Although the director was confused, he still sorted out the information of He Feng and gave it to them. It didn't take much effort. The main thing was to give them all kinds of things left in the last record of He Feng.

Knowing who this person is, Muzi and the girl informed the dragon group and asked the dragon group to use their network to check the identity of this person.

After that, the two of them began to continue to look for the missing four blood sect venerable ones.

After checking the documents one by one, he found that if he looked at the documents above, these people were all true. What surprised him most was that they looked young, but their level was no younger than him, much higher than his director of the Public Security Bureau. So, he smiled and asked the girl, "Comrade Xia, do you have any instructions?"

The girl's name was Xia Feng. Xia Feng gave him a cold look and said, "let your people check carefully. In addition, sort out the information about where Chinese people are recently and hand it to me."

"Yes." the police chief was too busy to fall down.

After a while, he came in with a thick stack of data, and then handed the data to the wooden child who was playing mine sweeping with his computer.

Muzi waved at random, and the police chief closed the door and left.

Xia Feng and Mu Zi carefully checked the data there. The missing people are alive. They can't see the dead body. Naturally, they can't check the situation of the body.

However, from these materials, they also see that many things are missing young adults. These people's blood is very vigorous, which is the good product taken by those evil people.

After carefully reading the information, Muzi and Xia Feng looked at each other. Then they stood up at the same time, didn't even call, and went out of the police station.

Through the investigation just now, they were surprised to find that the missing places of these people were all around a place, which was a uncompleted residential building in Kaixian County.

According to the above information, the uncompleted residential building was built three years ago. Later, the boss ran away with his sister-in-law, leaving such a mess.

Because he was in arrears with the wages of many workers and the payment for goods, no one dared to take over the building. After all, if someone took over the building, he had to bear most of the responsibility in front.

The police station is not a dry meal. They have long found the problem of this uncompleted residential building and found that most of the missing people are near his building.

Or they disappeared when they passed here, but they also sent someone in to investigate and search carefully without letting go of any problems.

But I didn't find anything. The place is very empty. It is said that some people committed suicide there two years ago. On weekdays, no one goes at all, even beggars don't often go there.

After the Hummer military vehicle at the police station gate made a buzzing sound, the police chief found that the two men had left.

While he was worrying about what to do with the case, an order came out from above, ordering him to cancel the case immediately, but he did not stop the investigation.

This made him feel puzzled and thought, what's going on?

But no one answered him.

Just walked near the uncompleted residential building, Xia Feng and Muzi carefully observed the neighborhood. They have been here many times. As a secret area in the county, they have focused on the investigation.

However, they didn't find any problems here before. Now, they don't feel the slightest breath of practitioners when they walk here.

However, the two of them did not give up, because the intelligence showed that most of the missing people in this area occurred here, so they may be hiding here.

Looking at the surrounding terrain, Xia Feng couldn't help frowning. Although there are some uncompleted residential buildings in this area, and due to the large number of missing people recently, there are few pedestrians in this area, and no one can be seen for a long time.

However, there is a dense residential area near the uncompleted residential building. There is a junior middle school less than 100 meters away.

This can't help but make them feel embarrassed. Even if they find the four people here, they don't dare to do it. It's bound to be a taboo. After all, their duty of the dragon group is to maintain the stability of the secular world and the cultivation world.

How can we treat human life like grass mustard like those immortal people.

In fact, practitioners do not have the instinct to pity the common people in the world. They are the kind of gods who are superior and have the ability that ordinary people can't reach.

In their life, people are just a kind of ordinary mole ants, even if they used to be this mole ant, but this does not prevent them from going. In fact, they despise the lives of these mole ants.

Heaven and earth are unkind, taking all things as ruminant dogs, saints are unkind, and people as ruminant dogs. That's what it says.

Xia Feng and Mu Zi didn't directly enter the uncompleted residential building area. They just took this as the center, walked back and forth in the four communities and on the streets, carefully investigated each house and building, and carefully observed it with their spiritual consciousness.

Without finding any problems, they gradually walked into the area of uncompleted residential buildings.

In fact, they haven't been here yet.

The rotten tail building area is about ten mu. Previously, it was planned to be a community. Now, it is a towering empty building. In just a few years, it has been dilapidated.

It is surrounded by blue iron sheets. The things called fences have been demolished by nearby residents. After all, it is also iron and can be sold for some money.

All kinds of things in the uncompleted residential building have also been looted, and the large sand and stone that once piled up like a mountain have disappeared. Occasionally, some people knock down several load-bearing concrete bricks from the walls here, and then go home to repair their own house.

Without the restriction of the wall, Muzi and Xia Feng can enter from anywhere and go in from the East. At this time, it is noon. The sun is still poisonous and shining on the gray residual buildings.

There are still lumps of cement on the ground, and there are fine yellow sand at the foot, which is probably pumped up from the Yellow River.

Carefully, the two of them walked in from here. Although they didn't find any problems, they still felt that there was something wrong here, but they always couldn't understand what was wrong here. Their intuition told them to be careful here.

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