Read True Ecclesiastes: OpenChapter 187 . Chapter 187

Ugh ouch ouch!
At the bottom of the Yellow River, there seems to be a large whirlpool, and countless Yellow River Water flows into it.
At the same time, a large wave of divine aura spewed out from within.
So many!
All human holy places spread out their large hands, clutching a large wave of spiritual energy.
“Strange, this Heavenly Gate opened the Ninth Heaven, why didn’t you let go of the suppression, but kept releasing the spirit of creation?”
All the holy places of the Holy Son of the Holy Maiden appeared in doubt.
According to their interpretation, the Heavenly Gate opened the Nine Heavens, which is the time when the Nirvana Realm of the Nine Heavens was promoted by the expert.
But now, the layer of tissue on top of their heads has not broken, still the same as before, that layer of tissue blocks the road ahead of them!
What they can do is absorb the spiritual energy of the Creator and enlighten the body.
And eight hundred miles away from the Yellow River, there are many masters of the Nine Provinces World martial arts, their strength has skyrocketed, and the martial artist of Xiantian Nine Layers of Heaven instantly stepped on the top of the heavens.
This is not over, they even moved towards the top of the top of the top of the gods.
Understanding divine powers, turning true qi into magic power, strength skyrocketed!
All the Divine Intelligence Realm peaked as a monk, stepping on the most important Nirvana stage!
Dai Minh Hoang Trieu imperial capital, welcome a person, Minh Tuyen holy land detective.
He served their orders of Minh Tuyen Holy Land, and questioned Dai Minh Hoang Trieu.
“Profanity of Hoang Trieu, I am Minh Tuyen holy land …”
One sword!
Vu Hoa Dien took his sword and said slowly to the eunuch’s subordinates: “Throw it to Bai Tha Ma, a wild dog!”
“Yes, Five Lords.”
Vu Hoa Dien coldly groaned: “Holy land, I live in the Western Han Dynastyreceive your face, you can also kneel, heaven and earth are vast, I am the largest Western Han, a holy place, there are heavenly people, the Great Doc Lord will also arrange it!”
He followed the orders of the Great Governor, dared bravely in the chaos of Dai Minh Hoang Trieu, directly killed, especially Minh Tuyen holy land.
Vu Hoa Dien once again killed people, terrified of a large group of masters.
“This Yuhuatian secret son is so big, this Mingquan holy land has not been fully spoken yet, he will kill it, and wait for the family to finish talking.”
“Wu Hoa Dien killed people in the holy land, when the holy land was then prosecuted, the Dai Minh Hoang Lord could not protect him, even because of his actions, it led to the destruction of the Dai Minh Hoang Dynasty, the person who This really has no brains!” Dai Duong Hoang Trieu An Loc Son under the master of satire Vu Hoa Dien.
After a moment, many masters rushed to look at him, and then away from him.
An Lushan, under the master’s command, was suspicious and asked his friend: “What to do?”
With a good friend baring his teeth, he said, “How can you ask such a stupid question, Vu Hoa Dien is the Western Han Five Doc, he dares to kill the strong man Minh Tuyen Holy Land, and kill 2 Once, it must be the order of the Western Han Great Governor!”
An Lushan under the master’s command became more and more suspicious, “This Dai Minh Hoang Dynasty of Western Han Dynasty is difficult to say that he dares to kill a holy place?”
In his heart, the Western Han Great Governor is just an eunuch, even if the world’s strength is unmatched, he is also a powerful Nirvana Realm, in front of Thien Nhan holy land, just an ant. foul.
Seeing this with a good friend at the table, he directly voiced: “I’m leaving, don’t look for me.”
An Loc Son under the master couldn’t find any clues, thinking in his heart: “It’s hard to say that this Western Han Dai Doc Lord is also a holy place for people.who won’t go to be eunuchs?”
Cam Y Ve.
Song Shi Dao was incomparably shocked, “The masters of Mingquan holy land also dare to kill at will, Western Han Great Governor, how strong are they, Tianmen Nine Khai, it is difficult to say that you have a countermeasure. the other Celestials.”
Song Shi Dao looked at the Qi of Creation in front of him, his eyes became very firm, “No matter what, I am currently the Commander of Jin Yiwei, I do my job well!”
Divine Beast.
Loan Loan was all shocked by Vu Hoa Dien’s actions, when the holy land came, but did not let people finish speaking, they immediately beheaded.
Too masculine.
Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling were also shocked for a while.
The two have been cultivating for several decades, knowing how powerful the Holy Land is, it’s hard to imagine.
“Dai Minh Hoang Trieu, can you prevent Thien Nhan holy land from punishing?”
