Comprehensive Manga: The Master is not here today

Chapter 21 Unsurprising encounter, real person

At night, Yoshino Nagi was walking home alone. The cool night breeze blew the hem of her clothes slightly, and the moonlight shone down, reflecting her thin and thin figure on the ground.

Normally at this time, she should be sharing dinner with her son Yoshino Junpei at home, drinking some wine, joking, and spending an ordinary but precious day.

But today, she had just walked out of the police station, and her beautiful face, which was always smiling, was now filled with uneasiness and anxiety.

"How could Junpei be related to any murder case?"

At sunset, after she went home after shopping for groceries as usual, she couldn't wait for Yoshino Junpei to come home, so she called the school to inquire about the situation. Only then did she find out that Yoshino Junpei had not gone to school at all in the past few days.

More importantly, according to the teacher Sotomura who taught Yoshino Junpei, Yoshino Junpei seemed to have been taken away by a group of mysterious people.

In desperation, she immediately contacted the police, but unexpectedly she learned from the police that Yoshino Junpei seemed to be involved in a murder case and was therefore taken away by officials for investigation.

After receiving this shocking news, she could only rush to the police station and ask to see her son.

However, the police told her that Yoshino Junpei was not detained in the police station. He was taken away by another special department. They could not comment on more detailed information.

At this moment, she felt the emotions called 'despair' and 'helplessness' for the first time in a long time.

She didn't even know how she walked out of the police station. When she came to her senses, she was already walking home alone at night.

"It will be fine. Junpei is a good boy."

Yoshino Nagi kept mumbling to herself to comfort herself, but such thin words seemed to have no effect.

What she didn't notice was that the streets seemed to have become extraordinarily quiet tonight for some reason. Her thin murmurs floated on the empty streets, which seemed a little strange.

But at this moment, a voice suddenly called her from behind.

"Excuse me, are you Yoshino Junpei's mother?"

Yoshino Nagi heard the words and turned around to look. The person who spoke to her was a very cute girl, wearing a student uniform she didn't recognize. Her bright orange-red hair was as eye-catching as a burning flame in the moonlight.

Looking at the strange and cute girl in front of him, Yoshino Nagi showed a somewhat puzzled look and asked:

"Yes, I am Junpei's mother. Are you Junpei's friend? What's the matter?"

"No, we are not friends. But I am here for you."


Yoshino Nagi was a little confused about Fujimaru Ritsuka's answer, and while Fujimaru Ritsuka was answering the question, his eyes were fixed on the special curse spirit behind Yoshino Nagi, the real person who was fighting Nanami Kento.

so close.

Yoshino Nagi is just an ordinary person, so she can't see the other person. If she hadn't stopped Yoshino Nagi in time just now, I'm afraid the other person would have walked into the embrace of the cursed spirit.

After being sent back to school by Itachi Kitaka, she always felt a little uneasy, so she rushed here with Jeanne d'Arc Alter, and then she saw a thrilling scene in front of her.

"They actually predicted my actions. Have the people from the high school already investigated to this point?"

The sudden appearance of Fujimaru Ritsuka here surprised the real person, but he quickly made a guess and smiled at Fujimaru Ritsuka with interest:

"No, if that were the case, there wouldn't be only one student appearing now."

"Is it a coincidence? It seems that your intuition is quite keen, little girl."

"But how can you stop me on your own?"

After the words fell, Masato leaned towards Yoshino Nagi, as long as his hand touched the opponent——

Fiery flames burst out behind Yoshino Nagi in an instant, and the dazzling firelight illuminated the entire night for a moment!

The moment he sensed the danger, the real person immediately stopped his movements, and then tried his best to jump back and escape from the range covered by the flames.

But his movements were still a step slower, and his outstretched right hand was accidentally stained with some flames. Then, the flames quickly spread up his arms in his surprised eyes, as if they would burn him out before they would stop!

What kind of flame is this? It seems to use him as fuel...!

Without any time to think, the real person made a decision in an instant, tore the burning arm directly from the shoulder and threw it to the ground.

The arm that was thrown to the ground was quickly covered in flames, and burned into ashes in the blink of an eye!

"Wow, what a terrible flame"

He said he was afraid, but the real person still had a frivolous tone. He turned his gaze to Jeanne Alter, who suddenly appeared behind Yoshino Nagi. His eyes were interested at first, but slowly turned into confusion.

"You are a magic spirit? No, it feels different. But you are not a magician either. What exactly are you?"

"Hmph, you're just an evil spirit. You don't have the right to know who I am. You just need to be burned to ashes by me with the doubts in your heart."

Joan of Arc Alter said contemptuously.

On the other side, seeing the scene of Masato's arm being reduced to ashes by flames, Fujimaru Ritsuka secretly thought that it was true.

After this period of life, she guessed that Jeanne d'Arc Alter was summoned because of her high compatibility with this world.

The basic power of this world is mantra, the power transformed from people's negative emotions.

Joan of Arc Alter itself is based on Gilles de Rey's anger, prejudice and one-sided obsession, and the "other side" of Joan of Arc that was originally impossible to exist was created by mixing these together.

Due to the compatibility of the compatibility, Jeanne d'Arc Alter can also actively capture the magic power from the air and convert it into magic power. This process looks like a magic spirit absorbing the magic power in the air.

This is also why a real person would mistake Jeanne d'Arc Alter for a cursed spirit at first glance, because the elements that make up their existence are indeed highly similar.

Not only that, the power of Jeanne d'Arc Alter, the flame she controls, is the name of the Avenger. She can magically transform and burn the resentment between herself and the surroundings, and can burn the opponent's injustice, filth and selfishness to the bone marrow for revenge. The fire of karma.

And the magic power is this kind of existence.

In other words, the spells, spellcasters, and spell spirits that exist in this world are simply good fuel for Jeanne d'Arc Alter, and they are the most suitable objects to be burned up by the fire of her revenge. !

This world is simply Jeanne d'Arc Alter's home ground!

"what is that?"

Ordinary people cannot see the cursed spirit, but followers do not have this restriction.

Hearing the movement behind her, Yoshino Nagi turned her head and saw Jeanne d'Arc Alter who had appeared behind her at some point, and the blazing fire burning in front of her. Her eyes widened in shock.

"I know you must be very confused now, but please trust me. I will explain to you later, including the whereabouts of Junpei Yoshino."

Fujimaru Ritsuka walked to Yoshino Nagi, protected her behind him, and said calmly and firmly.

Yoshino Nagi looked at Fujimaru Ritsuka's profile.

Although she had never met the other party and was unclear about the current situation, the firm look on her young face made people want to trust her involuntarily.

".I see."

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