Conan's other self

Chapter 70 Wallet Suspense (4)

Traveling is always closely related to eating.

After finishing their udon, they went to eat takoyaki.

After finishing the takoyaki, they went to eat okonomiyaki.

After Sakata Yusuke, who ran to the toilet, rejoined them, everyone walked out of the store while figuring out where to go next.

"There is also a very good store that I recommend to you——"

"Of course we're going to Osaka Castle next." Kazuha interrupted.

"...Osaka Castle is fine," said Hattori Heiji, who was a little tired after arguing several times a day, "but it's better to call a police car over. It's not good to always have Xiaolan follow you in a taxi..."

Hattori Heiji said as he took out his mobile phone.

He still couldn't forget it and wanted Xiaolan to ride in a police car and give her a complete trip to Osaka.

Fengyuan, who always walks at the back, followed him out of the store, and then...


A body smashed against the hood of a police car.

They were only a few meters away.

Screams came and went.

"what happened?"

Uncle Maori, who was not very knowledgeable, was still calm. He walked to the car and checked, and he knew at a glance that the man was already dead.

"Who is this man?"

"I don't know!" Hattori Heiji put the phone back into his pocket and ran over, "It suddenly fell off!"

While talking, everyone subconsciously looked up and found a person on the roof of the building looking down.

Hattori Heiji and Conan rushed forward immediately, and Kaede Principle followed Uncle Mouri and took a few glances at the body.

The deceased apparently died from a knife that penetrated his heart, with a wallet also pierced through the middle.

Although the man looked hopeless, Uncle Maori still investigated and then reminded Yusuke Sakata who was standing aside to call the police.

He is obviously a policeman, but his reaction is so slow...

Uncle Maori was a little dissatisfied, but his attention soon focused on the man looking down from the top of the building.

He is obviously a prisoner, yet his reaction is so slow...

After a while, Hattori Heiji and Conan came down with the "prisoners".

But things were not as Uncle Maori thought.

"What? He was called to the roof?"

"Well," Hattori Heiji looked serious, "He is the owner of the tea shop on the second floor. Someone called him and told him that there was a strange man on the top of the building and asked him to go up and have a look."

"Why did the body fall?"

"The body was tied with a rope and hung from the handrail of the roof. The body was covered with a plastic sheet and one end of the rope was fixed with a door handle. This way, the rope would be loosened once the door was opened."

"Then the body will fall down." Hattori Heiji carefully looked at the body on the hood and continued, "He should have been dead for a whole day. I guess he was called here yesterday and was killed. Hanged up."

"But why did it fall on the police car?"

Sakata Yusuke said in confusion.

"It could just be a coincidence, but if a dead body is reported in the could also be to deliberately warn someone."

"Warning?" Conan asked.

"Well, the knife that penetrated the wallet and stabbed the chest..." Hattori Heiji held his chin in thought, "It looks very similar to those previous murder cases..."

As they were speaking, as if Hattori Heiji's guess was confirmed, a middle-aged woman in the crowd suddenly let out a scream of terror, but by the time they chased her, the woman had already driven away in her car.

Fortunately, Maplehara and Conan both remembered the license plate number, and the group planned to go to the Osaka Prefectural Police Higashijiri Station first to have someone investigate the woman's identity, and at the same time ask Hattori Heiji to introduce in detail the "previous murder case" he just mentioned ".

After sitting down, Hattori Heiji explained to everyone.

"Serial murder case?"

"Yes," Hattori Heiji nodded, "The one just now should be the third murder case. All three of them had knives penetrated their wallets and stabbed their chests, and they were all strangled to death."

"Wallet?" Xiaolan asked.

"Is it because of a property dispute?"

"Not quite."

Hattori Heiji rejected Kazuha's idea.

"The first person to be killed was Hidetoshi Nagao, the manager of a convenience store. The second person to be killed, Tayo Nishiguchi, was the proprietress of an izakaya, and then, Kazuto Noyasu who just fell was a taxi driver."

"They don't look like people who will be killed for money," Hattori Heiji continued, "and so far these three people have no connection."

"No connection?"

Uncle Maori is obviously a great fan.

"Yes, although my birthplace, school and work place are all in Osaka...the locations are completely different..."

Feng Yuan doesn’t think so.

Since Conan, who was not pretending much, was present, there was no need for him to pretend to be a child, so he spoke directly.

"How come there is no connection?" Feng Yuan said in a curious tone, "If you deliberately penetrated the wallet, then it must have something to do with the wallet, right?"


Sakata Yusuke happened to come over with something in his hand and shouted, but then he stopped talking.

"Yes, Heiji!"

Toyama Kazuha's voice of approval overwhelmed Sakata Yusuke.

This is something that can be easily associated with, and Heye is very happy that his ideas are recognized.

"I've thought about it," after all, it was Kudo who said it, and Hattori Heiji took it a little more seriously, "but the victim's wallet was damaged and in a mess, and there was nothing strange in it..."

"Why the weird stuff?"

"Huh?" Hattori Heiji was stunned for a moment.

"Maybe it's a deposit certificate from the same bank, or a membership card from the same club, or something else..."

"That's how it's played on TV!" Fengyuan continued.

"Indeed," Uncle Maori thought thoughtfully, "You better tell me everything in your wallet and let me, a famous detective, show it to you -"

With a snap, Hattori Heiji slapped the table and stood up.

"Driver's license! Yes, that's right, that's it!" Hattori Heiji said with joy on his face, "There are driver's licenses in all three wallets, and the driver's licenses have also been pierced by knives!"

After hearing what Hattori Heiji said, Conan began to think.

"What happened to the driver's license?" Uncle Maori was a little unhappy at being interrupted. "They are all adults. What's so strange about having a driver's license."

"The point is not the weirdness, uncle."

Hattori Heiji explained:

"This means that they may be related to a certain traffic accident, so the murderer will deliberately run through the driver's license out of revenge. Of course, it is also possible that they took the driver's license test together. In short, they must have something in common..."

As he spoke, Hattori Heiji turned to Yusuke Sakata, who had walked over and stood aside, "Hey, Sakata, I remember that the Driving Supervision Office is nearby, right? Take us there!"

"Heiji!" Kazuha shouted, "Then what should we do?"

One car couldn't accommodate so many people, so she couldn't take a taxi with Xiaolan, right?

"You take Xiaolan back to the hotel, the one I told you about during the meal. I have made arrangements," Hattori Heiji said, looking at Maplehara and Conan, "Shall we go?"

Thank you to classmate Chen Yixing for the two rewards. Thank you to everyone for your monthly tickets, recommended tickets and various forms of support. Thank you so much.

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