Read True Taijuan: The Beginning of Self-Governing, Man-level Kui Hua Bao Dien – Chapter 180

When Song Long approached the carriage, a strange feeling suddenly rose in his heart.
The two of them looked at each other, as if saying: The strong man in the carriage also practices the Longevity Art, but the Longsheng Jue is all of the Divine Techniques in one category.
This is very terrorist.
The two of them were cultivating in the carriage, one zhang, and realized that mysterious aura.
As Thuong Tu Tuan noticed that Song Long was in the state of two, he immediately jumped, and immediately called Hac Dong, Tam Cai, and Tu Cai.
Hac Dong was playing for the fun of it, was called by Thuong Tu Tuan, and was a bit disinterested.
Seeing that Song Long was practicing the Truong Sinh Quyet beside the carriage, he couldn’t stop admiring it, and he also wanted to practice with Tieu Bach and practice the Truong Sinh Quyet and Truong Sin together.h Real Lao.
“No problem.”
Love Tu Tuan rest assured.
. . .
Time is like a trickle of water, three years have passed.
Phi Ma Mu Trang had a change of sky and earth, but the only thing that didn’t change was the horse carriage.
Still as peaceful as ever.
On the surface, it is the brave three peaches.
All families and sects strongly opposed Emperor Yang Guang’s Sui Yang.
“Not good, Trang Lord, outside the rumor that our old master is at Phi Ma Mu Trang, and Yang Gong Bao Kho is secretly in control of the old master’s hand, they are now also towards us Phi Ma. Mu Trang come.”
Thuong Tu Tuan listens and dreams.
She knew the big trouble, gritted her teeth, she knew that person was in the back mountain.
“Pay attention to the precaution, you all also pay attention to safety.”
“Yes, Landlord.”
Hac Dong, Tam Cai, and Tam Cai’s mother lived here for three years, and also know the situation here.
Duong Cong Bao Kho is the Great Museum, moreover, Duong Cong Bao Kho is inside of Ta Emperor Xa Loi.
“Evil Emperor Xa Loi is estimated to be of no use to the Dai Laojia, Dai Laojia is the first in the world, who can be enemies.”
Two code four birds are still playing happily.
“These human beings live very unnaturally, every day quarreling with each other, still want to worry and fear, watch me Tam Cai, live a lot of comfort.” Cong Tam Cai shakes his head to be sad about humanity.
Three days later.
A person suddenly appeared.
No, not one person, but many people.
In front of a woman, her face is half covered, only half of her face can be seen, which is already a graceful and full of charm.
A pair of delicate eyelashes slanted into the sideburns, two black eyes like that, extremely charismatic, looking around the house fascinated people.
White Ngoc Vo Ha skin, lovely figure.
Such a great beautyHowever, he brought with him evil nature, releasing an incomparable aura.
“The Aftermath of Wishing Ngoc Nghien.” Khau Trong was so scared that he changed color.
Behind Zhu Yuyan, there is also a woman, with a slender body, peerless jade, a pair of jade feet stepping on the top of a bamboo leaf, exuding a seductive charm.
“Loan Loan.” Xu Ziling shouted excitedly.
Chuc Ngoc Nghien did not keep Kou Trong and Tu Tu Lang in his eyes at all, and sternly shouted: “Lou Dieu Tu, come out!”
“There is no Lu Yaozi here, Yin Hau, you are not welcome here, leave.” Thuong Tu Tuan’s face was dignified.
Yin Hau Chuc Ngoc Nghien, people rarely see masters, close to Ta Vuong Thach Chi Hien, Dao Mon Dai Tong Master Ninh Dao Ky, Thien Dao Tong Khuyen below.
Now, she’s coming, who can stop her.
Her gaze involuntarily looked at the carriage, but the carriage hadn’t moved for three years.
“Ha ha, a little girl, dare to say the same to me, slap your mouth.” Yin Hau Chuc Ngoc Nghien sneered.
A slap hit.
Song Long shot, stopped at Thuong Tu last week.
Violently and violently carried around the inn directly, the bamboo forest was flipped, and even many high-ranking divine powers were forced to retreat one after another.
Song Long immediately backed away more than 10m, then stopped the dead body.
In this scene, it was terrifying Loan Loan and Chuc Ngoc Nghien.
Loan Loan was both shocked and happy, Xu Ziling’s cultivation base has grown too fast in these three years, has surpassed her, but compared to the rest of the masters, it is still a lot worse.
Zhu Yuyan looked at Shuang Long, the shock in her eyes could not be concealed, the two little thugs, only a few years, they could stand side by side with him, too inconceivable.
What made her even more unbelievable was that the carriage, whyThe force of the evil force violently descended, but it did not move, this is really hard to believe.
“Lu Yaozi, is this the agency you just built, so I’ll smash him.”
Wishing Ngoc Nghien to take full action, Nirvana scene in the second level of super great magic power condensed.
