The corners of Matou Zuiyan's mouth drew an exaggerated arc. Originally, he was still worried about how to deal with Bai Yunshen, who has a huge life force. Since Bai Yunshen himself is not an ordinary person, then he should be devoured.

"Why do you look nervous, Matou-sama, didn't you say it? I can visit you when I have time."

Bai Yunshen is still dressed in casual clothes before: "That's why I'm here."

"It's just Matou-sama, you are more wicked than I thought."

Through the Matou dirty inkstone, Bai Yunshen saw the terrified Matou Sakura who was being held by him.

"Is it you, big brother?"

Seeing Bai Yunshen's face clearly, Matou Sakura suddenly remembered the boy she had just met in the afternoon.


"It seems that Bai Xiaozi, you know my granddaughter, and you are also eyeing her excellent aptitude?" After sneering a few times, Matou Zuoyan held a wooden crutch in one hand and pulled Matou Sakura down with the other.

"Excellent qualification?"

Bai Yun fell into a short period of thought, and then nodded as if he had understood: "You are right, Master Matou."

"Dedicated to being an ordinary person, the goal is to enjoy a life as peaceful as a plant in the future of this world."

But as my character, I can't help but perfect it. "

"My setting is obviously a martial artist from Shenzhou. I have opened a gym here, but it is really unreasonable that there is no apprentice in it."

"Well, it's decided."

Bai Yun looked at Matou Sakura behind Matou Zuoyan and said, "She is my first apprentice.

"Talk to yourself, boy Bai, are you pretending to be stupid with this old man again?"

Staring at Bai Yunshen, Matou Ziyan suddenly flew out of countless bugs under the kimono: "Well, continuing to communicate is just a waste of time, let this old man test your abilities and see if you have arrogant capital."

At that time, the worms all over the sky flew out and attacked him without waiting for Bai Yunshen to react.

If surrounded by these insects, the sharp jaws of these insects will definitely come to devour flesh and blood and suck up their vitality.

"I'm immortal, and I still use sneak attacks to deal with a young boy like me, just to control insects...

Baiyun watched the attack of the flying insects deeply, and shook his head secretly in his heart.

Matou Zuoyan clearly lived for more than five hundred years, but these insects gave him the feeling that they were completely inferior to Maillard's dangerous insect species in the world of Zhanmei. They were weak, too weak.

The only thing that makes Matou dirty inkstone difficult for people is not to die, and if it is a frontal combat ability, it is still a scum.

And Maillard, if she were to come to Xingyue, with her ability to control insects, she could at least fight back and forth with some second- and third-rate Servants.

The difference is really not that big


Originally, I was planning to chat about family affairs, but seeing Matou Zoryan so impatient, Bai Yunshen had no reason to be considerate of this old man who had been mourning for five hundred years.

The clenched fist was surrounded by a layer of fire-like cloud, and then, this was bombarded.

In an instant, the raging wind turned into a sea of ​​hot fire, and a sharp 000 explosion sounded in the air.


Before I could make a sound, the raging flames were like hell's karmic fire engulfing the sins of the world. The flying insects were devoured by the flames in an instant, together with Matou's body and the wriggling insect sea in the basement. And the entire Matou family mansion was devoured by the soaring flames.

Immediately, a strong force erupted from it, and the entire Matou family collapsed, and the hot pillar of fire spun into the sky.

Under the flames, Bai Yunshen hugged Matou Sakura and stepped out slowly.

Seemingly frightened by today's events, Matou Sakura's tender hands tightly grasped Bai Yunshen's clothes, her soft body trembled slightly, and leaned against Bai Yunshen's chest tightly.

Looking down at Matou Sakura, Bai Yunshen sighed softly.

The blow behind him was made by Bai Yunshen using his own cloud-like characteristics and power skills, and he did not use the small universe, but even so, the power produced was shocking.

According to Bai Yunshen's own estimation, it is not difficult for him to destroy a city with one blow even if he does not use the small universe.

As for the old man of Matou Zuiyan, he was indeed immortal. After being devoured by the high temperature flame, Bai Yunshen discovered that his body engraving insect was not in the Matou family, but in a place far away from the main family.

In order to avoid worries, Bai Yunshen used the power of the small universe to trace the origin and destroy it.

Chapter 0158 Bai Yunshen and Sakura

The Matou family suffered a devastating blow on this day.

However, despite the fact that the fire was so raging, in the end, only one person, Matou Zaoyan, died.

As for the rest of the Matou family, they were found unconscious on the side of the road for some reason, and they were completely at a loss as to what happened last night.

It's not the modified memory, it's simply being knocked out that caused them to sleep until dawn

When he learned about the suspected death of Matou Zoe Inkstone, the current head of the Matou family, Matou Tsuruno, who is nominally the son, not only did not look sad, but his heart was full of joy, and he couldn't even control his expression. When inquiring about the investigation, the corners of his mouth turned up from time to time, showing his joy. Because it was too exposed, it aroused the suspicion of the police who came to investigate. He was also invited to the police station for a plate of pork chop rice.

Their Q&A at the time was as follows:

Policeman: "What are you laughing at?"

Matou Tsuruno: "I remember happy things."

Naturally, Matou Tsuruno must have been released and the person who investigated later became the Fuyuki Church.

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