Levi:"Here's the problem. The Herrscher is the messenger of the Honkai God... There are two Honkai Gods over there now. So the Herrscher's situation……"

Levi's expression was wonderful to the extreme.

Kousaka Kyosuke:"You are all... my wings? (dog head.jpg)"

Theresa:"!! Damn it, they should adjust their sexual orientation to normal."

Theresa:"@雷电Mei Yi. Especially you, you are already very crooked. Don't think about making things even more crooked."

Raiden Mei Yi:"? What does it have to do with me?"

Raiden Mei Yi was confused. She was just a mass eater, so why did the flames of war come to her inexplicably?

Yukinoshita Yukino:"……"

Edogawa Conan:"Miss Raiden Mei looks so innocent... I really don't know where to start with this rant."

Aisaka Taiga:"You and Kiana... and others Between... Well, you should understand what I mean, right?"

Raiden Meiyi:"!!!"

Gudazi:"But, Theresa is not qualified to say such things, right? After all, between her and Cecilia... ahem."

Sirzechs:"Valkyries are like this. The biggest problem!"

Hatsune Future:"So, Theresa is very unqualified to say such things."

Theresa:"!! But I am an elder after all... By the way."

After a moment of encouragement, Theresa suddenly Thinking of something, his eyes instantly lit up. She spoke carefully in the group.

Teresa:"@EARTHWill. Well, I want to do a college assessment! Prepare to go to other worlds! And I will take my students there with me... By the way, after the assessment is over, I will also set up a school there. Sorting something like that? Can you give me permission to travel across the world?"

Theresa:"Please! This is very important to me."

Earth Will:"……"

Will of the Earth:"I feel it's dangerous inexplicably... I don't agree."

Reina Ryugu:"It's so scary!"

Katsura Yanye:"I also think something is weird... but I can't put it right at the moment."

Theresa :"I'll give you... a red envelope of one thousand... no, three thousand points."

Theresa's face was filled with heartache, but she still made a decision.

Will of the Earth:"? It's too scary. The more it is like this, the more it shows that your plans are bigger... But why... Damn it, stop it."

Theresa:"Thank you! I have received your message here. Permission granted."

Theresa naturally sent a private red envelope. The will of the earth was snatched up in an instant...

Suzune Horikita:"?!"

Ayumi Aikawa:"Ah this……"

Lelouch:"I never expected this operation."

Kaitou Kidd:"So, why did Teresa do such a thing? Also, are the points useful for the will of the earth? (Er Zhang Mo) No brainer.jpg)"

Kayaba Akihiko:"It should be useful... But considering that the biggest use of points is for training... if the earth directly carries out training."

Kayaba Akihiko shuddered, and he couldn't help himself for a moment. Know what expression you should show.

Hijikata Jushiro:"It's terrible! However, it should be the time for the president to appear."

Lelouch:"Personally, I think it is impossible for the earth to disappear and all humans to die in space... The greater possibility is that humans entered together with the earth. Think about it, aren’t humans just parasites compared to the earth? And there are organisms like bacteria in humans.……"

Lelouch:"I didn't hear anyone say that whoever goes in...all the germs on his body will be left outside.……"

Makarov:"That's reasonable!"

Chen Xiang:"So, isn't this thing super scary? The president is also on the back of the earth... If this is the case."

Su Xiaoxiao:"It always feels very interesting. Looks like! @EARTHWill. If you really do that, tell me in advance so that I can be prepared... If everyone stays in space, then I will create an earth for human beings to live in at that moment. etc. You can replace it after you come back!"

Su Xiaoxiao:"If I enter the time training room with you...it happens that everyone and I can also exercise in that world! And human beings can also take advantage of this opportunity to enter great development. Era."

Great God Dugu:"……"

Ye Hei:"It can be seen that the president is a bit bored. He started to have fun!"

Nayako:"Are you a fun person too? (Beware.jpg)"

Edogawa Conan:"The topic goes too far.! Didn’t I ask at the beginning... Theresa’s real intention for this operation?"

Conan quietly brought up the topic.

Ah Xing:"I think Conan is stirring up trouble, and I have enough evidence."

Wall-facer Luo Ji:"Actually, if you think about it, you can tell... If Theresa really went there, it must be because of the president. Raiden Meiyi They are a little crooked... If they want to correct themselves, not ordinary people can do it. At this time, we can only let the president, whose charm exceeds the limit, come in person!"

Luo Ji, the wall-facer:"No one can refuse the president... Just Not even men! Even girls who are bent... you know."

Liu Peiqiang:"I even suspect... Theresa may have had the idea of ​​meeting and socializing with the president in private in the past. There is a high probability that she will Is the new branch of St. Freya College located next to the president's city? Or next to the president's home... I have already thought of the reason for her. We are all members of the union and living together will be a lot more convenient."

Liu Peiqiang:"We are all close together... Then it is normal for us to visit from time to time, right? (dog head.jpg)"

Theresa:"I'm not! I don't have it! Don't talk nonsense."

Theresa exploded directly. Hairy.

Jiujianxian:"Although the mood is a bit complicated...but it does seem like what Theresa's brain can think of."

Holy Lord:"Perhaps, that lady is still very shocked. She has a complete plan, why? Maybe all of you will see through?"

Zhu Xingtan:"It makes no sense! Anyway, now they have obtained the permission to go to the president's world... and they really want to live next to the president and the others, and the president cannot refuse."

Zhu Xingtan :"As for Black Cat... I find it hard too! After all, she has no reason to refuse... As for the other few, needless to say, they don't mind if the president finds other girls, right? That's probably the case. (Chigua.jpg)"

Minami Kotori:"Things are getting super exciting!"

Nayako:"Let's do it... But if we really meet, please be sure to live broadcast it. I want to see the president's Shura... Well, I want to watch it Watch the scene where you interact with each other. (Look forward to.jpg)"

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