After all, Bai Yunshen was more able to arouse his interest

"Hades, let's end the jihad."

Shiori Saori looked at Hades and declared: "End all holy wars now and in the future." "Really, do you want to kill me completely with the godslayer by your side, Athena?"

Squinting slightly, Hades understood Shiroto Saori's thoughts, and his eyes became cold.

Chapter 0333 Go to the Pure Land of Bliss

Inside Hades City.

Hades confronts Shiro Saori and her Saint Seiya alone

With more than one enemy, Hades has no fear.

As for Joto Saori's desire to end not only the present but also the distant future, all the holy wars, he immediately understood what Athena meant.

"What a pity, Athena!"

A careless idea, so, Athena, your idea is that Hades, who will not succeed, glanced at Baiyun and said: "According to the contract between the gods, you cannot use the power of the gods during the holy war, and neither do I. Podon, the main god whose power is incomplete, will not have any

This jihad has been defeated. Needless to say, Hades also understood this reality.

Although the holy war is not over as long as the gods do not concede defeat, the current situation is not something that he alone can turn the tide.

The four Saint Seiyas who had just been fighting with him for so long, Bai Yunshen, the God-killer, plus the three newly arrived Gold and Athena, who made him the most dreaded.

Hades clearly saw the form, and at the same time understood that Athena wanted to kill herself completely.

"Do you want to fight with so many of us on your own?"

Looking at Hades' appearance, Bai Yun said lightly: "Although Saint Seiya insists on one-on-one, if the enemy is a god, then it's another matter, don't expect us to die one by one.

"That's an interesting statement, Godslayer."

Hades said: "I never expected this. When the twins were defeated, I understood the result of this holy war."

"Although I am very unwilling, the jihad has been going on for many years, but in these years, I have not won once, so it doesn't matter to me to lose again, the important thing is the future

"Wait, don't you think so?!"

Bai Yunshen suddenly realized Hades' thoughts.

"That's right. If it was a frontal battle, with the help of you, the god-killer, I would most likely be killed, but if you retreat, you can't stop me if you lose your divine power, and the only thing that can stop me is Athena!"

"I gave up this jihad and put my hope in the future, but if Athena wants to put an end to the future and insist on what you said before, it will definitely chase after you, so do you dare to come, Athena

Saying that, Hades rushed out of Shun's body and rushed into the distance with a divine soul body.

"(cjaj) I am waiting for you in the Pure Land, Athena!"

Hades gave up this holy war and chose to retreat.

Saga, Saga, and even Bai Yunshen all tried their best to stop. When a god, especially the main god, wants to retreat, it is difficult for the Saint Seiya alone to stop the opponent.

Look at the figure of Hades fleeing.

Chengto Saori's eyes flickered and he thought.

She understands that she doesn't have much time, because it takes too long to think about Hades' soul reincarnated again, then this jihad is really over.

Then we must pursue it and go to the Pure Land of Bliss.

Shiroto Saori glanced at the saints around him. Because of the use of the sacred clothing, their state has already declined. Even if Bai Yunshen can heal their physical fatigue and injuries, they still cannot heal their mental and spiritual fatigue. Continuing the fight forcibly will only end in death.

So Joto Saori went to the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss alone.

"Lord Athena, please don't go alone, that's a trap!"

Saga and others quickly persuaded the vagina.

The danger of leaving the goddess alone to go to something like the enemy's base camp, they can't allow it

Although there are some regrets, their holy war this time has been successful.

It is indeed a pity that the jihad cannot be ended forever, but such a victory is also very gratifying, and there is no need to cry.

The future is left to the future saints.

For the saints, the goddess is the symbol of the sanctuary is the most important belief, they can not allow the goddess to go to dangerous places alone.

"I'll go too."

Bai Yunshen suddenly said


Saga looked at Bai Yunshen and said, "Don't talk about such arrogant things, your body is almost at its limit, right?"

"It's really good, but it's still no problem to enter the state of the sacred clothes again."

Bai Yunshen said indifferently: "And if I really encounter irresistible danger, then I will use divine power. This is my trump card."

"You're right, but are you okay with that?"

Shion frowned.

"No problem, and it may not necessarily be used when using divine power."

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