Yah! I'll chop!


The ASTs were unable to parry as the Killing Lord kept waving. They flew around in fear with the aircraft behind them, trying to avoid this strange but dangerous elf.

Gatling and RPG were bombing wildly on this sea, but these things were all blocked by his spiritual equipment.

Block it all. To put it simply...the attacks from the opposite side cannot break this guy's defense.

How could it be! What on earth is this elf!

Team, captain, what should we do!

How the hell do I know!

Ryouko Kusakabe broke into a cold sweat and kicked the ATS member back. What should you do if you ask her? How did she know!

Don't you have eyes? Can't you see that I'm also panicking!!!

She almost wanted to yell these words.

The elf holding a sword in front of them completely subverted their understanding of

According to the perception of elves, elves should be the kind of creatures that do not actively attack but only passively defend. As long as they continue to attack, they will disappear after a period of time.


Bai Ge's bellicosity caught them all off guard. Not to mention running away, before they could shoot, the guy rushed over and killed one of them with one sword!

The positions of prey and hunter are completely overturned!

Hahahaha! What a pleasure! Hahaha, don't even think about running away!

Bai Ge caught up with an AST member who was trying to escape. He fiercely killed the public company and split his shield with weapons. Then he kicked the opponent in the face.

head on.

The AST member only felt that he had been hit hard on the head by a hammer. After losing consciousness, he fell from the air and fell into the sea with a pop.

Hahahahaha, so weak!

How is that possible! Even if it's an elf, he can split the shield of any field with one blow!

The others looked at Bai Ge in horror. Not only would this elf actively attack, but its attack power was extremely powerful!

What made them even more horrified was that the elf in front of them... seemed to be able to do swordsmanship! The elves I faced in the past would only use their own \u003cAngel\u003e, like a person holding a famous name.

Sword but ordinary people don't know how to use it.

But Bai Ge is different. With his [sword talent] and this [violent killing of the public], he has brought the power of this \u003cAngel\u003e to its fullest!

The perfect combination of skill and strength,

This is a position of absolute power.

They saw no chance at all.

Hmm, it's so fun, hahahahaha, I'll have another piece of entertainment in the future~

Bai Ge found that he liked fighting a little bit.

There are still one, two...six people left. He nodded at the remaining people.


True Demonic Eye] However, he could easily detect the opponent's weakness, [Fighting Killer] allowed him to simply split the opponent's defense, and [Sword Talent] allowed him to avoid any blind spots.

Bai Ge had a satisfied smile on his face, and his ruby ​​eyes were full of teasing as he looked at these embarrassed guys.

This is reality. ASTs always think that they are hunters, but that is wrong!

They elves are the owners of power!

As long as they have that intention, they can become hunters immediately!

You can kill them all easily!

Although I still want to be here

Keep playing, but there are not enough of you... What a pity. Please bring three times the number tomorrow.

Bai Ge smiled as he sat on the throne that housed the Duke of Killer. Although this smile seemed to AST and others like a demon mocking their incompetence... although in fact it was the case.

Then in the end, I'll use the routine's special move to finish you off. But this is my first time to do it. Don't blame me if you don't control the power well. \u003cFighting Killer\u003e——[The Last Sword]!

Bai Ge raised the Duke of Killing and split open the throne he was sitting on. The throne turned into countless fragments and merged with Duke of Killing——a weapon over ten meters long.

The great sword reappears! The violent spiritual energy overflowing above symbolizes absolute power.

Come on~ I believe you can at least save your lives, I'll chop!

The sword that was more than ten meters long was easily lifted by Bai Ge. The purple-black spiritual thunder arc was beating at the tip of the final sword that seemed to pierce the sky.

The young man swung his sword down. The final sword did not hit them directly, but...




...! ! !

All the realms of freedom were shattered in an instant, and their martial arts

All the equipment was destroyed in an instant, and even the sea surface behind him was split open. For a moment, Bai Ge even saw the bottom of the sea.

Bai Ge was stunned when he saw the scene in front of him, and he slowly put away the final sword.

I'm...so awesome!

Asking for flowers, asking for tickets, and asking for rewards.


Chapter 86: Sister, please support him (please give me flowers)

Bai Ge didn't give a fatal blow until the end, and he ignored all the members after being knocked down into the sea. However, everyone suffered varying degrees of injuries, and the pain was truly imprinted on their bodies.

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