannians?

Yuffie didn't understand.

Tang En smiled and shook his head. While leading Yuffie towards the concentration camp, he explained to the young princess:

Yuffie, although I don't know your identity, and I don't care. But judging from the fact that you don't know why the people of District 11 hate Britannians, your identity should be very noble. Unfortunately... you need There is still a lot to learn.”

Let me tell you, all this is because of the aggressive war launched by the Holy Britannia Empire against Area 11. You may not have personally experienced the horror of war. It is not something a girl of your age can imagine. War is a machine Meat grinder. Although the Holy Britannia Empire has won and now maintains a semblance of peace. But you don’t know how much pain this war has brought to the people of District 11. Countless people have lost their lives because of this war. Wife and children separated.

Can you imagine such an emotion? Hatred, this is inevitable...


Yuffie remained silent.

The two of them walked like this, with Tang En not disturbing Yuffie's thoughts. Because the concession was only 30 minutes away from the concentration camp, and the two of them were not far from the concentration camp, it only took 15 minutes to walk to the concentration camp area.

Look, Yuffie. This is a concentration camp.

Tang En's words awakened Yuffie from deep thought.

She looked around and saw that the high-rise buildings, streets, parks, everything here had turned into ruins, a huge concentration camp, and no place was intact.

Walking slowly on the bumpy streets, Yuffie felt sad in her heart.


Yuffie, who was wearing high-heeled shoes, accidentally stepped into a pit, and Tang En quickly picked her up.



Tang En let go of Yuffie's waist and looked up together with Yuffie.


This is the end of the war a few days ago. The entire concentration camp is finished.

In front of the two of them, there were cemeteries. It is said to be a cemetery, but in fact it is just stone pillars made of construction waste stuck there, with photos and white cloth posted on them.

Yuffie watched all of this with ecstasy, and murmured:

Is my ideal... impossible to realize?

Tang En said nothing.

Regarding Yuffie, Tang En could understand her thoughts.

This is a beautiful princess who is innocent, kind and enthusiastic, and completely different from other royal families.

After seeing the tragedy in District 11, he voluntarily came to District 11 and became the deputy governor.

She hopes to change the current situation between District 11 and the Empire, and hopes that they can live together peacefully instead of like they are now.


This book is compiled by [Tsuki no Eternity Pavilion], and the copyright belongs to the original author. The text is for trial reading only!

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Chapter 35 I am studying at Ashford

Facing Yuffie's questioning whisper, Tang En chuckled.

Yuffie, only being strong is the foundation of everything. Weakness is not allowed. Because weakness is the original sin.

Yuffie suddenly raised her head and looked at Tang En with blank eyes.

Strong...big? As long as you are strong, that's enough...

Weakness is not allowed.

Tang En waved his finger and pointed to the dilapidated land in the distance.

Look, this world is full of sorrow, hunger, sickness, malfeasance, corruption, discrimination, war, and terrorism!

Over and over again, this chain of sadness and pain is repeated in an infinite loop!

Don't you think this is a stupid endless loop? Yuffie.

Yuffie was shocked... She never imagined that this man could actually say such words as if he could see everything in the world.

That's right, what Tang En said is absolutely correct! This is what is fundamentally wrong with the world! This world is sick, wrong, and has not changed at all.

Yuffie, if you want to change the relationship between District 11 and the Holy Britannia Empire, or even... change the world. Then you should know one thing, this stupid death cycle must be broken, and someone must Stand up and cut off the chain of sorrow of infinite reincarnation. But...who this person will be is not something I, a civilian student, know. But the person who can do all this must not be a mortal.

Yuffie was shocked! This... is the same goal she has been pursuing!

Her eyes slowly glowed as she looked at Tang En's plain eyes, and Tang En also looked at this spiritual attention seeker.

Although I say this, I have to remind you, Yuffie. All of this is under ideal circumstances. Moreover, those who can do this cannot eliminate everything.

Then...if such a person appears, what can he achieve?

Yuffie wanted to know what Tang En would predict next.

Ah, if such a person appears, I think he can only do it... He doesn't have to let the people he truly loves disappear around him, and let them live in a world without war!? This should be the limit.

With the setting sun behind him, Yuffie discovered that there seemed to be something different about the ordinary young man he met on the street.

His eyes seemed to be able to see through all the fog and reach the essence of things! Although her whole body was extremely ordinary, there was a faint nobility in her bones that made Yuffie, the third princess, have to take a second look. As smart as she is, and with Tang En's words, Yuffie knows that this man is a powerful person!

A world without war... This kind of perfect, satisfying world, how can we achieve it...

Tang En smiled softly.

It's very simple. Haven't you figured it out yet? This world needs a winner... and the war will end! mean!? Continue to wage war?

Tang En spread his hands.

I didn't say that? Who knows about this kind of thing? But if a war breaks out? Who would it be? Britain? E.U? China? Or... District 11?

Yuffie stared blankly at Tang En, thinking about his words.

Although she appreciated Tang En's words, Tang En's methods were contrary to her dreams.

Yuffie doesn't want a war to break out, so they can coexist peacefully. But this is just an idealized world after all.

Face resources, power, strength! This kind of thing will never happen on this planet.

Tang En, your words really opened my eyes. I can understand that you are now...

I study at Ashford Academy.

Are you still studying?

Huh? Don't I look like a student?

Yuffie shook her head. Tang En's words gave her the illusion that Tang En could not be a student at all. How can students have such a deep understanding of the world?

Ha, there are many capable people in the school, and I am just an inconspicuous little shrimp among them. Maybe some students can even destroy the world. can this be...


A violent explosion came from the stadium next to the two people. Following the sound, thick black smoke was already rising.

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