Conan's other self

Chapter 44 Treasure Hunting Again

Just because you can do something, doesn't mean you have to do it.

Feng Yuan still cherishes his life.

He just planned to attract the middle-aged man's attention.

However, Feng Yuan felt that even if he didn't attract the opponent's attention, the opponent wouldn't be able to avoid Conan's kick.

At this moment, the middle-aged man had passed out, and the gun in his hand fell aside.

The insurance wasn't even on yet.

If this guy joins the black organization, he will only be eliminated by his own people.

When Feng Yuan was thinking this, Conan ran over, looked at the middle-aged man who had fainted, then looked at the pistol on his side, and breathed a sigh of relief.

He underestimated the danger level of the opponent.

It was also his idea to try to trap the other party first. This plan was not dangerous for the two of them - if the other party did not hold a gun.

But fortunately everything went well.

"What did you use to kick?" Fengyuan asked curiously. The middle-aged man's face was bruised, but there was no blood.

"Wooden toy." Conan pointed to the somewhat deformed thing next to him, "It was dug out from the bottom of the doctor's box."

This is quite unscientific.

Fengyuan didn't hesitate anymore. After all, compared to his time travel, even Dr. A Li's unscientific props were nothing, let alone such a trivial matter.

After confirming that the other party had indeed fainted, Fengyuan opened the badge of the Young Detective Team.

The badge has the function of remote calling.

Soon, Dr. Ali ran out with three elementary school students.

"Conan! Maplehara!"

"Damn it! You sneaked out to solve the incident again!" Yuantai said dissatisfied.

Mitsuhiko carefully looked at the middle-aged man on the ground, and then said with his fist: "By the way, I just saw a roll of rope, go get it now!"

Mitsuhiko ran away to find the rope, Ayumi worriedly asked Conan and Kaedehara if they were injured, and Genta seemed to be hesitating whether to kick the man on the ground.

Feng Principle answered while putting the bag containing the pistol into the car, preparing to hand it over to the Memu Police Department on the way to prevent it from being touched by elementary school students.

Quickly, Mitsuhiko took out the rope and tied up the middle-aged man skillfully.

Conan then explained.

"Eh? Is this person also looking for treasure?"

"Yeah." Conan nodded.

"Ah! Speaking of treasures," Mitsuhiko said, "Conan, Maplehara! We have found a key clue!"

"What clue?" Conan became interested.

"The pattern under the vase?"

"Yeah," Ayumi nodded, "There are also robot dolls, candlesticks, plates..." Ayumi said while twirling her fingers, "Oh! In short, there are so many patterns!"

Conan, who was very interested in solving puzzles, naturally couldn't sit still.

It was still some time before the Memu Police Department arrived. After tying up the middle-aged man a few more times, the young detective team embarked on a treasure hunt again.

After a while.

"There are thirteen in total." Conan held his chin in thought. The patterns on it are all shapes of the moon, stars and sun. Conan thinks this is a kind of password. "It would be nice if there were something longer and more like an article..."

"The doctor said it!" Mitsuhiko said, "The anonymous letter received by the doctor's aunt has such a pattern!"

"Really?" Conan looked at Dr. Ali.

Dr. Agasa nodded: "My aunt came to me a few years ago and said that she has received anonymous letters every year since ten years ago, all written in hiragana, and the contents are 'Hello, teacher' and 'Please take care of yourself. ' and so on. Those hiragana letters have this kind of graphics drawn next to them, like lace."

"Like lace?" Conan said, "Then what? Where are the letters?"

"I can't figure out what's going on, so I'll show it to your... uh, mystery novelist friend who lives nearby."

"He was very busy at work and didn't want to talk to me, but then he became more and more excited as he read it. He took the envelope and went to the room. Then he walked out within a few minutes and gave me a letter to give to my aunt."

"What else can you say that I am as warm as the sun?" Dr. Ali said while recalling.

Hearing this, Conan seemed to have thought of something, and glanced at Maplehara proudly, much like the former Hattori Heiji.

Feng Yuan was thoughtful.

He wondered if he could remember this memory.

But Kudo Shinichi was not there at that time.