Hei Dong 10 percent did not like Khau Trong’s words, and said contemptuously: “Lao Khau, what is the barrier, our family is invincible, Thien Nhan, can also kill, you will wait and see! ”
His death eyes fluttered, walked to Huo Qilin’s side, and loudly said: “Old Kou, you look at our Beast God Temple Lord Fire old man, one mouthful of fire can spray those Heavenly People to death. .”
Huo Qilin was not deceived, directly admitted, snorted softly: “I Lao Huo still want to live for a few more years, you all said that your Dai Lao Gia family is invincible, let your family Da Lao Gia be above. ”
Everyone and Fire Qilin know each other, know that Fire Qilin is easygoing, and burst into laughter.
So afraid of divine beasts, they are still seeing it for the first time.
Suddenly, I only saw the Fire Qilin standing up, his big mouth facing the sky, and suddenly took a sip.
The storm roared, and the Fire Qilin’s mouth was like a vortex, drawing out the aura of heaven and earth.
Each stream of spiritual creation was destroyed by himto be absorbed.
He is also non-toxic, sharing the ten thousand fibers of the creation of spiritual energy with all the strange beasts in the Beast Temple.
Even Khau Trong and Tu Tu Lang, Thach Thanh Tuyen, Thuong Tu Phuong, Thuong Tu Tuan, Loan Loan all received many good places.
The spirit of the Creator is still in constant release.
After nine days, Dai Minh Hoang Trieu’s spiritual energy concentration directly flipped nine times.
Have not completed yet.
At this moment, Dai Minh Hoang Trieu did not have Hau Thien martial artists, the worst were all Tien Thien martial artists, moreover, they were still high-class martial artists of Tien Thien.
Six human beings are the spiritual realms of monks, and Nirvana is not a few.
This is a Golden Age, a great Cultivation Age!
Western Han mystical underground headquarters.
Li Yi was in the secret room, and in front of him was a corpse!
The body is nine meters long, has eight arms, the top of the head is two corners, the flesh and blood parts have disappeared!
As the Tianmen opened, this corpse’s flesh and blood dissipated faster!
And in the secret room, there is a strong spirit of creation!
“Human God, Earth God, Angel, this corpse has reached the peak of human god when it was alive.”
This ancient corpse, when he stepped on the Nirvana Realm, also promoted the Heavenly Eye to the intermediate level of the Heavenly Eye, and discovered that this was returned once, and took it out!
“Nine Chau World, accumulating millions of years of creation, Tianmen will release spiritual energy in turn, without interruption, what will be the result, could it be that big hand, what the seniors of the Nine Provinces World want? trained to suppress all enemy strongmen?”
Li Yi did not understand, and was too lazy to research.
He is powerful, suppressing all enemies.
He continued to practice.
Roaring rumbling!
Heaven was shaken violently.
Xu Tian, ​​suddenly the nine heavens appeared.
birthit’s like real.
Immense and unpredictable aura, Hoan Vu Chi Noi, has nothing to match with him! !
Each piece of Tianmen is like suppressing thousands of years of sacred objects, demons and ghosts do not dare to despise, Immortals, Buddhas, and ghosts do not dare to snoop!
Everyone clearly saw this scene, the spirit was also baptized.
“Yay y ah!”
As if Heaven and Earth were opened.
In the Jiuzhou World, all the creatures’ eyes are open, the door is open!
Not a door, but Bat Phin Mon.
The nine doors of the top eight doors opened together, this is the time when Tianmen opened the eight great heavens, this one appeared once.
The 8 pieces of Tianmen inside released are incomparable to the creation of Spirit Liquid!
It’s a spiritual translation!
From the Void Thien, 8 pieces of Tianmen flew out and fell into the corners of the Nine Provinces World.
“Ling Yi, steal it.”
“Of course, Ling Yi, Tianmen opened 8 times, of course there was no release, but waited for the ninth time to open, released together, Ling Yi, became the Holy Son’s root. .” Minh Tuyen holy land of Thanh Tu performed Minh Tuyen Thanh Phap and extracted the Spirit Translation.
The rest of the Holy Son Holy Land also took action, they possessed the power of sweeping the universe, making every move, shaking the void, and having the power of extracting the moon and the moon!
It’s just that very quickly, they also feel that it is not suitable, they use divine powers, but the power of divine powers suddenly decreases.
“Heaven and Earth hasn’t opened the Age of Heaven and Earth, and the Rule of Heaven and Earth has already begun to be perfected, is it still good to be broken in the end?”
============================== 187==END================ ============
Demonic Fairy Religion
UNIQUE-Strange-Strange, warning: Entering the hole is easy to go crazy!!!

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