Looking at her delicate fist, Ling Fan suddenly remembered last night

When Horikita's hand got stuck in the vase, he used the storage capacity to help him take it off.


And the vase that was taken down was thrown into the storage space by him.

In an instant, Ling Fan 837 thought of a good idea to subdue Suzine Horikita.

He is going to give the other party an ingenious surprise

Ignoring Horikita's warning, he pointed at the other party's bedroom, and cheated with excitement.

Fang Dao: "Look, Horikita, there's a bird in your house!


Horikita Suzune took no precautions and looked back. The room was empty and there were no birds.

How can there be

When she turned around, she realized that Ling Fan was lying to herself, and there was a hint of clenched fist.

dull feeling

An ominous feeling rushed into Horikita's heart.

When she turned her head to look at Ling Fan again, she was on the hand that she had just made a gesture with.

Has been put into a vase again

It's the one I put on my hand last night.

Horikita Suzune was dumbfounded

Pulled out the vase

Same as last night, can't pull it out at all

He looked at Ling Fan angrily again, opened his mouth and shouted, "You bastard, you actually lied to me,

And put a bottle on me again!

Ling Fan shrugged and honestly admitted that everything was done by himself.


He glanced at Horikita Suzune's room again and said, "You can enter your room now, let's

Would you two sit down and have a good talk?"

meaning is also obvious

If you don't have a good talk, you won't help to remove the bottle.

Excessive! I can take it off without your help

Horikita Suzine understood what Ling Fan meant, and wanted to use the vase trick to force herself to agree to go to the bathing place.

it's a shameful way

Horikita doesn't want to be obedient

If Ling Fan can remove it with dishwashing liquid, he must be able to do it himself


She decided to take down the bottle by herself without Ling Fan's help.

In this way, Ling Fan's annihilation plan will fail.

Glancing at Ling Fan fiercely, he slammed the door again with a bang.


Ling Fan was not in a hurry, he stood outside the door and whistled.

I believe that Horikita still can't take off the bottle.

Soon she will open the door again, begging for her own

As expected

After about twenty minutes of effort, Horikita Suzune gave in, blushed, and opened the door.

Open, obediently welcome Ling Fan into his bedroom

Oh! Horikita-san, look at your dormitory, it's full of books, and the entire library has been moved by you


Horikita Suzune borrowed a lot of books, on the table, and on the bookshelf, full of books

After Ling Fan entered her dormitory, he couldn't help but joke about her

I remember Horikita Suzune also commented on her bedroom, saying that she moved to the game room

Therefore, he returned the original words to the other party

Reading is my only entertainment, I don't waste my time on bad games (bjbg)


Horikita Suzune took the opportunity to reply.

Obviously when he accused Ling Fan of wasting his games

Gaming is really a waste of time

Ling Fan admits this

But he is a traveler, and he can only play games to pass the boring time of his leisure.

If you study diligently, you will be laughed at by the majority of book lovers.

Being accused by Horikita, Ling Fan also wanted to find something to criticize the other party.

Look around the house

clean as new ground

neatly arranged desk

almost spotless windowsill

Well, he couldn't pick out Horikita's stab at it.

There's nothing left, and finally my eyes are fixed on Horikita Suzune

Staring at the bottle in her hand, she said with a smile: "Yes, I don't read much, but I won't be like some people.

It's okay to poke the vase

Akakogo's joke Horikita got his hand stuck in a vase

After Horikita Suzune heard it, she stopped arguing, pouted, and died with murderous eyes.

staring at Ling Fan

An La An La, I'm joking with you

As Ling Fan said, he gave Horikita a head slap, but he was thrown away by the other side shaking his head.

Stop talking nonsense, help me take it off!" Horikita stretched out the hand stuck in the vase again

How about inviting you to go to the bath together?" Ling Fan took the opportunity to talk about his responsibility



Horikita asked him, Matsuo agreed.

Well, close your eyes, don't peek, I'll take off the bottle.

Ling Fan took a step closer to Horikita and spoke to him seriously.

I don't understand, why do I keep my eyes closed? Also, don't you use dish soap?

No, I have a new method

I don't know why, it always feels like you're mean

Seeing that Ling Fan wanted to close his eyes again, and suddenly took a step closer to him, Horikita Suzine

It feels like something bad is about to happen.

She speaks straight and straight, and speaks her heart on the spot.

Don't think blindly, just close your eyes when told to close your eyes, believe me

Okay! I think, I can only trust you

Horikita Suzune had no choice but to close her eyes and put the one that was covered in the vase

I put my hand in front of Ling Fan and hand it over.

She was wearing pajamas, revealing a large part of her fair neck, and she looked extremely beautiful.

Ling Fan laughed wickedly

After looking at the cheap looking and closing her eyes, she turned a crooked eyebrow, and the beautiful Horikita Suzune


Taking a step forward, he made an amazing move.

He stretched out his arms and embraced the defenseless Horikita.

He tilted his head and launched an attack on its Yingdan

(79) The Big Three who met again

The smell from his nose

does not stink

but a light fragrance

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