In the eyes of Chronos, everything in the entire Saint Seiya multiverse is a known, boring existence.

Sometimes, even if he personally intervenes to change the past, affect the present, and develop the future, the feeling of emptiness and boredom that he already knows the ending after he intervenes surrounds his mind.

In this way, after a long time, his heart has been completely consumed, and everything in the universe has completely lost its "freshness", and he has become more like a 29 emotionless mechanical god.

Until, Bai Yunshen came to this Pluto myth LC world.

unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown...

Everything is unknown.

Obviously, in the eyes of Chronos, Bai Yunshen, who first came to the world of Mythology C, did not make any action to change the world.

Based on his experience and observations of countless parallel universes, it is completely possible to speculate on the possible future development.

However, it is still unknown!

It was this unknown that made him ecstatic.

Observing the future through time is invalid. Chronos can only rely on his own experience to deduce the possible future development of the world where Bai Yunshen is located. However, Bai Yunshen overthrows his guesses one by one while growing up.


This unknown surprise made Chronos unable to stop, and the emotion that had been silent for a long time reappeared in his heart.

Therefore, he intervened. When Bai Yunshen was being tested by Ashmida using the [Sky Dance Wheel], he intervened and let Bai Yunshen go to the Saint Fighter parallel world of Saint Fighter Girl.

He did not disappoint Chronos. When Bai Yunshen came to the world of Saint Dou Girls, the future of that world changed under the interference of Bai Yunshen. At the same time, because of the influence of the system, he also lost his control over that world. , can no longer intervene.

However, the unknown in the world of Saint Dou Girls still surprised Chronos.

Just one world is not enough. Chronos has a cow in his heart and wants to continue to interfere with Bai Yunshen's idea, and put him into various Saint Seiya worlds to see the unknown future development he brings.

However, after the intervention of Saint Dou Girls World, Chronos had no chance.

Bai Yunshen's system was upgraded that time, and the system itself has already affected the Pluto Mythology LC world and the Saint Dou girl world, so Chronos has been unable to continue to interfere in those two worlds since that interference, just only As an observer observing the depths of the white clouds

In a short period of time, Chronos still felt that it was okay, but after a long time, the suppressed thought of Chronos in his heart that he wanted to cast Bai Yunshen into various worlds could not be suppressed.

Chronos gave birth to the emotion of regret.

He is regretting.

Why can only observe, why did he only interfere once?

He wants to continue to interfere, let Bai Yunshen go to more parallel worlds, to influence the development of the world, to let him see more unpredictable futures

After being completely controlled by the system, Chronos, who could no longer intervene and could only observe, felt more and more dissatisfaction.

Therefore, he is waiting, waiting for Bai Yunshen to become strong enough to set foot in the parallel world.

At that time, when the Baiyunshen system has a weak influence on the world, forcibly intervene.

At this point, Chronos already had the intention of colliding with the system behind Bai Yunshen.


It was already known that when there was a mysterious existence behind Bai Yunshen to protect Bai Yunshen, Cronos had no plans to tear his face because of scruples.

But now, he can't stand it anymore

Even if he breaks with the powerhouse behind Bai Yunshen, he has to seize Bai Yunshen, the existence that can bring him "unknown".

Therefore, when he saw that Bai Yunshen was able to travel through parallel worlds through his own power, he laid a trap.

He covered a large area in the endless sea of ​​time and space with a star clock.

That area is his divine authority. Once he enters the parallel world of Saint Seiya in the sea of ​​time and space, then Chronos has mastered the "geographical advantage", and he has more confidence and the existence behind Bai Yunshen to snatch Bai Yunshen.

Waiting, Bai Yunshen finally entered a parallel world.

Just the moment he entered, Bai Yunshen brought an unknown development to this parallel world, and the future he could observe became unknown again.

This ability makes Chronos determined to obtain Bai Yunshen's existence.

Later, after Bai Yunshen handed the baby Athena to Shiroto Mitsuma to leave that world and return to the LC world of the underworld mythology, he took action to attack Bai Yunshen with a might that surpassed the multiverse.

The power of the super god, even if Bai Yunshen has many trump cards, just one blow will directly beat Bai Yunshen into a serious injury and make him unconscious.

Later, when he wanted to arrest Bai Yunshen, the system behind Bai Yunshen emerged and fought against it.

Since the level of the system can stagnate the time of the entire Saint Seiya in countless dimensions, and lead Bai Yunshen to travel through other universes, the level is not weaker than that of Chronos.

Located in the sea of ​​time and space, the two fought fiercely, and the entire sea of ​​time and space was turbulent.

The 917 level of this battle has already surpassed the dimension. The final result is that both sides suffer, but the system seems to have a certain upper hand.

Chronos has consumed a lot of power, and at least for hundreds of years, he has no power to interfere with the existence of Baiyunshen, and even observation has become reluctant.

Bai Yunshen's system has also become weak and various functions have been hit, and it will take at least ten years to recover.

As for falling into a coma, Bai Yunshen himself is floating in the sea of ​​time and space. At this moment, the garland containing Sasha's prayer bloomed into a warm little universe at this moment, as a letter for help

However, it's just that Sasha's microcosm is too weak, but at this moment, the microcosm bestowed by the Saint Dou Girls World City Saori, which has been hidden since the Saint Dou Girls World, has played a role at this moment, and Sasha is the same as Sasha. Athena's God's microcosm increased the power of Sasha's wreath, and at the same time it turned into a coordinate.

Immediately, it was not far away. The real world of Saint Seiya that Bai Yunshen had crossed before was still a baby, Athena found the coordinates and pulled Bai Yunshen back to this world.

It's just that Bai Yunshen, who was in a coma, didn't find it. When he was brought back by Athena, the huge power of time surrounding him instantly spread to the surrounding world, distorting the time between the world and the world at the same time. , at the same time turned into a chain of time, bound the world.

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