After school, Tang En walked home.

When he stood at the door of his house, he noticed something was wrong.

For example...a corner of the back garden is exposed, and riding a horse feels like it has been blown away by a hurricane!

The corner of his mouth twitched, and he knew what was going on!

Open the door, change your shoes, take off your clothes, walk through the entrance hall and come to the living room.

Otherwise, C.C was lying lazily on the sofa. ……

I'm hungry……


Tang En was in trouble!

My little sister, can you be quieter next time when you collect unicorns? You have made my backyard look like this again!

Ah, I'm in a trance because I'm so hungry! It's all your fault.

Blame me!???

Tang En suddenly raised his voice.

There's nothing in the refrigerator, so you have the nerve to say you're an otaku?


Tang En was speechless. That's really what happened.

Okay, okay, I always eat freshly bought food. I'll buy it tomorrow. You can eat this first tonight.

Under C.C's gaze, Tang En touched his hand into the void...

Then he started to take things outside.


Looking at this fish fillet that was bigger than the dining table, even the well-informed C.C almost had his eyes popping out!

What...what is this?

Ah, this is the food I have collected. Try it. It's quite delicious. And it's not just food. It can greatly improve your physical fitness. this called?

Ah, you don't know about the meat from the Neptune species. Well... I don't know for now. You will know later. You taste it first.

C.C looked at Tang En suspiciously, but in the end she took the fish fillet Tang En cut for her and put it into her mouth with a fork.


Hmm... it's delicious! It tastes better than pizza! If you make this fish fillet into a pizza, it will be super delicious! I'm absolutely convinced, Tang En! I will eat this every day from now on!


Tang En's heart twitched, Neptune is a rare product in this world! Eat a little less! You have to keep eating! ? ?

While Tang En was living a small life of flirting with girls in school.

The second princess, the new governor of District 11, the second princess, Princess Warsong, and the royal sister, Her Royal Highness Cornelia, are frantically looking for traces of Zero.

But Lelouch was safely in school, how could he possibly find him?

If Zero can't be found, those resistance forces will be in trouble!

Because Zero's appearance set off various resistance forces with signs of resistance, they were all uprooted by Cornelia one by one.

No, today the largest resistance force in the central part has just been completely destroyed by Cornelia.

Chapter 39 Equality? inequality

Hmph, it seems that Zero is not here at all! It would be troublesome to sweep them one by one!

You can just rot here!

Da da da da da da!

Cornelia is indeed the most powerful princess known as the Holy British Witch.

The next day.

Since it was a holiday, all the clubs in the school were quite lively.

After the funds were distributed, all the student unions were idle for a while because there were no large-scale activities. No, Tang En is enjoying his leisure time at home.

Like C.C, Tang En was lying lazily on the sofa, with the bright and spacious floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking most of the school campus.

Tang En closed his eyes and thought about all kinds of things in his mind, such as what clothes to buy for his wives, what gifts to bring, what interesting specialties there are in the world, etc...

C.C, who was eating snacks across from him, glanced at him and stopped paying attention to him, instead focusing on the snacks in front of him.

Now, I said Tang En...

Huh? What's wrong?

C.C had salad hanging from the corner of her mouth and holding the Neptune sub-sauce pizza that Tang En had made for him in her hand. She blinked her eyes and asked in confusion:

That... is Lelouch's cosplay mask!


Tang En was so frightened that he almost sat down on the ground. If that ZERO mask appeared in his house, he wouldn't be able to wash it off even if he jumped into the Yellow River! Twain will never allow such a huge trouble to happen!


After a moment of retreat, he stood up.

Here, look at that cat...

Tang En's mouth twitched, it was indeed the cat named Arthur! But luckily, they didn't come to beat him at home.

Look, the whole school seems to be catching that cat! It looks so interesting!

Tang En breathed a sigh of relief. What was supposed to happen happened, but he didn't want to get involved. He didn't know if his fate would change because of his appearance. He could only help Lelouch and pray!

