She wants to monopolize her brother, so whenever she has the opportunity to be alone with Bai Yunshen, she will keep teasing Bai Yunshen, seduce him, plus Bai Yunshen's feelings for her for more than ten years, in fact, she The behavior of Baiyun can easily make Baiyun fall into the deep.

If it weren't for Bai Yunshen's determination to be an adultist, he would have fallen long ago.

It's just that sometimes, Sasha also sees Shiroto Saori's behavior towards Bai Yunshen.

While feeling distracted, he also keeps on blocking.

Therefore, Sasha, who has ruined his good deeds countless times, is also quite hostile to Sasha.

In Sasha's eyes, Shiori Saori is too enthusiastic, and some shameless will bring down Big Brother Bai.

Sasha, on the other hand, thinks that Sasha is prudish and has a feeling that is no weaker than his own for his brother, but it is too bad, and even holding hands will make his face red.

Shiori Saori can't stand Sasha's "fake" and "fake"

Therefore, in the past few months, the two women have been fighting endlessly.

Although it's not good to say that, but thanks to this, Bai Yunshen felt a lot more relaxed, and he didn't need to be in the Asura field.

On the contrary, Bai Yunshen has obtained a lot of benefits.

Due to the repeated stimulation by Shiori Saori, Sasha was gradually affected, and he made several bold actions. Although, every time, Sasha always ran away with a red face, but this poor feeling was on the contrary. Make Bai Yunshen especially cute.

Of course, it's a pity that because the two women don't like each other, these wonderful moments are almost alone, and there is nothing too out of the ordinary.

Once Shiori Saori is out of line, Sasha will always come to stop it precisely.

And Sasha, before he was out of line, had already escaped directly.

These days completely changed when Bai Yunshen was in a coma for half a month.

Knowing that Bai Yunshen was injured and in a coma, the two women stayed by Bai Yunshen's side all the time.

Seeing that Bai Yunshen didn't wake up day by day, their hearts were also flustered, and at the same time they realized that their struggles for the past few months seemed meaningless.

If Bai Yunshen is gone, do they still need to fight?

Shiori Saori saw that Bai Yunshen had a crush on Sasha, but she was jealous and possessive, so she rejected Sasha, but now, looking at Bai Yunshen in a coma, her thoughts have quietly changed.

Without Bai Yunshen, what can she monopolize?

So, as long as Bai Yunshen can wake up, it doesn't matter if she shares her brother with Sasha. She fears that there will be no Bai Yunshen days, so as long as Bai Yunshen can always be by her side, she will agree to any request.

The same is true for Sasha. As long as Bai Yunshen can wake up, it doesn't matter if he gets along well with this somewhat annoying Shiroto Saori, even if he turns a blind eye to her fiery behavior towards Big Brother Bai, Bi, Sasha doesn't know this time either. The jihad itself can survive.

Although it seems that the winning rate is not low, but who knows (how is Zhao) how it will develop in the future?

Sasha doesn't want Bai Yunshen to be alone in the future, so it's good to have someone to accompany him.

Seiro Saori is a girl, although Sasha doesn't like her, but the other party really likes Bai Yunshen, so in this half month, she has not rejected Seiro Saori.

In this way, because of Bai Yunshen's accidental soul damage, the relationship between the two women has been compromised.

The Shura field has been relieved in this invisible

Bai Yunshen inexplicably made the two women accept each other.

(PS: Saint Seiya wrote here, the author must start the second setting, it is impossible to completely copy the original work, but the change is not large, it is also for the follow-up plot service, I believe most people do not know the original setting, and the original work It's very confusing, and there are many versions, so let's look at it according to the author's fan settings.)

Chapter 0426 Wake up to recovery, new pope candidate!

Lying in the Lion Palace, after observing for a few days, I found that the atmosphere of Sasha and Shiro Saori was not as tense as before, and Bai Yunshen suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

Then I sensed the progress of soul damage repair, and finally woke up after [-] days of sleep

When Bai Yunshen woke up, he saw Seiro Saori and Sasha, two girls with the same hair color, close to him

The two women wore pure white and pure long skirts, and their pure and beautiful faces stared at Bai Yun Shen tightly, and the same worry appeared in their green eyes.

Although the reincarnations of the two goddesses come from different eras, they are still somewhat similar in terms of temperament and appearance, and they are like sisters when they stand together.

Smelling the fragrance from the two girls, Bai Yunshen suddenly felt a lot of energy.

The drowsiness that had been slumbering for twenty days disappeared in an instant.

Dark eyes stared at the two girls.

Baiyun blinked deeply, raised his hand and said weakly, "Good morning, Sasha, Shazhi."

"Big Brother Bai?!"

"elder brother!"

With no one around, the two reincarnated girls of the goddess rushed towards Bai Yunshen 030


With an exclamation, Bai Yunshen, who had just gotten up half-length, was thrown down, and the two girls leaned against Bai Yunshen's body, tears of joy flowing from their eyes.

"Uh, sorry."

Feeling the joy and sadness emanating from the two women, even though the soft and delicate bodies of the two women greatly stimulated Bai Yunshen, at this moment he has no thoughts at all, and only has pity in his heart.

Compared with the selfless love of the two, Bai Yunshen seems a little selfish

It was just because of the Shura field that he had been worried for so long. As a man, he should make a decision quickly.

Looking at the two women and feeling their feelings, Bai Yunshen's expression gradually became firm.

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