, again selected two pope candidates

The first is the deep white cloud of Leo.

The second is Shion of Aries!


Bai Yunshen covered his face involuntarily, with a helpless expression on his face.

Make trouble for him, that old fox!

Chapter 0427 Travel to Italy

It has been several days since I learned that I had been elected as the new Pope candidate.

In the past few days, in addition to reporting to Sai Qi about the horse, Bai Yunshen began to formally ask about the Pope's candidate and planned to decline like Sisyphus.

Naturally, about the battle with the horse, he slightly modified the strength of both sides to a certain extent.

And the reason for rejecting the Pope candidate is because he hates trouble. Except that he gets into trouble sometimes, he will not get into trouble if it is not necessary.

It's just that Pope Sage rejected Bai Yunshen's - declined application

The reason given was only nine words, but it made Bai Yun think deeply.

[The Pope's Hall and the Goddess' Hall are adjacent to each other]

It is these nine words.

When you think about it, that is indeed the case.

I don't care for the time being before the jihad, but after the jihad, Bai Yunshen and Sasha and even Shiori Saori will establish a relationship

It's just that it's unknown if the parallel world can simply escape from the sanctuary like in the parallel world of Shiroto Saori.

It should be done in time.

If there is some reason that makes it difficult to break away, then the relationship between the two parties wants to go further, and becoming the Pope is also a good choice. After all, it will be closer and it will be convenient to do things.

Of course, if Bai Yunshen and Sasha can leave the sanctuary, then the position of the Pope is naturally optional.

At this time, it seems better to plan ahead

So after thinking about it for a few days, Bai Yunshen felt that he could give it a try.

Success is best, and failure is okay.

However, to convince him for this reason is really an old fox

Sai Qi's strength is really not worth mentioning, but the wisdom and experience he has accumulated over the past two hundred years is really not to be underestimated.

It's a pity to let him die in the battle with the god of death.

It seems like a good thing to let this old fox continue the pope's work for the rest of his life.

If he can take Sasha away from the sanctuary at that time, then the work of the Pope will continue to be handed over to him. Who made him like to look for Pope candidates so much, but after only two hundred years of work, he wants to live in retirement. ?

Really depraved.

Criticizing Sage secretly in his heart, Bai Yunshen began to think about the new news he got from Sage.

That's Tonghu.

His eldest brother, Tong Hu, seemed to have not seen each other for a long time.

Tong Hu has now accepted the mission and went to Italy, but in Italy, he has lost contact with him strangely.

Although Italy seems to have signs of Pluto's activities, it is not difficult to send a message for help even if it encounters a crisis with Tonghu's strength

So it can be assumed that he may have entered a certain area, and that area has a barrier that isolates the microcosm.

At this time, because of what happened to Tong Hu, it was still under urgent investigation, so he did not send the news in time.


If Bai Yunshen remembers correctly, Sasha's orphanage is also in Italy.

And now, almost two years before the plot

So, does this also mean that the Pluto Myth LC plot is about to start officially?

Undoubtedly, because of Bai Yunshen, although the plot of Pluto Mythology LC remains unchanged, there are still some other changes. Bai Yunshen is not sure whether his wings will account for the crisis of Tong Hu's trip.

"Looks like I should have a look."

Bai Yunshen made a decision.

Naturally, Bai Yunshen also wanted to take a look at this generation of Pegasus.

As Seiya's predecessor, Pegasus should have the same potential as Seiya Demon

If you flick it to the sanctuary and cultivate him to be strong, then in the future, the sanctuary will be handed over to him, and the love and justice of protecting the earth will also be handed over to him. Isn't Bai Yunshen able to relax?

There is no need to worry that one day the earth will suddenly encounter the prying eyes of which gods and be destroyed.

Therefore, under many considerations, Bai Yunshen was ready to go to Italy.

"Going to Italy?"

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