"He Feng, tell me what you want to sell?" Liu Qingyan asked anxiously.

He Feng pretended to be mysterious and said, "guess."

Liu Qingyan stamped his feet in a hurry and asked again and again, "what are you selling?"

It's not her gaffe, but he Feng, a miracle doctor, is too powerful. If he sells the small pill that can live dead people's flesh and bones, even if he smashes the pot and sells iron, Liu Qingyan's ancient medicine room will eat all of it.

"What I sell is the last pill, that is, xiaohuandan." He Feng said calmly.

"What? You really sell that little pill?" Liu Qingyan cried out in surprise.

Then he hurriedly asked, "don't you know how to make it? Why? Do you want to sell it?"

He Feng pretended to be despondent and said, "Oh, I'm really short of money recently. The master didn't leave me many pills, but I can take out ten or twenty. I want to sell some of them to raise some money."

"Oh, what's your ideal price? I'll say first. I'm afraid 100 million won't work. I can't eat so much," Liu Qingyan said.

Think about some of the routines in the novel.

He Feng frowned and asked, "can you entrust it to the auction house? The profit is 37 points away from me, you three and I seven."

Liu Qingyan thought about it, then nodded heavily and said, "it's a way. This medicine is simply sold at a clear price. It certainly doesn't get the high value from the auction house. By the way, how much do you intend to sell?"

"Ten," He Feng said after thinking about it.

"If you return 10 small pills, you should be able to organize an auction, but the auction alone is not enough. We need to prepare some other things to set off the atmosphere," Liu Qingyan said.

"What do you need? I'll see if I can provide it." He Feng said with a smile.

"It's some rare medicinal materials, such as ginseng for hundreds of years," Liu Qingyan said.

"Hundreds of years? How much can it sell?" He Feng asked with a smile.

"Hundreds of years? That's a terrible thing. After all, ginseng is rare in 100 years. It can't give a definite price for hundreds of years." Liu Qingyan said. She just thought he Feng was asking.

Hearing what he said, he Feng also showed a disappointed expression.

The ginseng in his space started hundreds of years. It would be a shame if he couldn't sell an ordinary small pill at the price.

He Feng then gave up the idea. After all, compared with these small return pills with simple production and materials everywhere, those lives of hundreds of years are undoubtedly more precious.

After finalizing the matter, he Feng hung up the phone first, and Liu Qingyan opposite also began to prepare.

After all, if such an important pill is properly operated, guyangzhai should be able to earn one or two billion from it.

This is no longer a small sum of money. It is worth their efforts.

After all, they are not miracle doctors like he Feng. They charge hundreds of millions for treating a disease.

After hanging up.

He Feng began to rest. Although it was a rest, he didn't forget his practice.

After the last thunder disaster, he Feng obviously paid much attention to cultivation. After all, cultivation is like sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat.

If you don't step up your cultivation, what should you do if there is another thunder robbery all of a sudden?

After the robbery, his strength has obviously increased a lot.

The sea of Qi became huge, and the real Qi stored in it seemed to be a huge ocean, which could not be used up.

It's not easy to fill it up. Practice from yesterday until today.

He Feng's body still has 1 / 3 of the space not filled.

If the capacity of his air sea was a small river before.

So now his sea of Qi is a vast ocean. The gap between the two is one sky and one earth.

The time of cultivation passed quickly. After a while, the day gradually became bright.

He Feng recovered from his practice with a long breath.

After a night's practice, he expanded the sea of Qi n times after thunder robbery, and finally became full.

The first thing when you wake up.

He Feng took advantage of his mother's deep sleep, the silence around him, and the light in the sky.

He came to the mountains quietly.

In the green mountain forest, he Feng came to a small mountain peak.

Take out the sword from the space. It is said to be the best sword.

That is, the one smelted by ouyezi.

Infused with true Qi, he Feng practiced his sword in the mountains and forests.

This sword technique was learned from a sword manual found in Bu Tian Shi.

Tiangang flame sword.

As flames shot out, he Feng cut off the big trees.

The towering giant wood kept falling down. As for He Feng, he didn't feel tired at all.

The shadow of the sword danced, startling wild animals and birds.

Suddenly, he Feng saw a small mountain standing in the distance, and his mind moved.

I haven't tried my peak power after I've expanded my sea of Qi several times.

So, in three or two leaps, he Feng jumped into the sky tens of meters away from the peak.

The red sun rose at the beginning, behind him.

Facing the hill just tens of meters high in the west, he Feng slowly pulled out his sword.

The scabbard made of shark skin was thrown into the space at will.

The sword came out of its scabbard and glittered with gold. It seemed that it was not an ordinary bronze sword, but an ancient artifact.

In fact, the sword smelted by Ou Yezi is not made of bronze, but looks more like bronze.

In fact, this sword is made of meteorite falling from the sky. I don't know the material at all.

He Feng poured the Qi into the sword, bit by bit. With the continuous injection of Qi, the sword in his hand made bursts of buzzing sound.

The sound of swords came out, which frightened the birds.

As if he felt something killing, he Feng kept silent and continued to inject real Qi into it.

Finally, when the bronze sword in his hand had sent out bursts of violent trembling, he stopped this step.

Holding the long sword in his hand.

He Feng pulled out several sword flowers in the sky, and sword shadows fell one after another, splitting several deep marks on the mountain.

However, the more violent is still ahead.

Suddenly, his hand waved the long sword heavily.

He Feng jumped up and stood in the air. His face was ferocious and shouted, "Tiangang flame sword."

With his cry, the blade of the bronze sword was cut towards the top of the mountain, faster than light.

In an instant, the huge sword awned on the mountain, forming a huge gap.

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