Conan was a little disappointed without Maplehara's question as a compliment, but fortunately Genta spoke: "Then what? What's in the envelope?"

"It must be the interpretation table of passwords." With the support, Conan said, "These passwords all represent hiragana."

There is finally progress in solving the puzzle, and the primary school students are very happy. After knowing that the patterns all represented hiragana, Conan quickly deduced the interpretation from the changes in the patterns.

Then I learned that the passwords were all "Please see" plus something in the villa.

"As long as you follow these things, you should find it..." Conan put his hands in his pockets and said confidently, "That important thing that must be hidden with a password!"

After finishing speaking, Conan started to demonstrate on the spot and quickly found the last password: Please look at the plate.

But on the plate is the first password.

"Wouldn't this bring us back to the starting point?" Yuantai said.

Ayumi and Mitsuhiko looked disappointed, and Dr. Ari thought it was just a prank.

Conan felt a little embarrassed.

He had just shown off proudly in front of his other self, but his reasoning had reached a dead end.

Thinking of this, Conan couldn't help but glance at Fengyuan again.

"That's right, Maplehara-san, please help me think about it too!"

" didn't say a word just from the beginning..."

The primary school students, who had just fallen from hope to disappointment, all looked to Fengyuan for help, but Fengyuan had a headache.

Because his logical thinking is still his own, he considers himself inferior to Conan in solving puzzles like this.

Even if Conan could figure out the puzzle, it would take a lot of brain cells.

However, although he didn't want to do graphical reasoning, Maplehara did have some ideas about where the "treasure" was.

"Have you already searched the first and second floors before?" Fengyuan said.

"Eh?" The topic suddenly changed. The primary school students were stunned for a moment before Mitsuhiko answered, "Yeah, I've already read through them all."

"Found nothing but the Doctor's mischief!"

Dr. A Li touched his head in embarrassment. The box of toys that had been destroyed before was still dug out by the primary school students.

"What about the attic?" Fengyuan asked next.

"Attic? Is there an attic?" Yuantai looked at his companion in confusion.

Conan was stunned for a moment.

"Looking from the outside, this villa must have an attic, right?" Fengyuan pointed upward, "Maybe the attic is hidden?"

Turning his attention away from the pattern, Conan couldn't help but feel that Maplehara was right. But he is still more interested in solving puzzles...

But primary school students are different.

They're more interested in rummaging around.

So Ayumi, Genta and Mitsuhiko began to look at the ceiling, trying to find the gap where the attic was...

"Idiot!" Conan said with a dark look on his face, "This is the first floor, you should go to the second floor to find it——"

However, before he finished speaking, he heard Ayumi's cry of joy, and the expression on his face suddenly froze.

"Found it!" Ayumi happily pointed to the middle of the ceiling, "There seems to be a gap in the chandelier!"

"Eh? Is that a trench?" Mitsuhiko objected.

But Conan felt like a bullet had penetrated his brain, and an idea suddenly appeared.

I saw him taking the paper he had just taken notes on, and on the paper he connected the furniture with the code patterns he found one by one in order. The intersection of the connecting lines converges in the middle, where the chandelier is located.

At this time, Mitsuhiko and Genta were already scrambling to climb onto the sofa.

Conan reminds them that the chandelier should be rotatable.

Soon, the sound of heavy objects falling came from the second floor.

"You guy," Conan complained to Feng Yuan as he walked upstairs behind the elementary school student, "you have solved it a long time ago and you still didn't say anything."

Feng Yuan blinked innocently.

He is just a little more observant.

The chandelier turned and opened the stairs leading to the attic.

They found a long-dead man on the stairs, who looked like he had died of a heart attack while writing a letter.

Conan also deduced the whole story from the unfinished letter.

The deceased was the painter who painted Dr. Ali's uncle and aunt. He was commissioned to make a template for the twenty-dollar bill, but because of his uneasy conscience, he did not want to hand it over, so he hid in this house.

The middle-aged man downstairs was looking for the counterfeit money template.

In short, the treasure hunt organized by Dr. Ali came to a successful conclusion after the Memu Police Department arrived.

Dr. A Li is very satisfied.

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