At night, in all directions of the Baiyunshen mansion, there are Servants watching.

Berserker, Rider, Saber, Archer=

Among them, Saber was told by Emiya Kiritsugu not to participate in the battle, but he can look for opportunities to release Noble Phantasms in the distance

Archer was requested by Tosaka Tokiomi to take another shot when the other servants consumed Lancer's stamina.

Rider kept quiet attention and did not intend to attack

As for Berserker, due to the intuition of the beast, he temporarily suppressed the killing intent in his heart, and did not rashly choose to attack.

It's a race to see who has the better patience.

Several forces gathered here because of Lancer, but none of them wanted to use their own side as cannon fodder for temptation.

After all, if you are an ordinary (cjbf) unknown Servant, with these dry bearing and confidence in your own strength, you would not mind as a bait to test, but after seeing Lancer's strength, you have the desire to target the Holy Grail. However, a few people dare not take the test lightly.

So, now to see who has the better patience as it should be...

But one Servant couldn't help but took the lead.

The rain of countless Noble Phantasms stormed down from the sky, and each Noble Phantasm with terrifying destructive power fell like a missile, and a violent roar suddenly sounded below.

That was Archer's shot.

According to Tohsaka Tokiomi's idea, he planned to let Gilgamesh start after the other servants consumed Lancer's physical strength, and the winning rate would be better. However, he ignored Gilgamesh's dignity and desire as a king.

Facing Lancer's light cannon wasted and fleeing last night, what a gaffe for the King of Heroes.

Now, in order to win, he was even allowed to do such despicable things. His self-esteem as a hero king made him unacceptable.

If you want to win, then go for it yourself!

Gilgamesh, who doesn't really have much desire for the Holy Grail, is more concerned about the outcome

Under the roar, after the smoke and dust dissipated, the mansion in Baiyunshen was unscathed.

At the mansion with deep white clouds, there is a swirling storm shrouded in it, fenced with the fallen Noble Phantasm.

Immediately, within the storm, a tall figure wearing a silver-white helmet covering his face, a white cloak, and silver armor stepped out holding a holy spear wrapped in the storm and unable to see the exact length.

"You are Lancer?"

Gilgamesh rode the throne of the king that flew in the sky like Vimana, and leaned down to look at the knight below.

Staring at Lancer with scarlet eyes, Gilgamesh's eyes became more and more solemn: "You guy, you are not human."

Listening to Gilgamesh's words, the Lion King didn't answer, she just raised her head lightly,

Immediately, a sense of danger came from Gilgamesh's heart and body, and the next moment, a dazzling beam of light fell from the sky and directly bombarded Gilgamesh's Vimana. The penetrating beam of light immediately shattered Vimana. .The figure of Gilgamesh fell from the sky, the roar sounded, and the smoke filled the air.

Elgamesh left a big hole in the ground. "This strength, this posture, this disgusting feeling, are you a god?!"

Gilgamesh's anger that was not attacked by the Lion King was only extremely solemn: "Really

Hash of chops! "Is it karma or fate, the existence that I hated most in my life is encountered again in this life, even if it is Jill.

Gamesh also had to sigh fate.The arrogant demeanor gradually subsided, and his vision gradually became wise and rational.

The man named Hero Gan no longer has the attitude of playing at this moment, he must go all out,

Once again, I will send away the god who should have left the world for a long time.

Chapter 0190 Gilgamesh vs The Lion King

"The hero did it, the hero did him?!"

Hearing the implementation report from Kotomine Kirei, Tosaka Tokiomi suddenly felt that he had a myocardial infarction.

At this moment, he suddenly felt that it is not good to summon a heroic spirit that is too strong, the affinity is too bad, and the other party does not obey the command at all.

The hero who is the first to attack now is fighting against that mysterious Lancer. Even if he can win, he will definitely suffer serious injuries. He doesn't think that at this time, other Servants who are watching will not care.

If you use a Command Spell to recall the hero

At that time, Tosaka Tokiomi, who had only the last Command Spell left, was completely unable to control Gilgamesh, who was a thousand self.

He didn't think that with Archer's anti-magic skills and Gilgamesh's ability, a mere command spell could bind the opponent.

It's a really troublesome situation.

Annoyed, Tohsaka Tokiomi sighed, "Kirei, continue to let Assassin keep an eye on him. If the hero's actions are in danger, let me know, and I will use the Command Spell."

"Yes, my teacher."

Inside the church, Kotomine Kirei answered, but the corners of his mouth twitched involuntarily because of the bad situation that Tokiomi Tosaka planned, and a feeling of pleasure hung.

Bai Yunshen was guarded by the storm. Outside the mansion, Gilgamesh confronted the Lion King, and he did not dare to be big

His rank is Archer, and he is no match for the Lion King in melee combat, so he must come to a distance.

"You gods, you should have left this era long ago."

His tone was still a little arrogant, but his eyes were careless.

In the wave of his hand, countless radiance emerged behind him, and then, countless Noble Phantasm rains were projected by him to the Lion King.

The Lion King did not move, and the magic power around her body was transformed into a rotating wall of wind through her holy spear, resisting the incoming attack without taking a step.

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