。“ Sir, in fact, I am a member of the Dragon protection team, a special protector of the dragon family. " Hearing the four words "dragon protection team", Han Tingming's face could not help showing a look of shock. You know, the Dragon protection team is the most mysterious force of the dragon clan. They have absolute power of life and death in the territory of the dragon clan. It's no exaggeration to say that even if Wei Menghu killed Wei Qiandao on the spot, he doesn't need to bear any consequences. Wei Menghu is a member of the Dragon protection team, and Qi Haotian is his master. Well, isn't Qi Haotian... Han Tingming doesn't dare to think about it any more, because he thinks Qi Haotian's identity is beyond his understanding. However, where does Han Tingming know that Qi Haotian's real identity is nothing more than the medical school of Haotian medical school. Qi Haotian heard Wei Menghu's words, he nodded and said nothing more. In fact, Qi Haotian is a little curious about the existence of the strongest one in the Dragon protection team. However, he didn't ask. After all, it was a secret belonging to the dragon clan. Naturally, there was no need to ask. Soon after Wei Qiandao left Haotian hospital, his mobile phone rang. When Wei Qian Dao looked at the number on his mobile phone, his face suddenly became ferocious. Because it was Xiao Shengtian who called him instead of others. However, Wei Qian Dao's eyes soon turned and his face showed a fierce color“ Cough... Cough... "Wei Qian first cleared his throat, then connected the phone and said“ Xiao Shengtian, what can I do for you? " Xiao Shengtian heard Wei Qiandao's voice, he said with a flattering look on his face“ Director Wei, I don't know how you handled that? Is Qi Haotian the murderer who killed my son? " Hearing Xiao Shengtian's inquiry, Wei Qiandao showed a trace of essence in his eyes and scolded him in his heart“ Xiao Shengtian, you son of a bitch almost killed me, but I can't keep my position here. " Although the heart of Wei Qian Dao is scolding, he still coughs softly and says“ Xiao Shengtian, don't be so sure about some things. We arrested Qi Haotian. "“ However, whether he is the murderer or not needs to be examined before it can be determined. You don't know. I fell out with Aoki city in order to catch him. " In Wei Qian Dao's heart, he knows very well that once he leaves the position of deputy director. Then his good days are coming to an end. Under such circumstances, it is natural to strike a heavy blow on Xiao Shengtian, a water fish, and then fly away. Hearing that Wei Qiandao had arrested Qi Haotian, Xiao Shengtian's face couldn't help showing a look of ecstasy. In Xiao Shengtian's heart, Qi Haotian is arrested, so whether he is guilty or not is not a matter of Wei Qiandao's words? Read so far, Xiao Shengtian gritted his teeth and said“ Director Wei, don't worry. I'll call you 50 million now. I'll ask you for other things. " Hearing that Xiao Shengtian wanted to pay for himself, Wei Qiandao couldn't help feeling happy. In Wei Qian Dao's heart, he has already made a secret decision. As soon as the money arrives, he will go far away. As for Xiao Shengtian who wants to make trouble for him, he has to wait for Xiao Shengtian to survive.

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