Loyalty issues.

As well as the problem of fighting will, the people of the dragon clan are far less than the practitioners brought from the Apocalypse road in front of the power alliance and he Feng.

Because they have neither signed a soul contract with He Feng nor accepted the planting of chips, it can be imagined that they can be loyal?

The reason for this is that the mass production of this chip is really difficult. The price of one is not cheap. The practitioners of the dragon family are not very strong. He Feng can live by himself.

It's a bit wasteful to use this thing on them, so he Feng chose the main force, composed of people from the Apocalypse mainland and the alliance of powers.

After all, if they are allowed to do it, he Feng can drive them to work hard without pity, and they will work hard themselves.

Not long.

In the airspace of Penglai Fairy Island, there are swarms of aircraft. All kinds of fighters in the sky block out the sun like locusts. The alliance of powers and people on the Apocalypse continent are responsible for controlling all kinds of instruments.

He Feng is stepping on Wangcai.

With a wave of his big hand, he ordered, "let's go..."

At the same time, two large jammers in the sky are also driving slowly. There are jammers up, down, left, right, front and back of the whole fleet.

The significance of their existence is to block the spiritual consciousness of practitioners for the army and shield the spiritual consciousness of nearby practitioners, so that they can't judge their position through spiritual consciousness.

Even if they search hard in the sky, they can't find he Feng.

After doing a good job of jamming and concealment of the aircraft fleet, he Feng took a large force to the home of Zhuge old thieves on Penglai Fairy Island.

Well, he Feng's information is really a little out of date. He doesn't know that Zhuge is not here at this time, so he can only throw himself into the air.

Yangming Mountain.

This is Zhuge's nest. At this time, it has replaced the original Tianxin Pavilion on Penglai Fairy Island and become the center of Penglai Fairy Island.

At this time, he Feng rushed to Yangming Mountain with this huge fleet of aircraft. He blinked for only half an hour, so he arrived here.

"No, it's so quiet down here!" He Feng said, frowning at the bottom. He didn't dare to send a UAV to spy.

Because it's easy to expose your whereabouts, but now you're not sure if there's anyone here. This is an embarrassing place.

After all, the dark area under the car looks like a ghost land. It doesn't look like the residence of a huge sect.

It's like the dark mountains and forests, where there are all buildings, but there is no light.

This is really amazing. Is it difficult for the other party to be prepared?

He Feng thought that Fang Zhiqin also frowned. Two years later, he Feng had not made a choice. He said, "well, I'll go down and grab my tongue. Let's ask..."

"OK!" He Feng nodded, and Fang Zhiqin hurried down.

Its strength is on Penglai Fairy Island. It is also a first-class existence. It is OK to catch one or two ordinary practitioners.

But Fang Zhiqin said that at this time, he had gone down quietly. He walked slowly up the mountain road of Zhuge old thief climbing Yangming Mountain. It was expected that there should be passing patrols here often.

After all, Penglai Fairy Island is not peaceful at this time. Before, there were often patrols to buy goods, but when entering the mountain in the middle of the night, there was no one and no one.

It's really confusing.

At this time, suddenly, Fang Zhiqin stopped and hurriedly hid among the weeds. At this time, a strong man with shaved head was walking forward quickly. His steps were in a hurry, like something urgent.

"It's you!" Fang Zhiqin whispered. This guy's strength is not high. He still carries firewood. He must be the rest of the woodcutter who sends firewood to the mountain.

So I can't find any useful information about his status, but he can still find out a little information. It seems that Fang Zhiqin jumped suddenly and dragged the strong man into the air.

"Who are you?" He Feng looked around in horror.

"We are people from the secular world!" He Feng took two steps forward and pulled a box of cigarettes out of the strong man's arms. "Your cigarettes come from us. Now you know who we are..."

"It's you!" the strong man suddenly realized. Then he said with a surprised face: "coco, how dare you come here? Aren't you afraid we'll kill you all?"

"It's not certain who will kill who!" He Feng sneered and said. Then he took out Xuanyuan sword, put the sword pen on the guy's throat and said: "ask you a question, answer honestly, leave a way to live, and come forward. If you don't dare to be dishonest, then you know the consequences..."

"What's the problem?"

"What's a simple question? Where are all the people down here? Why is the old thief Zhuge empty?" He Feng asked, but he saw the strong man's face and said inconceivably.

"Don't you know? He took people away to guard against you. Didn't you always sneak attacks some time ago..."

"My brain!" He Feng patted on the forehead and ordered immediately: "go over there quickly. I'm a bitch. It just saves us from finding a pot one by one and bringing them all..."

It is said that at this time, he didn't know that he was in danger. He was smiling at the news in front of him.

"It is reported that he Feng thief is ready to attack Penglai Fairy Island on the fifth day of next month."

Looking at the contents on the paper, Zhuge nodded again and again. This is the message that the traitors they sent to the secular world sent to the leaflets found by He Feng and others. At this time, looking at the unpacked cigarette package, Zhuge nodded again and again.

The timing of the enemy's attack is clear.

Then it's easy to deal with it. Then. On the one hand, you can take precautions in advance, and on the other hand, you can set up an ambush in advance to lure the enemy in depth. It is the so-called knowing yourself and the enemy and being invincible in a hundred battles. Everything of the enemy is a sieve in front of you. You can't beat such an enemy. What's wrong?

What Zhuge didn't know was that all the people he sent to the secular world rebelled.

Well, he was a passive traitor, but no matter what happened, his intelligence system has been paralyzed, and the reason why he Feng sent him this message is not for anything else.

Nothing more than to make Zhuge think his attack is far away and take it lightly.


After reading the news, Zhuge, who was originally ready to fight a big battle, yawned and said, "it's getting late. Let's go to rest first and watch it tomorrow. Now the enemy is not ready to attack us..."

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