If he is finished, who will help Tang En to end the world in chaos?

Fortunately, no fundamental changes occurred. In the end, Suzaku helped Lelouch get the mask.

Tang En saw this scene from a distance at home.

Wow, is this the kind of plot you like? Men having sex with men? You have such a bad taste.

The expression on C.C's face seemed to be that she had discovered some important secret...

Hey, isn't this a wonderful ending? Besides, Lelouch only has his sister in his heart. Not to mention gay, he won't even look at a girl.


C.C lay lazily on the sofa again, posing seductively as she watched Tang En clean up the mess she made.

While tidying up, Tang En chuckled.

I don't know if Nunnally can still walk now. But her eyes are not blind. I can feel the breath of GERSS on her body? Who told Nunnally not to open her eyes? Where is GERSS? This is really an interesting thing! Could it be that he is your contractor again, C.C. Or is he another colleague of yours?

C.C had a huge wave in his heart! He thought that no matter how much Tang En knew, he still couldn't possibly know everything!

But now this statement made it clear that he not only knew, but also knew it comprehensively.

You... you actually know the existence of that person clearly, and you can actually sense the changes in the GERSS person's breath! You are indeed a monster!

Tang En suddenly put his face in front of C.C:

I said C.C. I am invincible. You may have understood something wrong. I am not talking about being invincible in certain areas, but...all of them!

C.C stared at Tang En's eyes seriously. Apart from confidence, there was no emotion in Tang En's eyes. He didn't lie.

Really...then Mr. Monster, what is your purpose of hiding in the school?

Tang En straightened up, shrugged his shoulders and continued to clean up.

I told you a long time ago! For the happiness of the people I love and the people who love me, and at the same time enjoy the leisure life of this world.

A leisurely... life?

Ah! I'm a very troublesome person, but I always like to join in the fun. This is very contradictory. That's why I don't want to expose my identity.

Tch, that's hypocritical.

By the way C.C, I know that woman sometimes chats with you in your C world, but I hope you can control what you should and shouldn't say.

C.C really stared at Tang En seriously this time.

It seems you are more than just a monster...who are you!

I am God, do you believe it?

This kind of joke is not funny at all.

Ah, yeah! It's not funny at all.

President, our school stipulates that you must join a certain club, but...

Ah, since it's your request, there's nothing we can do.

Because of Lelouch's plea and Suzaku's own performance, these students were also conquered.

Therefore, he legitimately joined the student union and gained a firm foothold in Ashford Academy.

Don't think that Yuffie simply asked Suzaku to come here to go to school. She also asked Lloyd and Cecil to park their vehicles near the school entrance.

In this way, Suzaku can go between school and the army without delay.

After the morning's farce is over, the whole school will hold an assembly in the afternoon.

The speaker at this conference was not Ashford, the school’s chairman, but the third prince’s memorial service!

In the school playground, a huge screen has been installed long ago.

And what is playing above is the home auditorium of the Holy Britannia Empire...

Directly under the podium, there were rows of people sitting.

They are the various nobles and royal members of the empire!

A large photo of the third prince, Clovis, was hung in the most eye-catching place!

And on the podium, an old man with egg-rolled hair stood there!

It was none other than Charles DI Britannia, the 98th generation and 11th emperor of the Holy Britannia Empire!

The moment the emperor appeared!

The expression on Lelouch's face changed.

This scene was also seen by Tang En and C.C who did not attend the ceremony but looked through the floor-to-ceiling windows.

Oh, such huge hatred and strong emotional fluctuations, I can feel it from so far away.

C.C was playing with the unicorn's gorgeous activation key in her hand.


Yes, C.C. I wonder what you think?

Huh? Can you defeat GERS alone? You know...

You must know that this emperor is also a GERSS user, right?

I really can't hide it from you.

This emperor has become a bit crazy now because of his stupid wish, but I have to say that people are not born equal. He is correct in advocating the law of the weak and the strong.

Can't you see that you are the same person?

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