Surrender is impossible.

Penglai Fairy Island at this time is the world of the main war faction.

Who dares to risk universal condemnation and propose surrender? Therefore, Lin Shuguang's proposal can only be a proposal after all, and can not be put into practical action.

Looking at the people with a firm face and shouting to fight to the death with He Feng, Lin Shuguang was disappointed and whispered in his heart that Penglai Fairy Island was going to be completely finished, just at this time.

The return of Li Chengcai, who has been in the secular world as the contact between the secular world and Penglai Fairy Island, surprised everyone.

According to the peace treaty they signed, expelling the other party's contact person is a signal of war. When you think so, everyone's face changed, and the just debate suddenly stopped in an instant.

Zhuge exclaimed to the outside, "let Li Chengcai come in."

Li Chengcai, who waited outside for a long time, was called in. Li Chengcai's position on Penglai Fairy Island is not high. To be honest, if he really has a high position and power, how can he be sent to the secular world.

You should know that Penglai Fairy Island and the secular world have always been in a state of hostility. The two sides have fights with each other. As the contact person of the other party and the messenger to the other party's territory, they are almost a person they can kill with a knife at any time, How can such a big man be the kind of person who can't get along in his own world? After all, this is similar to the existence of hostages!

If there is any deterioration in the relationship between Penglai Fairy Island and the secular world, they are the first to be hurt.

How can such a person be of high status? Although Li Chengcai's status is not low, he can only be at the middle level on Penglai Fairy Island. In the past, practitioners at this level, such as Zhuge Nanfeng, Chen Kun, Bai Yunlong and others, could not see one side.

Today, suddenly, the people gathered together and waited for themselves here, which mainly surprised him. However, in addition to his surprise, he quickly arched his hands to the people in front of him.

"His subordinates failed to do their best and failed to recover the friendship in the secular world after all. He Feng is determined to go to war with us. Now please make a choice as soon as possible, prepare for the war and sacrifice everything to achieve the purpose of resisting He Feng."

With a bang, the pot exploded in the lobby, and everyone looked at each other.

Zhuge Nanfeng slapped the table and shouted, "we're afraid he can't hope. Our atomic cannon is enough to deal with their quantum cannon. I'll be ordered to work overtime in the heaven and earth bag to produce atomic cannon. We must have a hard fight with He Feng!"

As soon as the voice fell, he hurriedly ordered: "inform all gaps and strictly guard against them. Any space crack with only one gap should be firmly blocked. In addition, the elders and strong men of all sects are stationed everywhere. One side has difficulties and supports from all sides, and firmly guard every space crack. This space crack, the first line of defense, must be maintained for three months, okay?"

"I see." the practitioners in black and holding flying swords on both sides of the corridor outside the lobby turned and arched their hands neatly.

They are the forbidden guards of Zhuge Nanfeng family on Penglai Fairy Island and are absolute elite forces.

Seeing the murderous members of the guards outside, Li Chengcai's heart couldn't help pounding. Do these people really want to fight with He Feng? What do they think? Do they think that Penglai Fairy Island can still deal with He Feng and Li Chengcai, but they know that he Feng is not what he used to be at this time. The number of quantum breaking under him is unclear. They can't count. They really don't know how to fight against him and fight such a powerful enemy.

But he didn't dare say any more. There was no reason for him.

He knew in his heart that on such an occasion, as long as he said half a word of no, the punishment waiting for him would be the most ruthless. Even he might be regarded as a traitor of Penglai Xiande, cut off with a knife and hung on the flagpole to inspire people and make an example of others.

He nodded in a hurry and shouted: "yes, this time everyone in our space practice has a hand. Even if we can't stop it, we can send a signal in time. Our elders distributed everywhere, the strong can rush to help quickly in a short time, and this time can be achieved within one minute due to our good position distribution.

With such a fast speed, he Feng imagined that it was impossible for him to build the plank road as he did last time, to bring a large number of quantum cannons through that small space crack and then through space! "

Everyone nodded. At the beginning of the last battle with the secular world, Zhuge made up his mind that to make the space practitioner barrier their first line of defense, they only need to guard the larger gaps.

After all, with the existence of space cracks, he Feng and his colleagues can't set up their cannons here and there. They can only send elite forces to enter Penglai Fairy Island and win a gap before they can stand firm and fight against Penglai Fairy Island. The first step into Penglai Fairy Island is a very difficult task, because, The secular world has a fatal disadvantage.

The number of their strong practitioners is too small, almost very small. Even if the strongest is placed on Penglai Fairy Island, it is just a slag. He Feng's strength is the strongest in the secular world, but what is his strength? Therefore, it is an almost impossible task for He Feng to complete, even if it needs to be completed, It can only be accomplished through people sea tactics and great sacrifice.

Now he Feng is under his command. Although there are hundreds of practitioners who have surrendered from Penglai Fairy Island, although they are all strong practitioners who form a Death Squadron, they should be able to take a gap and let the large forces in the rear enter continuously, but hey hey, these hundreds of practitioners are a drop in the ocean compared with hundreds of thousands of practitioners on Penglai Fairy Island, It's not a strength on the table.

If they enter Penglai Fairy Island, the enemy trapped in the ocean will be swallowed up and killed in an instant. Therefore, in the view of Zhuge and others, with the defense line of space crack, they should be able to last for at least three months.

It has to be said that their idea is very well founded, but unfortunately this basis is floating clouds in front of He Feng, because all conspiracies and tricks are useless in front of absolute strength. Even the best layout and defense plan will disappear in an instant and no longer exist in the firepower composed of millions of quantum tubs.

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