An evil smile appeared on Lelouch's lips.

It's not just that! The new governor of District 11 made a mistake in guarding our escape route. He was simply stupid. No governor I have dealt with was as good as him!

Over there, looking at the building itself falling from the sky, the Governor opened his mouth wide and his eyes widened!

Impossible...!!! How is this possible!!!!!! Bastard ZERO!!!


The next moment, the building hit the G-1 command vehicle.

There is no need to describe how heavy a building is. Adding the weight of free fall and acceleration, the G-1 command vehicle exploded in the blink of an eye!

As for the new governor sitting in the car...hehe.

Tang En and Leila stood watching this scene from a distance.

Tang En had a smile on his face, but as for Layla, she was already stunned!

She would not use such violent tactics to deal with the enemy... This... This is too whimsical!

So... so awesome. Is this the masterpiece of ZERO, the man who stirred up the world?

Tang En curled his lips.

Although it's shocking, I just want to complain. Every time he uses his ultimate move, he lifts the floor.

Layla turned to look at Tang En with a confused expression.

Lift the floor?

Yes, such as directly causing a landslide, or placing a liquid cherry stone bomb from the bottom of a cruise ship, or even blowing off the floor of the entire concession! He has done it all, but this time it was the building that was blown away That’s all.”

Layla was completely speechless. As expected, this ZERO didn't play by the rules, and it was precisely this kind of commander who could often achieve unexpected feats on the battlefield.

Lelouch, who was sitting in the cockpit of the mecha, supported his head with one hand and looked at his masterpiece.

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! What's going on, Governor Karares!

Governor's Palace.

The think tanks who were paying attention to this station were trembling all over.

Governor, the Governor has been killed!? Where is Mr. Cornwell!

Sir Cornwell... is with the Governor... among G-1. I'm afraid now...

What about the chain of command!

Should it be handed over to the civil servants of the Ministry of Internal Affairs!?

Don't panic!

Chapter 116: Lelouch of the Golden Cicada Escapes

Kilford, who had just walked to the command center, looked at the chaotic command center below and said loudly:

Is this a time of chaos? Now I am in temporary command. This is not a seizure of power. I swear in the name of Her Royal Highness the Princess!


This is... Her Highness Cornelia's knight!

Then there's no problem!

As you command, Your Highness!

But before Kilford could give a specific order, the big screen in the middle was forced to switch channels!

The knights opposite Guilford looked at the big screen behind him in confusion.


What's wrong!

Kilford turned around, just as the signal on the big screen became clear! When he saw the familiar mask and clothes, his mouth opened wide!

I am...ZERO!

Holy shit!

It’s not just Guilford.

Whether it is District 11, Britannia itself, or the Chinese Federation, including the E.U. United Nations.

At this moment, all communication lines around the world have been hacked!

In the capital of Britannia, Pendragon's Suzaku suddenly saw this scene and his eyes widened!

People on the street, nobles, and everyone who knew the news about ZERO were all attracted by ZERO on the big screen!

Tang En and Leila also looked at the screen not far away.

Uh... Tang En, isn't Lelouch still at the scene now? This...

Tang En laughed out loud.

I know this. One of Lelouch's special skills is to play the video.

Play the video?

Well, if you think about it carefully, the meaning of his survival is that Nunnally's whereabouts are still unknown. There is a 99% chance that she is in the hands of the emperor. So it is absolutely impossible for Lelouch to let anyone know that he has recovered his memory. Now he may We are already on the way back to school. If this is the case, then what is on the screen must be a video, or maybe a recording. How about asking Kallen to put on a mask and change clothes, and get a recorder to stand there with expressions or something.

Tang En's explanations made Leila stunned for a moment. If strategies don't respect national boundaries, any strategy that can deceive people is a good strategy.

Layla has learned a lot this time! Despite these heresy, she was indeed more than ten thousand times behind Lelouch.

Let's go, let's go back. We've finished watching the fun, and we have to go back to act with Lelouch. I'm looking forward to it more and more!


Layla is becoming more and more interested in life at Ashford Academy! Tang En has already explained the current status of the school.

For example, everyone has forgotten who Nunnally is.

But Layla doesn’t have this problem because she is a transfer student!

The two got in the car and were on their way back to school.

ZERO’s videos are still being played all over the world!

Neon Man! I'm back!