“What are you doing, Da Laojia is practicing in seclusion.” Hei Tong walked to the front of the carriage and loudly interrupted.
Zhu Yuyan looked at the Great Black Horse and didn’t notice it, casually sending out an attack.
Hei Dong immediately bowed his head, lying on the ground, holding his head in both hands.
Wishing Ngoc Nghien a bombardment force on the carriage, there were no earthquakes and explosions, only borrowed outside objects to silently merge.
Wishing Ngoc Nghien’s pupils retracted, this scene in front of her really scared her.
Let people hardly believe.
A lawless path with up to three caves, towards Chuc Ngoc Nghien covered it.
“Heavenly Demon Dafa.” Wishing Ngoc Nghien to bring Thien Ma Book to the extreme.
Wishing Ngoc Nghien was directly blown away by this divine power that belonged to her, a stream of fresh blood.
Loan Loan was very worried, immediately approached and hugged Master.
“Master, Master…”
Wishing Ngoc Nghien immediately spit out a few mouthfuls of blood, it was hard to believe in his eyes.
She is also a bit lucky, fortunately she only launched a successful effort, not three parts, otherwise she would still lose the ability.
Others are also hard to believe.
Yin Hau Chuc Ngoc Nghien, the world’s top master, even people can’t see it, and he is seriously injured by a strange attack, this said, no one believes it.
The Great Sect Master Ning Dao Ky also won’t believe it.
In the pine forest above, there was also a person, a white shirt, white silk covering his face, like an ordinary fairy, falling to the earth.
Kia revealed two eyes, blame heavenpeople.
“It’s strong, who is this carriage inside?” Master Phi Huyen was very curious.
Her master Pham Thanh Hue and Yin Hau Chuc Ngoc Nghien are not much less powerful, but inside this carriage, there is a move to seriously injure Chuc Ngoc Nghien, and maybe a move to seriously injure her master.
Zhu Yuyan was supported by disciple Loan Loan, looked at the carriage, full of taboo, “Luan Loan, let’s go.”
Loan Loan hurriedly took her master to leave, her master was seriously injured and had to leave.
Wishing Ngoc Nghien to go this time, everyone’s eyes were on the carriage.
Hei Tong saw Zhu Yuyan go, immediately Shen Qi came up, arrogantly said: “Da Laojia is in retreat, you shouldn’t disturb Da Lao Gia’s practice.”
Khau Trong immediately said: “Big Ma brother, that’s natural, how can we disturb Dai Lao Gia’s cultivation?, we are right next to him.”
Hei Tong looked at Kou Zhong, nodded repeatedly, this is not wrong, because he made a lot of delicious food.
Three days later.
outside the world.
“What, Zhu Yuyan attacked a carriage, was counterattacked by the supreme existence in the carriage, seriously injured, what are you talking about.”
“Don’t lie, Ning Daoqi doesn’t have this level of gong.”
“It’s not wrong, it’s all rumours.”
“It’s true, I heard Phi Ma Mu Trang, a bodyguard, said that the carriage inside the Great Laojia hasn’t come down for more than three years and has been cultivating, it’s really unbelievable.”
“What, three years without being under the carriage, do you not eat rice, do not pluck stools, do not urinate?”
“What do you know, that Nirvana Realm expert is not necessary at all, they are useful, absorbing spiritual energy.”
“So it’s not possible to go?”
“How can’t be, I heard the bodyguard Phi Ma Mu Trang say that the old man has a black horse and a horse.That black man also said that their Great Lao Family is the first in the world.”
“The first in the world, the first in the world is Thien Dao Song Que.”
“Thien Dao is powerful, but definitely not the first in the world, that Great Tang Dynasty Emperor Qin Quynh, Wei Chi Palace, Seven Nights Demon Monarchs are extremely powerful, there is also Black Mountain Old Yao, Pu Du Tu Hang, and so on. They are all powerful minerals.”
“I heard that the Great Qin Emperor Trieu created a hegemonic king, absolutely invincible.”
“I heard that in the distant Dai Minh Hoang Trieu, there was also a strong power, because it was the Western Han Dai Doc Lord, what is his real name, it seems like he didn’t say it.”
“Dai Minh Hoang Dynasty Western Han Dynasty Great Governor, I have also heard that he alone controls a country, and all the holy places do not dare to go out.”
“Western Han, isn’t that eunuch, can eunuchs be so powerful?”
“Excellent, very powerful, not many masters of the Demon Sect who went to the Great Ming Emperor Dynasty are sincerely practicing in the place of creation.”
“Oh my god, a eunuch is so powerful, how can Lao Tzu still be in the top of the heavens, no, Lao Tzu also has to go to the Great Ming Dynasty to create a place of cultivation!”
==============================180==END================ ============
Demonic Fairy Religion
UNIQUE-Strange-Strange, warning: Entering the hole is easy to go crazy!!!

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