Just after arriving here, he Feng found that an Yingying's father still had some status among the people.

Just here, a group of people came up and discussed with him. He Feng couldn't help but be surprised, but even if he understood.

How can anyone dislike a upright and honest man like him. Especially when a principal is needed, just like Lu San in the White Deer Plain, he is only a long-term worker, but he can act as a leader of 10000 people in the grain delivery movement. He really has this ability.

I'm afraid it's not that, but because he can carry things, so everyone recommended him.

At this moment, an Yingying's father may usher in the highest light of his life, and then fall into the soil like Lu San in Bai Luyuan's novel.

He Feng could not help shaking his head.

An Yingying's father had just arrived here. He Feng was pushed to the front in a wheelchair. He Feng hurried forward and followed him.

In order to protect him at the critical moment. Don't let it suffer more harm.

And now the confrontation has reached its final stage.

Both sides refused to give in and asked the other party to make a compromise. Rongcheng real estate group naturally could not compromise because they had no funds. If they compromised, it is likely that their company will face the risk of capital chain rupture and bankruptcy.

And the residents of the villages in the city here can not give in, because if they give in, they are likely to lose their place of residence in this big city, and then become a piece of duckweed in the city.

So if everyone refuses to give in, it will be difficult to solve the problem.

Rongcheng, sitting behind the sun umbrella, is angry.

He couldn't help swearing to the left and right: "TMD, I really don't want to mix up if so few goods dare to block my plan."

At this time, Rong Cheng seemed to think of something, and then he couldn't help frowning and asked to the left: "Xiao Liu, what's the matter? Why haven't our people arrived? How should we deal with this? How can I deal with these things before they arrive? Haven't I given you action funds? Why haven't I found the people yet? Bring them to me quickly, and then deal with the gang of Diao people in front of me. I don't want these Diao people to hinder my project."

When Rong Cheng said this, his face was full of impatience, as if the next moment, he would rise up, and then he came forward to take care of the pile of tricksters he thought in front of him.

"Yes!" said the secretary who brought him tea and water.

Then, the Secretary named Xiao Liu quickly turned around, took out his cell phone, found a phone number and called out.

"Liu Jianguo, what the hell's the matter with you? We can't handle such a small matter well. What's the use of you? Call someone to me and get rid of the troublemakers in front of us. I can tell you that the boss is angry. Once the boss is angry, the consequences are very serious. So please be careful, otherwise, you know the consequences!" Then he hung up the phone.

Then he turned around and said to Rong Cheng with a flattering look on his face, "don't worry, President Rong. The person will arrive soon. You can wait a little longer!"

But at the other end of the phone, Liu Jianguo, who was hung up by Xiao Liu, looked like a dog. It's not because of anything else.

It's simply because of their unreasonable request, and I feel too embarrassed. I want to call people and I'm reluctant to spend money. How can this be possible?

These days, which of those who come out to mix with the society is not for money? Without enough money, will they come out to work for you? However, Rong Cheng and Xiao Liu seem to ignore this problem and don't consider it at all.

Just ten thousand yuan of activity funds, let him call dozens of people, how is this possible?

If he dares to throw 10000 yuan to the bosses of those gangs, and then let them help themselves to work for themselves, do those things and become thugs, it is estimated that he has to be killed by others. He dares to make so many demands for only 10000 yuan, which is pure neglect of others!

Just ten thousand yuan, just want to mobilize the whole gang, just want to make people work hard for it? I'm afraid he hasn't woken up yet, is he still dreaming?

Liu Jianguo only felt embarrassed for a while. After a while, due to the severe crackdown, those gangs were much more honest, most of them were cracked down, and the rest were struggling. How could they still have the mind to earn this money from the crooked door and evil way?

I can't wait to wash myself in vain. I'm afraid I can't follow the lead first. I go in and eat peanuts!

In such a severe situation, even if you transfer them for 10000 yuan, it's too simple to want them to stand out. Liu Jianguo even wondered whether his boss, Rongcheng, was arrogant and complacent because he had gone too smoothly in recent days. He was so arrogant and complacent that he had developed to an extremely powerful level that he could command the world by his own name?

At your command, countless younger brothers work for themselves? When you are angry, all the princes live in peace and rest all over the world?

It's too arrogant!

However, since it is the task assigned by the boss and the first level of the position can crush people, Liu Jianguo can only think hard here and think about how to mobilize dozens of people to support the scene, so as to save the people who lost their boss and can't complete the task!

He is now using his mind rapidly to think of ways, but what can he think of? It's mainly about money. How can we do things without money? If your boss doesn't pay enough money, even if your brain cells are dead, there's still no way!

After all, I'm not the God of wealth. Can I change money out of thin air? This is an impossible task! Unless you are stupid, unless you take the initiative to paste money upside down, otherwise, this is an unsolvable problem.

Liu Jianguo racked his brains and thought hard here to come up with a way, but in fact, he also knew in his heart that he might fail to live up to his boss's expectations this time.

It is even possible to be directly dismissed or resigned. Anyway, in a word, get out of the company.

At this time, Liu Jianguo's eyes suddenly brightened. He saw a group of surging people in front of him. These people were holding pieces of cut cardboard with invisible words on it, and they also had guys in their hands. Most importantly, they were very strong. At first glance, they were good hands to fight group fights.

After seeing these people, Liu Jianguo suddenly had an idea in his mind.

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