"Lord Luo is a patient I look after. If you do this, it's not to destroy my treatment."“ You don't have the right to treat him. If you intervene, it will only aggravate his patients. " In Bi Xiapu Martin's mind, if Qi Hao is naive and has the ability to treat Luo Wenxiong's illness, then can't he get a million into his pocket? You know, what he said about space calcium tablets is just very common calcium tablets. Qi Haotian didn't care about Bi Xiapu Martin's words. His eyes fell on Luo Wenxiong, and then he said calmly“ Master Luo, I don't know what you think. I can cure your illness. " Sitting in a wheelchair, Luo Wenxiong heard Qi Haotian's words and said with a smile on his face“ oh Can you cure me? What a big tone, young man. I don't know. Why are you so sure? "“ Are you trying to cheat me out of my money? " Luo Wenxiong said that at last, a trace of displeasure appeared on his face. You know, during his illness, many famous doctors came to see him. That's why Luo Wenxiong is so excited. Hearing Luo Wenxiong's words, Qi Haotian said with a smile“ With my hands, whether I believe it or not depends on your attitude. " Qi Haotian said this, he just sat on the sofa, and then took out a bag of melon seeds from his arms and chewed them. He Cuifeng looks at Qi Haotian sitting on the sofa. She can't help pointing to Li Zhengyu“ Li Zhengyu, who are you looking for? Do you see where there is such a doctor with such an attitude? " In he Cuifeng's heart, she hates Li Zhengyu for coming to Qi Haotian. After all, seeing that one million is coming, I never thought that it was destroyed. What's more, Qi Haotian was found by Li Zhengyu. In this case, he Cuifeng naturally scattered all his resentment on Qi Haotian. Li Zhengyu heard the curse of he Cuifeng, he could not help but said“ Mother in law, he is the doctor of Qi in Haotian hospital. He is a famous doctor in Qingmu city. How can you say that about him? " In Li Zhengyu's heart, he spent a lot of money and ingenuity, and then invited Qi Haotian to come out for treatment. However, he Cuifeng's attitude is to drive Qi Haotian out? Just as he Cuifeng is about to refute Li Zhengyu, Luo Wenxiong's voice rings“ Just calm down. I have my own opinion on this matter. " Luo Wenxiong's words, he Cuifeng's hands on his shoulder said“ Wen Xiong, don't believe them. If it wasn't for Li Zhengyu's poor medical skills, how could you be in a wheelchair? "“ As for the doctor he brought back this time, his only purpose is to pit us. "“ Don't believe such a person. " Although he Cuifeng seems to be thinking about Luo Wenxiong, she thinks about it silently in her heart. Hum, Li Zhengyu, how old are you? You dare to do bad things for me. Fortunately, Luo Wenxiong, you are very arrogant. If I didn't like your money, I would not wait on you. However, we still need to consider how to deal with this matter. If not, the duck will fly away.

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