Chapter 0311 Meeting of the Golds

After having a precognition dream that day.

Chengto Saori sorted out the follow-up and handed it over to Chen Demaru, and immediately, she returned to the Sanctuary with Bai Yunshen and other saints.

Then, on the second day, it was announced that the holy war was about to begin, bringing the entire sanctuary into a state of combat readiness, and at the same time announcing a golden meeting

In the Pope's Hall, Shiori Saori was sitting in a high position. Except for Dismask and Tong Hu, the rest of the golden people were already lined up on both sides.

This is the first official meeting since the arrival of Athena, and the golden people present attach great importance to it

And the content of the meeting is also extremely important.

Hades, the god of the underworld who fights the goddess Athena every 243 years

It can be said that every time Athena is reincarnated, it is because of the existence of Hades.

In comparison, other disasters caused by the gods are just incidental.

Although, since the mythological period, Sanctuary has never lost every holy war, but every battle is tragic.

The sanctuary was almost completely destroyed, and 29% of the saints, including the reincarnation of the goddess, sacrificed a lot.

Fortunately, from the age of myths to the present, every holy war will leave behind one or two holy warriors to rebuild the sanctuary, which is one of the few lucky ones.

What will be the outcome of the jihad this time, these golden people have no clue.

After all, they had also heard Tong Hu tell about the brutality of the last jihad.

It can be said that if you don't pay attention, there is a possibility that the Sanctuary will be completely destroyed.

Of course, this refers to the original version of Saint Seiya without magic changes.

Now, naturally, this possibility cannot arise.

Shiori Saori sat on the main seat and told some of her thoughts and guesses like the golden ones.

Because of that ominous precognitive dream, she judged that the holy war was coming.

Hearing Shiroto Saori's words, the golden people also nodded.

Different from ordinary people, the reincarnation of gods, their dreams cannot simply be regarded as ordinary dreams. This dream also contains revelation and warnings for the future.

"This foreshadowing, I think Lady Athena interprets it well."

Virgo's golden saint, Shaka, nodded slowly, affirming Shiroto Saori's words.

"Then, we need to wait for the news from the teacher and be ready at any time."

Mu, the golden saint of Aries, also said on the side.

Tong Hu is guarding the place where the magic stars are sealed. If something goes wrong, Tong Hu will pass the information back to the sanctuary as soon as possible.

"Before that, we shouldn't focus only on the magic star."

Bai Yun looked at the golds deeply and reminded: "I think the contemporary Hades should have also been reincarnated, and his twin gods may also act."

"Bai Yunshen is right."

Milo nodded in agreement: "Compared to the magic star, those gods are more threatening.

In the final battle of the Sanctuary Civil War, the mighty power of the gods displayed by the evil Zaga made the gold present shocked.

To be honest, facing that level, if there is no sacred clothing, then it is difficult for them to win the final victory no matter how many people there are.

Therefore, the existence of the twin gods must be addressed.

The golden people who have seen the final battle have such a consensus.

"Through my blood and the small universe that burns to the limit, you can indeed evolve your holy clothes, but the side effects are also very obvious." Shiori Saori looked at the gold and said: "If you don't finish the enemy within a limited time, you will It is possible that the life and soul will be exhausted and die due to excessive burning of the small universe."

"Before the holy war begins, I will give each of you a drop of divine blood, please use it at the right time"

Sacred clothing is an unexpected trump card of Shiori Saori, but since it has appeared, naturally don't waste it and make good use of it

With the sacred clothing, the combat power of the sanctuary will be directly raised to a level.

But due to too many side effects, Shiroto Saori also advised them to use it with caution.


According to the situation at the time, Bai Yunshen reminded the golds present: "If you want to deal with the twin gods, you need at least three golds of awakening sacred clothes. If you are safe, it is best to have four. That will ensure the winning rate, and you can also Reduce your respective consumption and minimize the side effects of using the sacred garment."

This is because the golden people present only have a tenth sense.

If you can burn the small universe and enter the eighth sense, then with the sacred clothes, there is a possibility of defeating one of the twin gods alone. If there are other saints wearing the sacred clothes to assist at that time, it will be easier to lay a profit. basic

However, in the presence of the eighth sense, the only ones closest to the eighth sense are Saga of Virgo and Saga of Gemini

Among the two, Shaka is at a level that can be broken through at any time, while Jia is still a long way away, but there is hope.

"In that way, won't the combat power appear insufficient?"

Aiolia frowned.

"Yes, so someone has to break through."

Bai Yunshen feels that the time is enough, and there is no need to hide the matter of the eighth sense. The most important thing now is to increase the strength of one's own side: "Have you heard of the eighth sense Alaya consciousness above the seventh sense?"

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