After Ryoma told Officer Twilight about the situation, it was already close to noon.

So he called Maori Kogoro and Xiaolan, who were still sleeping.

After all, as one of the parties involved, the police also need to know something about them.

Maori Kogoro is the happiest sleeper, after all, he slept for one night and one morning.

Xiaolan and Doctor Honest also rested almost, although they only slept for five or six hours, the fatigue was almost gone.

The only one who didn't have a good rest was Conan.

At night, they didn't rest with Xiaolan and them, and during the day, they were secretly on guard against the dragon horse.

That is, after Officer Twilight brought someone here, he rested for a while, but it was only less than half an hour.

So when Conan was called, both of his eyes were bloodshot.

The group followed Officer Twilight to the village office, and Officer Twilight had already asked all the people who had been in the public hall last night to gather here.

Kogoro Mori helps Officer Twilight interrogate everyone together.

And Xiaolan and the others have been waiting on the sidelines.

In the evening, when there were only five people left waiting for interrogation, except for Xiaolan and the others, the honest doctor suddenly stood up and wanted to go to the toilet.

Ryuma looked at the back of the honest doctor, and the current village head, Kuroiwa Tatsuji, who had only finished the interrogation a few minutes ago, finally seemed to leave in the direction of the toilet.

[Are you going to do it again......].

After waiting for a few minutes, Ryoma also went to the radio room on the second floor under the pretext of going to the toilet.

Then, when he opened the door gently, he saw that the honest doctor had stabbed Kuroiwa Tatsuji to death with a dagger, and was about to write music on the ground with Kuroiwa Tatsuji's blood.

"I can't write it~ Honest doctor!" reminded the dragon horse who opened the door.

The honest doctor, who was about to write a score on the ground with Kuroiwa Tatsuji's blood, was startled when he heard the voice of the dragon horse.

Ryuma could clearly see that her hand shook violently as he made a sound.

Then, the honest doctor slowly looked up at the dragon horse standing in the doorway.

There was a mixture of surprise, surprise and a hint of relief in his eyes.

Ronma pointed to the light on the console.

"Honest doctor, you should be preparing to fake the time of the village chief's death. But if you write a score on the ground with the village chief's blood, it will reveal the true time of the village chief's death!" Long Ma kindly reminded.

The honest doctor is a doctor himself, so after hearing Ryuma's reminder, he immediately thought of the key point.

If she used Kuroiwa Chenji's blood to write music on the ground, the blood would inevitably coagulate over time.

In this way, the time of death of the forged Kuroiwa Tatsuji will be seen through immediately.

It's just that she doesn't understand why Longma didn't report her after she found out that she had killed someone, but instead seemed to help her.

Ryoma pulled out a small glass bottle from his pocket. There were several leeches wriggling inside the small glass bottle.

Those leeches were caught in the ditch in the field when the dragon horse went to the public hall in the morning.

"Presumably the honest doctor knows what this is, and he will be found out if it takes too long!"

Rhoma tossed the vial at the honest doctor.

The honest doctor grabbed the small glass bottle.

She knew what a dragon horse meant.

The salivary glands of leeches contain a large amount of hirudin, which is very effective in inhibiting thrombin activity.

In other words, she can use these leeches to prevent the blood written on the ground from coagulating, so that the fake time of death is not easy to detect.

It's just that it's still that doubt.

Why did the dragon horse help her? And it seems that Ryuma has known that she is going to kill for a long time, and even her method of killing has long been known.

Otherwise, it is simply impossible to prepare such a thing as a leech in advance.

"Why? Why do you want to help me?" the honest doctor couldn't help but ask.

The dragon horse smiled slightly.

"I naturally have my reasons for helping you. As for what it is, you don't need to know for a while. You just need to know that if you are caught, the suicide note that your father left for you, you will never see it!".

Then, Ryuma took out a handkerchief from his pocket, and a ring was wrapped around it.

"This is the ring that Ken Nishimoto wears on his hand all the time, so you must know what you have to do!"

"By the way, the lights on the console, don't be discovered! Don't let Ken Nishimoto die, someone has to take the blame for this. "

With all that done, Ryoma turned and left the broadcast room.

After descending the stairs, the dragon horse turned and walked into the bathroom.

And the honest doctor, who was still in the broadcast room, opened the small glass bottle containing the leech.

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