Guess what would have been the result if we had chosen 3.6 to fight the war completely?

Suzaku's philosophy is to rely on humanity to inspire those around him. At the same time, he does not want his friends and lovers around him to be harmed in any way, and he can also protect the weak.

Lelouch's method of changing the world is much more direct, that is, first completely destroy the world! Create it again! Although this is inhumane, he is willing to bear these hatreds and resentments himself, which is why he wants to embark on the path of Shura!

You may not know the outcome, so let me tell you. The Chinese Federation and E.U will intervene in Area 11 at the same time, and the entire Neon will be divided into three parts, and the battle will continue until now. It seems you still don't understand. The present peace is the product of a sudden and unconditional surrender.”

Cold sweat broke out on Suzaku's forehead.

That's right! I fight to prevent the peace built by my father from collapsing!!!

Chapter 74 The third cheater

Yuffie and others wanted to know what Zero and Suzaku were talking about.

How about it, can you hear their conversation?

The sensor noise is so loud that I can't hear it clearly.

Yuffie was silent. You know, the Yuffie now is not the Yuffie before.

She knows very well about ZERO's identity. Yuffie also knew his purpose.

So she didn't care much about the Black Knights' attack. No matter how you say it, they are all relatives, and the extent to which she cares about the world has dropped a lot. Because of Tang En's appearance.

During the confrontation between Suzaku and Lelouch, Lelouch dismissed what Suzaku said.

Guardian? Peace? You are wrong.

It was not the elected Prime Minister Shumu who surrendered, but the decision of whoever killed him! The government's chain of command was in chaos, so it had no choice but to surrender! Shumu Suzaku, do you understand! The will of the people has been deprived of it! By a criminal who violated the rules! Arbitrarily...

As his whole body twitched, Suzaku was stunned.

19 Why...why, you will know!

ZERO stepped forward and made progress...

You now have a chance at redemption.


Personally show the path that the Neon people could not choose at the beginning, which confront the Holy Britannia Empire. This was an opportunity that was stolen seven years ago.

When Suzaku heard the word confrontation, he suddenly woke up!

Confrontation? War? That again!

Haha, this is also a path. Do you want to impose your thoughts on others forever? Do you want to say that being dominated by your thoughts is the peace? Hahaha, it's so funny, imposing others' thoughts and What is the difference between using force to conquer others' peace? In the end, they are all slaves! Brainwashing and force, no one should say who is despicable, because they are both despicable!

However, just after he finished speaking, a contact appeared in Suzaku's communicator!

Can you hear me! I am the commander of Shikin Island! I will release ground-attack missiles on the terrorists! Please drag the terrorists there!

Lelouch also heard the message!

I was shocked!

Asshole, are you ordering your subordinates to die!? Such a method...

Suzaku didn't hesitate at all, turned around and took control of ZERO.


At the same time, Yuffie also received the order to prepare for launch!

What? Whose idea was this?

Sorry, Lieutenant Governor, this is a quasi-first-level order. To withdraw the order, you need the consent of the Governor or above or three general-level officers.

I'm asking you, who is the person who issued this order? Let me contact the other party.

I'm sorry, this is a quasi-first-level order, Lieutenant Governor Euphemia.

Yuffie gritted her teeth and looked at the officer in front of her.

Since you can't withdraw the order, go ahead yourself! Because she knew that that man would definitely appear, because he said that when she was in danger, he would definitely appear!

Therefore, Yuffie made a bold move, that is... boarding an ordinary mecha.

My Royal Highness! There is a limit to your willfulness! That is a group of ground-attack missiles!

Disregarding the officer's words, Yuffie drove her mecha and rushed towards Suzaku and Zero's place.

Although Suzaku was not her knight, he was promoted by her. If he were to die here, her majesty would be severely humiliated.

On the other hand, it’s because of ZERO.

That's Lelouch, that's her cousin!

The headquarters obeyed the order of His Highness. In fact, when Suzaku was notified, the ground-attack missile group was already on the way.

However, these ground-attack missiles only played a delaying role.

Facing the counterattack of the black-tech mobile armor, all the missiles were knocked out.

When the whole army was about to be annihilated, the situation was quite chaotic.

Suzaku kidnapped ZERO, and the two wanted to die together!

Kallen was forced to do the second red lotus move!

Suzaku! I am Kallen Schoutenfeld from the student council! Look here! Release ZERO quickly!!!

