Conan's other self

Chapter 48 Moths Flying into Flame (1)

"Robbery, kidnapping, murder...really, there seem to be more and more crimes recently."

That day, while walking on the way home from school, Conan crossed his arms behind his head and complained to Maplehara beside him.

"Yes, and it seems like they can all be touched by you."

"...Don't make me look like a disaster star," Conan glanced at Fengyuan angrily, "Don't forget that you are me too - besides, I was not at the scene of yesterday's bank robbery."

"...Bank robbery?" Fengyuan paused.

"Yes, one billion Japanese dollars was robbed from Mihua Bank. I only heard about it this morning from Uncle Maori."

"You were there?"

"...Didn't I just say that I wasn't here?" Conan glanced at Fengyuan inexplicably, "And yesterday we went treasure hunting with those little ghosts. You didn't even forget this, right?"

After a pause, Conan glanced at Fengyuan again suspiciously: "Are you sick?"

"...No. I was just a little distracted just now." Fengyuan said, "I was thinking about what to eat at night."

Ayumi was going out with her parents after school this afternoon, so the Junior Detective Team dispersed early.

Seeing that it was still early for dinner, Conan followed Maplehara to Dr. Ali's house to see if there were any new and useful inventions.

It turns out there is, but only half.

"Prisoner tracking glasses?" Conan looked at Dr. Ari with some surprise.

"That's right!"

"I said, doctor, what do you think I'm wearing now?" Conan pointed to his glasses.

Really, Feng Yuan seems to be out of shape, and the doctor doesn’t seem to be in state either. I don’t know what’s going on...

"This is an improved version!" Dr. Ali proudly solved Conan's doubts. "In the past, your tracking glasses could only track your respective transmitters. But after the improvement, as long as either one of you places the transmitter, both of you can track each other." Just one pair of glasses can be tracked.”

"Just tap here lightly," the doctor pointed to the frame on the right side of the glasses in his hand, "and you can switch the tracking target."

"Oh! This is good, doctor."

Conan expressed his approval.

In this case, if we encounter a guy like Tequila again, he or the one who is not present in Maple Plains will be easier to track.

"What's more," the doctor continued, "with three quick clicks, you can turn on the transmitter in the glasses and let another pair of glasses track it! What do you think, am I awesome? Hahaha!"

Dr. A Li smiled proudly, and Conan took the new glasses from the doctor with a dark look on his face.

Conan took one look and put on his glasses, then threw the old glasses on the table.

After Dr. Ali calmed down, Conan made a few more requests to see if the doctor could make them, and then planned to return to Xiaolan's house for dinner.

"I'll go too." Fengyuan also stood up.

Conan was a little surprised that Fengyuan rarely went to Xiaolan to have a meal on the days when Xiaolan needed to go to school.

"The doctor has been ordering fried chicken for delivery for several days in a row." Maplehara explained.

"Because the newly opened store is so delicious." Dr. A Li said awkwardly.

Today's food delivery industry is not developed, and most of them are delivered by shop assistants or winery employees who work multiple jobs, so it's okay if you only order one, but ordering two is not only too troublesome but also exceeds the budget.

Conan cast a "take care of yourself" look at Dr. Agasa, and went to the Mori Detective Agency with Maplehara.

Uncle Maori didn't mind, after all, Fengyuan rarely came.

Compared to Conan who was there every day, Uncle Maori felt that Maplehara's 10 million living expenses were well worth it.

Xiaolan looked happy.

She had always felt that the child was not close enough to her, so she felt that this was the first step for the child to open up.

After the meal, just when Uncle Maori felt a little bored, a commission came to his door.

The client is a rustic girl with double braids and big, thick round glasses, but despite this, she also gives people a very cute feeling.

"Mr. Detective, please," she said anxiously, clasping her hands on her chest, leaning towards Uncle Maori, "help me find my father!"


The girl looked about the same age as his own daughter, and she looked very pitiful. Uncle Maori suddenly felt a little soft-hearted.

Xiaolan couldn't help but stand aside and listened worriedly.

Conan and Maplehara too.

"My father came to Tokyo to look for a job," the girl who called herself Hirota Masami explained the situation to Uncle Mori, "but there has been no news about him for a long time. He also quit his job at the taxi company and asked the police to find him. Can’t even find it…”

"That's why you came to me..." Uncle Maoli continued.

"Yes, I took a leave of absence from the school and came from Yamagata (Prefecture)..." Masami Hirota said in a low tone, "There is no other way but to ask the detective."

School... As expected, I am the same age as Xiaolan.

Uncle Maori thought to himself and responded, "I understand. I accept your commission!"

After accepting the entrustment, we officially entered the stage of discussing the details.

Hirota Masami took out a photo from his pocket and handed it to Uncle Mori. The photo showed a middle-aged man holding a cat in his arms and smiling. "This is my father, Hirota Kenzo," Hirota Masami said, "He is 1.7 meters tall and is forty-eight years old."

"Who is this cat?"

"That's my father's cat, and his name is [Kuai]. My father likes cats very much, and he also has three cats [Emperor], [Hao], and [King]..."

Uncle Maori asked about the specific situation, but Conan lost interest in the commission.

Catching cheaters and finding people are the two things Uncle Maori is best at, and they are also the skills that Uncle Maori relies on for survival. On these two points, Conan even felt that Uncle Maori might not be inferior to him...after all, the uncle had a lot of experience.

Then Conan got distracted and remembered that he hadn't tried the new tracking glasses yet.

"Hey, Maplehara," Conan whispered, "Have you tried the new tracking glasses?"

Fengyuan shook his head and continued to listen to the conversation between Uncle Mouri and Masami Hirota.

Conan was a little surprised that Maplehara was actually interested in such a boring matter as finding someone, but after all, it was something related to detectives, so he didn't think much about it.

So, he planned to secretly attach his transmitter to Xiaolan, and then ask Fengyuan to go back and see if it worked.

Just do it if you think of it. While Xiaolan was pouring tea for Miss Hirota Masami, Conan sneaked over.

Then he slipped and fell on Masami Hirota.

"Hey! Little brat!" Uncle Maoli said dissatisfied.

Conan quickly stood up and apologized, looking for the missing transmitter in his hand.

He soon discovered that the transmitter had accidentally been attached to the watch Masami Hirota was wearing on her right hand.

Just when Conan was hesitating whether to take it back, Hirota Masami couldn't help but shed tears.

"My mother passed away when I was a child... My father is my only relative," Masami Hirota's voice trembled, with tears in her eyes. "If my father has another problem, then I..."

She couldn't bear it any longer, covered her face and sobbed.

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