To save time, Sol says

"" But what reason do I have to make trouble with you? "

Looking at such a persistent Sol, Bai Yunshen seemed a little impatient.

"You will gain the friendship of Thor and Asgard!"

Patting his chest, Sol assured.

"Then your friendship with Asgard is really easy to get."

Taking a deep look at Sol, Bai Yun sighed deeply and said, "Okay, then let's do it with you."

Anyway, Bai Yunshen is used to it, and every time he goes out, he encounters something.

"Then get ready, by the way, you are..."

"I'm Bai Yunshen."

At this time, Bai Yunshen reported his name.

"Deep White Clouds"

Sol murmured thoughtfully, then raised his head and the electric current in his eyes jumped: "Get ready, I'm about to start, Bai Yunshen!"

"You're welcome, Sol."

Bai Yunshen didn't move at all, just said lightly. (get Wang Zhao)


Seeing Bai Yunshen's flawed appearance, Sol hesitated for a while, but chose to attack.

His whole body seemed to have turned into electricity, the Thunder God's Hammer was held high, and the thunder and lightning gathered, and then the Thor's Hammer, under the injection of divine power and thunder and lightning, turned into a giant thunder and lightning hammer of thousands of square meters, and crashed down.

Bai Yunshen's eyes were calm, and the golden electricity flashed away in his eyes, like a lion about to explode. In an instant, golden thunder and lightning blasted out, it was lightning speed.

The spherical golden lightning suddenly slammed into the sky and collided with the blue thunderbolt-shaped giant hammer.

Immediately, the town that had been destroyed by most of it was hit by a devastating terrain once again. A small mushroom cloud rose from this, and a group of people within a radius of a hundred miles suddenly shook.

(PS: I stayed up late last night and felt a little uncomfortable. Today is the third watch and I went to bed early.)

Chapter 0515 Katie Awakens

There were no surprises in the discussion with Sol, and it was Bai Yunshen who achieved an absolute victory.

But after the failure, Thor did not have any tears. Instead, he started with Bai Yunshen with a smile on his face, and sent an invitation to Bai Yunshen, inviting Bai Yunshen to visit Asgard in the future.

Bai Yunshen said if he was free.

Sol didn't care about Bai Yunshen's apparently polite answer.

Immediately, after he said his final goodbyes to his girlfriend Jane, he returned to Asgard with his four friends through the Rainbow Bridge to solve the matter of his rebellious brother Loki.

And Bai Yunshen, looking at the figure of Sol and the others leaving, became suspicious.

"What's the matter, Shiro, is there something wrong?

Looking at Bai Yunshen, Qin Greige sighed.

"Well, I always feel that Sol has other reasons for him to ask me to learn from each other."

Bai Yunshen expressed his thoughts.

In his memory, when facing a crisis in Asgard, Thor couldn't waste time discussing with Bai Yunshen.

This kind of behavior, how can I say it, it always feels like someone is instructing Saul to do it

After the battle, even if Saul was defeated, he was not upset, but full of enthusiasm.

so strange

Shaking his head, Bai Yunshen was not ready to think too much.

This trip still encountered some small troubles, but in general, it is not a big deal

After that, S.H.I.E.L.D. began to deal with the follow-up events, and Bai Yunshen left here with Qin Ge Lei and returned to New York.

After Thor, the first incident of the Avengers follows.

However, judging from the time point, there should be a long transition period from this incident.

In other words, the next long period of time can be passed smoothly.

Bi has just stepped into 2010, and there are still more than a year before 2012 of the Avengers.

During this period, Bai Yunshen signed in four times. Unfortunately, although they are all good things, they are just the icing on the cake for the current Bai Yunshen, and they have not brought substantial progress to Bai Yunshen, nor are they infinite. The gems made Baiyun deeply disappointed.

For a period of time after returning to the martial arts hall, Bai Yunshen continued to practice

Now, his progress on the origin of the universe has reached about 20%, and with about half of the progress, he will be able to fully grasp the abilities of the three infinite gems of time, space and reality.

At the same time, every time Heiqin appeared, when discussing with her, Bai Yunshen did not forget to feel the power of life and emotion in her, which also improved Bai Yunshen's understanding of the origin of the universe.

In the following days, Katie also successfully graduated from college and was admitted to the university.

It also means that Katie is an adult

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