The matter of funds has been solved. Now he Feng has a huge amount of wealth. Therefore, everything is continuing to build. With sufficient financial support, all their actions are particularly simple.

After all, there is a relationship, money, waving a stick in one hand and a silver note in the other hand. What else can't be solved in the world?

The time soon entered summer. In June, the sun in the sky gradually became strong, and the fruit trees planted in spring have sprouted.

Most of these fruit trees are mature fruit trees purchased directly from other places. There is no need to wait for them to be planted, and they can bear fruit in the first year.

In the fields reclaimed from the mountains, the first batch of vegetables irrigated with stock solution have been harvested, and the quantity is not large.

A large part was taken away directly as special supply, and only a small part was put on the market.

Not worried about sales, they almost scrambled for the name of the central special supply, which made everyone crazy.

He Feng had to sit and wait for the money.

The villagers' life is getting better day by day. He Lingling is going to have a holiday soon. Her skills are becoming more and more refined. In a few days, she can probably use the sword.

As for the blood clan, they somehow disappeared and never appeared here.

It seems that he Feng has forgotten his position and is looking for it again.

But at the moment, in an abandoned uncompleted residential building in Xiaoxian City, four venerable members of the blood clan are sitting inside. It seems that they look pale one by one.

Several of them were still covered with many scars. It seems that they should have been attacked.

The blood gun closed his eyes. Next to him, there were these two bodies. The clothes of the bodies should be ordinary people. They had been sucked dry, just like a dried body, lying there.

The same is true for the others. When they came, they unfortunately met the people sent by the dragon group to investigate.

The dragon group is used to deal with these evil people. Naturally, it will not be soft on them. Moreover, the blood clan is just a small sect.

The dragon group sent people to deal with them, that is, Zhang Fei ate a piece of bean sprouts and fought several times, and they were seriously injured one by one. If they hadn't consumed their skills together and formed a blood escape, I'm afraid they would have been cold long ago.

Now, the people of the dragon group are searching for their traces here and there, trying to eradicate them in one fell swoop.

After all, that's their duty. Their duty is to maintain the stability of the secular world and prevent these practitioners from misbehaving here.

If they are ordinary practitioners with formal licenses, they won't pay too much attention, but these people, with their strong blood and murderous spirit, are obviously not that kind of regular. Those who practice by absorbing the spiritual power of heaven and earth, obviously practice by sucking the blood and Qi of living people.

So these people, who appear in society, are undoubtedly at the level of land atomic bomb. Ordinary people are dead in front of them. Therefore, they temporarily put down their tasks and no longer take the initiative to investigate the trace and origin of He Feng.

Instead, they began repeated encirclement and suppression here, looking for them and trying to eradicate them in one fell swoop.

However, if the blood clan can exist for so many years and survive the encirclement and suppression of the righteous sects, they will naturally have their housekeeping skills. They can build a barrier by burning their lives.

Blocking anyone's detection, so they don't have to worry about being found. This is also the reason why he Feng always felt that someone was tracking him but didn't notice it last time.

For the people in the blood clan, if they practice their blood eating Dharma, they don't need to worry about the passage of their lives and lose more. Just find two ordinary people to suck it, and then they can return to normal.

This is also the reason why they are unscrupulous, because for them, the loss of strength is not a big thing.

As long as there are enough people and enough blood for them to eat, these losses are not a problem for them.

The director of the Public Security Bureau in the county is now worried about his hair. The reason why he is so is not because of other reasons. Many people have been missing in the county these days.

And most of them are young and strong in their twenties and thirties. These people are not that kind of old, weak, sick and disabled. If they are like that kind of old people and children missing, there are some reasons.

However, the large-scale disappearance of young adults like them is not a small problem.

Without him, the disappearance of these people will never be a coincidence. Someone must be playing tricks in it.

After the disappearance of twenty or thirty people one after another, rumors began to fly in the county. The newly appointed county magistrate who hasn't got a hot ass is very angry.

Why? Just after he took office, there was such a big thing. Rumors flew among dozens of people. It was not that some organ reselling Gang came to cut organs, or that some black coal kiln came here to arrest people.

In short, the society is a panic.

So that the public case house in the county was unlucky. The county magistrate gave him a dead order to close the case within 10 days.

The reason must be investigated and the whereabouts of those people must be found out. In this way, the director of the public security bureau is worried to death.

After all, the matter of solving the case can be solved by talking about it. If you can't find a clue, it's a pending case.

Moreover, this case is very strange. It is reasonable to say that there must be some traces of so many people missing, but?

Let alone what traces of criminals left behind, they are a fingerprint, a footprint, and a suspect's figure.

In this way, there is not even a breakthrough, and the director of the public case bureau is anxious.

He couldn't help but miss the days before. Although there were no major cases in the city, he couldn't be promoted.

But no matter what, it's peaceful. Although it's leisure, no matter what, no one is dead.

So many people are missing and their lives are uncertain. Families make trouble in the police station every day. The police, including auxiliary police and joint defense team members, are sent out to cast nets and catch more fish.

But the net was wide open, but I didn't even catch a small fry. What should I do?

The provincial department has been alarmed. After all, dozens of people have suddenly disappeared in this peaceful and prosperous age. That's not a small thing.

It is also popular on the Internet. They, a little-known small county, turned out to be a hot search for a while. The networks are scolding those people for not doing things.

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