It's a pity that all Suzaku's attention is now focused on ZERO!

It is the duty of a soldier to obey orders! I must hold you back here!

Huh, obey orders? It's easier this way, right? Obey others! What do you think?

No! These are the rules I set for myself!!!

I just said this...

The third cheater has finally arrived!

The ground-attack cruise missile delayed its arrival,!

A huge shadow appeared in the sky...

At the same time, it also attracted everyone present!

Whether it was the Four Holy Swords, Toudou who attacked it, or Kallen who jumped out of the second red lotus style and ran towards it.

Or Lakshata standing next to the jammer.

Of course, this also includes Lelouch and Suzaku, who are quarreling with each other...

I saw an aerospace mothership in the sky, slowly driving over everyone's heads!

The huge hull surpasses a 100,000-ton aircraft carrier!

The white and orange colors represent the colors of the Holy Britannian Empire's flag.

And on the side of the battleship, the royal flag of Holy Britannia represents that this super space carrier is the flagship of the royal members!

The floating system?? Uh... was actually calculated?

Lakshatta looked up at the super carrier and sighed. 590

At the same time, Yuffie also arrived here...

...That's it? Brother Huang's Avalon!

At this moment, the lower deck of the super space carrier named Avalon opened! The huge gun barrel inside was exposed...

At the same time, directly below it, energy condensed crazily.

The attacks from the mecha below were all blocked by the energy shield on its surface. In other words, its attacks could not be stopped!

Everyone is not a fool!

If such a shelling hits, even Lancelot will definitely be beaten to ashes!

Face this situation! Yuffie prayed nervously!

Twain, where are you!!!!

Hey, little Yuffie, did you finally know how to call me?

Tang En's voice clearly reached Yuffie's ears...

This made her a little stunned...

You...where are you?

I'm on top of your head!

Yuffie was stunned for a moment, then she quickly got out of the cockpit and looked up...

I saw that the originally clear sky suddenly became distorted.

The next moment, a super battleship dozens of times larger than Avalon suddenly appeared above Yuffie!

And the location where it appeared was directly opposite Avalon.

Chapter 75 Developers vs Cheat Dogs

Mysterious, elegant, and as deep as the entire universe, the pure black hull, coupled with the pure white tower above, makes the entire Leisure Noble but elegant.

On the surface, there is no clue that this is a super battleship made of the strongest metal in the Golden Realm, but it seems to be the elegant yacht of the legendary elves.

It is so floating in the sky, you will not find any energy fluctuations from any direction!

Different from Sakura Stone, the cheating energy source in this world, the core power of Leisurely is the perpetual motion machine, the Holy Grail, which is extremely rare in the universe of all realms!

Even Tang En is the only one like him.

Whether it is the magic circuits on the ship, various weapons and equipment, or power, everything is provided by the Holy Grail.

While the powerful gold metal provides super defense and beautiful appearance, the mezzanine is embedded with a dazzling variety of powerful magic circuits and complex magic arrays.

The entire hull is integrated with the law of force in the perfect floating fruit, allowing it to float in the sky in violation of the laws of the world without requiring any energy.

That super hull, which is dozens of times larger than Avalon and is thousands of meters long, cannot affect its maneuverability at all!

That's not all. The Thunder Law in the Thunder Fruit gives the Leisurely a powerful attack capability!

You must know that the powerful weapons in black technology, whether it is a super electromagnetic gun that can penetrate everything and destroy everything, or a star destroyer cannon, are all improved on the basis of electricity...

This shows how terrifying the leisurely attack method is.

Yuffie stared blankly at the leisurely number that covered the sky. She was a little dumbfounded!

As expected... As expected of Tang En! He always brings surprises.

Yuffie is happy, but some people are not!

Brother Lelouch, who had just demonstrated his second position in the royal inheritance of the Holy Britannia Empire, was struck by the first blow in his life just when he was feeling proud!

Tell me what this terrifying steel monster above our heads is.

The white gloves on the second brother's hands were almost torn by him.

Your Highness...this...

Stop talking nonsense and fire!



Even if the ones in the sky are enemies, the first element now is to kill the Black Knights below!

Tang En was sitting in the super luxurious living room of the Leisure No. 1, looking at Avalon's movements on the screen, and the corner of his mouth curled up.

It should be said that he is indeed the second prince who is more resourceful than Lelouch. He actually dared to open fire on the people below despite our threats.

With this one shot, the secret of GERSS's power will be exposed.

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