Although this threat can't even make Bai Yunshen's spider sensor sound the alarm, it can undoubtedly prove the strength of the Lion King.

He is indeed a king who understands people's hearts.

"Young man, I know you are not ordinary, but I have other things to do, cancel the contract and let me leave."

Although Bai Yunshen could see that the Lion King in front of her was trying to speak to Bai Yunshen in a negotiating tone, her own majesty and awe-inspiring temperament made her words more like an order than a negotiation.

"I reject."

It was impossible to summon a goddess like a lion, but this time, the impossible was turned into a possibility. Obviously, Bai Yun knew that there must be help from restraint behind it.

It's just that the Lion King can be summoned this time, but the next time it's impossible to be sure.

Bi Jing's restraint has already helped once for free, Bai Yunshen wonders if there is a second chance


Sighing lightly, the Lion King was not surprised.

In her eyes, human beings are only divided into two types, one is good and pure, the other is evil and selfish

Evil human beings are easily influenced by their own desires and have sinful karma. It is precisely because of this sin of human beings that they receive the mercy from the Magic King, and that's why there is a reason for this matter to be burned.

If human beings are all good and there is no fighting, then the magic king will never be born.

And she didn't need to perform holy pulling.

Sooner or later the world will come to an end like that.

"I'll say it again, cancel the contract."

A dazzling light bloomed in the hands of the Lion King, and she held the holy spear carrying the storm and the light of the stars. The coercion from the goddess was completely released from her body, and the huge aura turned into a storm and impacted the entire gymnasium. , The light in the eyes of the Lion King is getting more and more prosperous, but it is also getting more and more indifferent and indifferent.

"Then, let's do it."

Bai Yun looked deeply at the Lion King and suggested, "Defeat me, if you defeat me, I will cancel the contract and let you go."

"But if you fail, then you have to stay by my side. No matter what you want to do in the future, it will be forbidden without my permission, how?"

"Human, are you ready to challenge me? Are you ready to challenge me, Lungomi and Yad, who are goddesses?"

The Lion King's eyes were indifferent: "Failure, it's not just about rescinding the contract."

"So, do you agree?"

Not caring at all about the pressure from the lion, Bai Yunshen's tone was extremely flat: "Whether it is a human being or a god, if you want one person to follow another person's thoughts, the display of strength is the easiest."

"Hmph, arrogant humans."

Since Bai Yunshen is now the one who summoned himself, the 453 lion naturally feels the huge magic power of Bai Yunshen that transforms part of the small universe into magic power: "Even if your magic power is far beyond that of ordinary humans, it still cannot reach the level of gods. the height of."

"If this is your trump card, then I will crush your arrogance."

The holy spear pointed at Bai Yunshen, and listening to Bai Yunshen's brave words, the Lion King felt agitated in his heart.

Immediately, the Lion King didn't say much, holding the holy spear in one hand, stabbed deeply into the white cloud.

The distance between the two was more than ten meters. The Lion King's spear could not stab Bai Yunshen's body. However, at the moment she stabbed, the terrifying light contained in the holy spear was released, and the light cannon charged towards him. Baiyunshen

"It's so frustrating!"

Facing the lion's attack, Bai Yunshen's expression was slightly cold, and then the small universe swayed away.

It is impossible to fight in the gymnasium, the movement is too great, the battle at the god level, the movement is not only in Fuyuki City, but even the whole world may be able to sense it.

In this case, we can only change a battle arena.

The cold ice condensed in front of Bai Yunshen, and the ice wall condensed by the freezing air of the small universe easily blocked the light cannon of the Lion King.

The positions of the two sides suddenly changed, and the surrounding environment changed, as if they were enveloped by the void.

Here, it is a different dimension space

Chapter 0163 Baiyunshen vs The Lion King

In an extra-dimensional space that travels at the speed of light as a moving unit.

Bai Yunshen and the Lion King stood opposite each other on an empty asteroid.

"Here, not Earth?"

The Lion King glanced around and saw the endless dimension, his expression was slightly stunned.

After the fight is over, it will return to Earth. At that time, whether to cancel the contract or you will stay in the fight as a Servant. "Right now, we are moving at the speed of light somewhere in the Milky Way. Rest assured, by my side, we can tell."

Bai Yunshen untied the ice wall in front of him and said to the Lion King.

"Who the hell are you guy?"

Fear spreads from the bottom of my heart.

This is the first time that she has encountered such an enemy. It seems that she is only a human being, but she has shown a might that is comparable to or even surpasses that of a god.

Abnormal situations are encountered time and time again.

Undoubtedly, it was the teenager in front of her who caused these encounters.

In the future of human beings burned, she came to the answer to save mankind is to store the pure human souls that meet the standard in her gun through Saint Ba, and fix them and make them into documents.

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