Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 29 Don’t eat the rich woman’s soft rice

Shirley was a valued member of the organization.

Although she is a researcher, she has no control over implementation matters.

But if she is facing a peripheral cannon fodder like Jiang Xia, then as long as she is willing to speak, Jiang Xia will indeed miss the mission.

Toru Amuro knew that Shirley's starting point should be good.

But judging from Jiang Xia's current situation...she obviously had bad intentions and was not helping.

Perhaps because Shirley had never been short of money growing up, she forgot to consider this.

Toru Amuro felt a little helpless when he thought about the daughter of his first crush.

He looked at Jiang Xia and followed what Jiang Xia just said: That person only asked you to take fewer tasks and didn't give you any subsidies?

He was gently reminding Jiang Xia to mention this matter to Shirley.

When Shirley realizes Jiang Xia's predicament, she will definitely not remain indifferent.

In this way, the miserable new generation of migrant workers in front of us no longer have to worry about running out of money, nor do they have to sell their parents' belongings.

However, Jiang Xia looked surprised when he heard what he said and looked at him with strange eyes for several seconds.

When question marks gradually appeared on Amuro Toru's head,

Jiang Xia crossed her arms and said seriously: She gave me money, but how can I be supported by a woman as a man!

After saying that, he looked at Toru Amuro quietly and hesitated: You can't...

Toru Amuro: ...

He felt that a pot with Soft Rice King written on it appeared out of thin air and was gradually approaching.

Toru Amuro took a deep breath: I just asked casually.

Jiang Xia was still suspicious: Really...

Toru Amuro was stared at with that look, and the blood vessels on his forehead jumped a few times.

Of course he is not trying to persuade people to eat soft food.

I simply think that it is perfectly natural for an adult to give pocket money to the children under her care, and there is nothing wrong with it.

But now, think about it...

Shirley seems to be still a minor.

Being paid to be supported by a girl of the same age, it's no wonder Jiang Xia firmly refused.

It's really troublesome to be underage...but I met two of them at once.

Shirley suddenly intervened in the middle of the matter, and Toru Amuro softened his attitude towards Jiang Xia, the suspicious person who came to the door.

But before agreeing, he still felt weird about something: But what do what you said have to do with you coming to me to find a part-time job?

Jiang Xia heard the looseness in Amuro Toru's tone and felt that this matter was very promising.

So he spit out the lines he had memorized long ago:

I accidentally rescued a kidnapped little girl before, and her father gave me a reward. Through that incident, I found that private detective seemed to be a very suitable industry for me.

“But I couldn’t find a legal guardian to sign the business application for me, so I could only work as an apprentice in someone else’s firm.

At that time, I happened to see your advertisement in the detective manual.

Speaking of this, Jiang Xia pointed to the detective manual on the coffee table:

Of all the detective agencies, yours is the closest to the Metropolitan Police Department in a straight line.

It's less likely to be vandalized this way. Even if someone does vandalize the store because of me, the police will arrive quickly, so I want to try my luck.

As he said that, Jiang Xia looked up at Toru Amuro again: After entering the door, I realized that I had seen you before. Your skin color and hair color are very distinctive... Official members should be less afraid of those hooligans.

Jiang Xia looked at him with expectant eyes that said, You can do it.

Toru Amuro was slightly speechless.

He put away the gun, picked up the detective manual on the table and flipped through it.

There really is an advertisement for Amuro Detective Agency.

He even forgot when it was published.

In fact, Toru Amuro doesn't need to solicit clients, nor does he need to worry about the firm's turnover - even if he loses money, he can still apply for funds from the organization.

He places advertisements from time to time just to keep the Amuro Detective Agency well-known.

Private detective is a very convenient identity.

And the treatment of an unknown detective and a somewhat famous detective are completely different.

It's just a shame. No matter how convenient his identity as a detective is, Toru Amuro cannot gain his own reputation.

After all, he graduated from the police academy with excellent grades and a reputation. Many classmates in the school remembered him.

If you portray yourself as a highly publicized detective, what if one day you are recognized by an unsuspecting police classmate, who comes to talk to you and is discovered by the organization...

Then his undercover career will be ruined.

So Toru Amuro changed his approach - he kept placing advertisements to increase the reputation of the firm.

——The detectives sent by a firm that is well-known and can be advertised will be more likely to gain the trust of the client.

But Tohru Amuro didn't expect that this measure would not only make the client tempted, but also lead to him being targeted by Jiang Xia.

Normally, Toru Amuro wouldn't care about this kind of thing.

But now...the flowers of this motherland sound really miserable.

In particular, a considerable part of this misery seemed to be caused by Shirley.

Toru Amuro was cared for by Shirley's mother when he was a child.

Now that both of Shirley's parents are dead, although he knows rationally that he shouldn't get involved in Shirley's affairs, now, this matter has fallen into his hands, and it's still easy to do...

I feel really bad if I don’t help.

Moreover, as a member of the organization, Jiang Xia's life has become so difficult, but she still wants to work honestly instead of robbing and stealing. I heard that a little girl was saved.

This kid...maybe unexpectedly very helpful.

Amuro Toru struggled for a long time, but finally lost to the conscience of the police.

He sighed, put down the detective manual, and looked at Jiang Xia:

“You can come as an intern first, and I will pay you the normal hourly rate in the industry, but I may fire you at any time, and you must obey my orders completely.

If there are any mistakes that may cause losses to the understand the consequences.

Jiang Xia was startled.

He actually had several follow-up persuasive words.

But I didn't expect that things would go so smoothly.

Could it be that the red parties in this world are more conscientious than he thought?

Anyway, as long as you can achieve your goal...

Jiang Xia nodded immediately.


[Updated on time at 8:30 a.m.~]

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