
As soon as Sabashira Sae finished her lecture, she saw a boy with fluffy black hair suddenly raise his hand, interrupting her next lecture.

"what's up?"

Chabashira Sae asked the boy.

"Teacher, why haven't the points for this month been credited yet? Didn't you say that the school will issue points on the first of every month?"

The boy with fluffy hair expressed the doubts in the hearts of many boys and girls.


"The points for this month have already been distributed."

Chabashira Sae said with a gloomy smile.

Her obscure expression made Ling Fan affirm his previous judgment.


Chabashira Sae did not mention the S reward and punishment system earlier, just to wait for this moment.

As Ling Fan had expected, Class D's points this month was 0, and there were no more points to issue.

Chabashira Sae also naturally knew about this, but he never said it clearly.

She is waiting for this moment.

Also, I would like to applaud all the students in Class D.

Hearing that the points for this month have been distributed, the boys and girls of Class D are even more confused than before.

It is said that the points have been credited, but why haven't all the students' terminals received it?

Looking at the many boys and girls with puzzled faces, they still haven't realized what the problem is.

Chabashira Sae spoke again: "The points have indeed been distributed, it is impossible that only our class has not been distributed."

Still haven't figured it out.

"But I really didn't get it!"

"Yeah, I didn't get it either..."


Several students with worrying IQs are still in doubt.

"Hum..." Chabashira Sae grinned slightly and snorted twice, her expression becoming more gloomy than before.

She couldn't hold back any longer.

To those doubtful boys and girls, he mocked: "You guys are really stupid!"*

【24】s system

just now.

Chabashira Sae is indeed angry.

The current D class is the worst class she has ever seen.

After mocking those classmates, she waved her hand, slapped her, and slapped her angrily on the blackboard.


Seriously explained to the boys and girls the reason why the points did not arrive this month.

"You guys are really good enough."

"Being late, skipping class, 98 times, chatting privately in class, playing with mobile phones, a total of 391 times, it's only a month, it's really a blessing that you can do this."

"In this school, the grades and evaluations of the class will affect the points awarded by the school."

"The result of the school's review of you is that the [-] points this month have all been deducted."

"In other words, the points issued to you this month are zero!"

Points are zero.

That is not a single point!

Most of the boys and girls in Class D felt that the sky was about to fall when they heard it.

This month.

They didn't get a cent in their accounts, so they could be said to be poor, so how will they spend the next month?

Chabashira Sae's words, like a slap in the face, slapped the faces of most of the students in Class D.

Take them from heaven and slam them back to hell.

Or rather.

They were actually in hell, they just hadn't noticed it before.

"You're a bunch of stupid guys..."

"How can the school give you 10 points every month for no reason."

"You can feel that there is a problem if you are a person, but why don't you explore it?"

While Chabashira Sae asked in a deep voice, he glanced at all the students in the classroom.

"Teacher, does the school have standards for reviewing students?"

The clear-minded Hirata Yosuke raised his hand to speak.

This sentence touches on the school's S reward and punishment system, or the S system.

This is exactly what Chabashira Sae said next.

"Hirata-san asked a good question."

Chabashira Sae was very satisfied with Hirata Yosuke's question, indicating that he brought his brains and belonged to the kind of student who was still saved.

Saying that, Sabashira Sae took out a pen and wrote some combination of numbers on the blackboard.

Class A: 950

Class B: 760

Class C: 490

Class D: 0

From the 0 point of class D, it can be easily seen that what is written on the blackboard is obviously the score given to each class by the school according to the S system.

After writing the numbers, Sabashira Sae pointed to these sets of numbers again, explaining the school's student evaluation system to all the Xiaobai in Class D.

"This is the school's system for reviewing you, also known as the S system."

"Evaluate each student in real time and calculate the points. When entering the school, each class has 1000 points. Look, the grades reviewed by your D class this month are 0 points."

"0 points!"


"It is a strong proof that you are the lowest, worst, and defective products!"


It was called a defective product in a grand manner. After understanding all this, the boys and girls were immediately stunned.

It can be said that everyone is faceless.

There are ups and downs in the heart, all kinds of not taste.

Speaking of flaws.

Horikita Suzune, Ayanokouji, Ken Sudou, Airi Sakura and the others immediately thought of the senior trio who had been slapped by Ling Fan before.

They also called Class D a flawed product, and a few of them immediately came to an epiphany, everything...

That's it!

When Sasashi Chabashira mentioned the defective product, he even glanced in the direction of Ling Fan.

Chabashira Sae also heard about Ling Fan slapping the seniors.

Like the other students, she silently labeled Ling Fan as a bad student.

In a school where strength is a priority, bad students are usually a drag on the class.

As the head teacher of Class D, Chabashira Sae thinks that these bad students who are holding back can be kicked out in an appropriate way.

Think so.

A cold light flashed quickly in her eyes. . .

"Well, teacher, do we still have a chance to increase the points?"

Karuizawa Megumi raised her hand and asked Chabashira Sae aloud.

No points are recorded, for Karuizawa Megumi, a beautiful girl, it is equivalent to the end of the world.

For her question, Chabashira Sae's mouth curved into a wicked smile, and answered with great interest.

"Of course, as long as the score of Class D exceeds that of Class C in the final review, you will be promoted to Class C, and the original Class C will be downgraded to Class D."

"And the latest opportunity is the next mid-term exam. Based on your grades, you will gain up to 100 class points."

100 class points doesn't sound like much.

"It's only 100 o'clock!"

"Anything is better than nothing."

The two boys were talking.


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