While talking, he also used his exaggerated performance to attract attention!

When ZERO's declaration started, some people were confused, some were gloating, and some were excited!

The reporter comrade is hiding in the Celestial Federation. He has been a bit decadent this year, and his chin is unshaven.

But when ZERO's video appeared, he was immediately delighted!

It's my beta line! The only people in the world who know about this line are...


You are indeed still alive!

Lakshatta looked at the Western reporter with a speechless expression and sighed.

If Western journalists have been decadent this year, Lakshata is not unhappy at all.

Because she has a lot of motivation! For example, create mechas and flagships that surpass that mysterious machine and mysterious battleship.

Scientists are generally lunatics, and they usually do what they say.

Although Lakshatta was not sure whether what he built could surpass that mysterious machine and battleship, he still felt confident in his toys.

Listen, Britannia! Open your eyes! All those who have power! I and internal injuries! War and discrimination promote the malice of the strong. Look at this world! Continuous mistakes continue to spread Tragedy!

A year later, nothing has changed in this world! Seeing this result, I have to be resurrected and stand on this stage again! long as the strong are still bullying the weak, I will Keep resisting!

For example...just now, stupid Governor Karares, I have released Tianchu!

While this video was playing, Kilford was not idle. He ordered his men to find the place where this video was played.

Soon, the source was found!

Sir, the source of the signal is the Consulate General of the Chinese Federation!

Celestial Federation? Could it be that... ZERO has gone into exile?

Guilford frowned.

He also roughly knew a little bit about this battle. You must know that in this battle around the Tower of Babel, a total of 150 Nightmare Armors were invested on the ground and in the sky! The three-dimensional surrounding net prevents even flies from flying out.

So he wondered how ZERO and the remnants of the Black Knights broke through the encirclement, and why there was no movement at all! This is simply bizarre.

He looked at the map thoughtfully, and suddenly! He thought of something.

Could it be that... we reached the Celestial Federation through the collapsed building!

This is not right! Did they communicate with each other in advance? How is this possible! Just now, the Chinese envoys were meeting with the Governor...

Pendragon, capital of the Holy Britannia Empire.

The room of the Knights of the Round Table.

Most of the Knights of the Round Table were gathered in this small living room. They were standing, sitting, or leaning, but their eyes were watching the video on the TV.

However, there is one special one among them, a little lolita with pink hair.

She didn't pay attention to ZERO on TV at all, but played the game console in her hand.

Tsk, tsk, I didn't expect to move so quickly! His Majesty the King of District 11. Isn't that right, Suzaku?

Suzaku did not answer his friend's teasing, and stared coldly at ZERO on the TV.

Hey, I mean Suzaku, isn't ZERO dead!?


Then is this a real ZERO or a fake ZERO! No matter what you think about it, as long as you break into the Consulate General, it will be a violation of the law and it will cause international problems.

Since he calls himself ZERO, he must be a prisoner who has killed the royal family, right? The whereabouts of the second princess Cornelia and the third princess Euphemia are still unknown.

Although the battle on the E.U side is also important, but...

The pink-haired little loli interrupted at this time:

“No matter which side it is, it’s going to be in deep trouble.”

Hit the nail on the head.

This is also something that the Holy Britannia Empire is afraid of.

The wise second prince Schneizel has reached this point long ago, so he uses armed aggression against E.U, and political communication against the powerful Celestial Federation!

Chapter 117 Face to face

Consulate General of the Chinese Federation in District 11.

Staring silently looked at the Black Knights and ZERO who was speaking on the stage, and couldn't help but admire in his heart.

While killing the Governor of District 11, he was also able to determine the escape route. This was actually a double achievement. The most important thing was that he also successfully reached the Consulate General.

Such wisdom and courage...should be ZERO himself.

At the same time as Xingke, they determined that this was ZERO himself, as well as Kilford, who had been tricked several times.

This is ZERO, ZERO himself!

ZERO in the video is still giving a speech.

I don’t know how many people looked at this man with gritted teeth!

Among them, Nina, the girl at the table who has taken refuge under Schneizel, is one of them. She hates this man! This man made the life and death of Princess Euphemia, her only idol, unknown!

She must create Freya, the atomic bomb, to kill this man!

I will fight! Fight against all those who exercise the wrong power! To this end, I hereby declare the establishment of the Neon United States!

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