Experience doesn't matter, but it's useful. With the experience and eyesight accumulated over the years, old Chen can outline the position of jade with a colored fluorescent pen on each stone.

This is even more magical. He can even achieve an accuracy of 70% or 80%, which is why Xing Pengzhan made great efforts to make friends with him.

If such a powerful talent is not brought into his own hands, it will be a loss.

Just after entering the venue, two people followed. They were strong and pushed a trailer with a frame on it.

It was covered with small frames, with bubbles inside the small frames, which are used to put jade objects for these guests.

The service provided was excellent. Xing Pengzhan motioned two people to follow behind him with his eyes, and then didn't talk much. The two people also knew the rules and didn't say much. They just pushed the cart silently and followed them carefully.

The reason why attending the gambling stone conference has such good service is not because of the side, but because the profit of the gambling stone is too amazing.

The organizers of the conference only need to draw a little from it, which is an amazing profit. Therefore, in the venue of the gambling stone conference, you can only enjoy the warm service and excellent safety that can not be enjoyed by five-star hotels.

Through the glass wall, everyone can clearly see everything inside. The venue is very large, if you have to say a specific size.

Well, tourists who have been to the terracotta warriors pit of the Qin Shihuang mausoleum should not be able to imagine that it is a venue about the size of that huge exhibition hall.

The glass wall makes it look bright and bright. It doesn't need any lights at all, so that the people inside can feel very bright.

Moreover, at the beginning of the design, the people inside thought about whether the sunlight from the outside was too intense to make the people inside uncomfortable.

Therefore, the glass on the dome of the exhibition hall is specially made. After the sun shines on them, it will not be said to be directly shot into the house, but directly refracted out.

Most of the heat is dissipated by it. Therefore, when you enter the exhibition hall, you don't feel any hot feeling at all. On the contrary, due to the operation of high-power air conditioning, the exhibition hall looks particularly cool.

This makes these people who attend the gambling meeting feel no discomfort, and also provides them with a more comfortable place to choose stones here.

In fact, I said I brought a gambling word, but there was nothing related to gambling in the venue of the gambling stone conference.

This seems a little untrue.

However, it's a gamble to spend a lot of money on a stone that can't see whether there is anything in it. It's entirely relying on luck to mine jadeite from it.

After all, they are all throwing money into unknown things. Although the program is different from gambling, the content is not very different.

As soon as Chen entered the venue, he began to wander around the periphery of the venue. He walked through the exhibition halls.

He felt the stones one by one, then took out the magnifying glass or reading glasses from his pocket from time to time, put them on his eyes, and then continued to look, Xing Pengzhan didn't feel any impatience.

It was like a young generation, closely following old Chen. Old Chen was infatuated with the stones. He looked at the stones and stroked the patterns on them.

Whenever Chen picked a stone, he would lift the stone and look at it with the sunlight shining into the exhibition hall. Then, he would nod at Xing Zhanpeng.

Then, Xing Zhanpeng would quickly take out a black card and directly hand over the card without looking at the price of the stone.

This card is not a bank card, but a special card in the gambling stone conference venue, which contains a number of coins.

You can swipe it directly from the inside, and the amount inside is pre deposited into it. Xing Pengzhan always has 100 million funds in this card.

Therefore, he is not worried about lack of funds.

Then, the staff here will quickly take out the card swiping machine, look at the price clearly marked, and then swipe the corresponding amount.

As for whether the value of the jade in the stone will be lower than the price marked clearly, Xing Zhanpeng is not worried at all, because old Chen has many years of experience here, and from the situation of picking stones with old Chen in previous years.

There will be no such thing as the last loss.

Therefore, Xing Pengzhan has no worries at all.

So that, before long, the two men behind him were already out of breath because they had piled dozens of stones on the cart.

It's full, and these are just the beginning. In previous years, the stones purchased by Xing Pengzhan were calculated by ton. Now, since he didn't participate in the gambling meeting yesterday, Chen is crazy to pick stones at the moment.

Because he knew that the number of stones needed by Xing Peng exhibition was so huge that he threw the raw stones with slightly worse quality that could not enter his eyes before into the basket.

However, although the quality is poor, it still can't accompany Ben, because this thing itself doesn't mean losing money.

If you lose money, who still plays this thing? Then no one dares to do this.

At the beginning, he Feng still followed Chen Lao and Xing Pengzhan, but he was surprised to find that he liked almost every stone, and Chen would throw that stone into Xing Pengzhan's frame in front of him.

This makes him feel that some people can surpass the ability of ordinary people even without plug-ins.

For example, now Chen Lao can almost accurately judge whether there is jade on each stone. The most amazing thing is.

Chen's judgment is almost 90% correct. Moreover, for some stones that Chen is very optimistic about, Chen will draw lines on them with a fluorescent pen. The reason why he draws such lines is mainly to remind the cutting masters and let them notice that cutting from there can ensure that the cut jade is more complete.

Xing Pengzhan never said a word, because he knew in his heart that he was a layman in such matters, so he'd better not talk. It's always inappropriate for a layman to command an expert.

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