Sure enough, pan Chaoping, who was trying his best to contain his anger and suppress his inner impulse, was completely angry after hearing his words. He only saw that pan Chaoping was abnormal and no longer had the elegant performance just now. His face was red and his neck was thick, and his eyes were full of blood and anger.

A loud roar: "say it again!"

A loud roar shook the sky and earth, and the onlookers gave instructions one after another. Because they had a loud quarrel just now, they all listened really. In addition, they were already dissatisfied with the Qin Dynasty. At the moment, they biased one-sided to pan Chaoping's side.

One after another made verbal accusations against the Qin Dynasty.

A few of them had a violent temper. They had already yelled loudly and shouted to beat him up and teach the Qin Dynasty how to be a man.

If you are an ordinary person, under such circumstances, I'm afraid you would have left quietly with your tail between your legs and won't stay on the hot Kang. After all, it's hard to guarantee that this turbulent anger won't burn yourself.

However, the Qin Dynasty was quite different. It seemed as if there was an air of coldly pointing at thousands of men, bowing down and willing to be a child and cow. Standing there motionless as a mountain, after hearing pan Chaoping's words, he ignored her, which had been burned to the extreme

Roared loudly: "Shit, pan Chaoping, do you have a brain problem or an ear problem? I said it so clearly, didn't you hear it clearly? No wonder you've been crowding the rental house with your daughter-in-law for so many years, and your son can't even find the school district room next to school? Hey hey, you're so bad that you dare to marry a daughter-in-law and have children? It's really a disaster. You don't have enough for yourself, but you have to harm others, you Do you think you can afford children? "

"With your small income, I'm afraid your children will be poor all their lives and can't afford to buy a house. What are you? Otherwise, I don't think you can afford to raise children. I'm afraid your daughter-in-law will suffer with you. By the way, I heard that your daughter-in-law is very beautiful, right? Well, your wife and I can't afford it. What's the matter? Are we friends enough?"

As soon as the voice fell, there was a loud bang. Pan Chaoping completely couldn't restrain his inner anger and kicked it out. Suddenly, the Qin Dynasty less than 1.6 meters high was kicked out, fell to the ground and fell into the crowd of onlookers. If someone else fell here, someone might help him up.

However, villains like the Qin Dynasty obviously attracted enough anger, which obviously made people dislike him very much. Even though most of the onlookers were simple uncles and aunts, someone still punched him.

Such an asshole, don't take this opportunity to play two laps, thanks?

I only heard a loud scream from time to time when pan Chaoping kicked him down and fell into the star nest among the crowd.

After a long time, he was thrown out. At the moment, he was black and blue. Wearing gold wire glasses, he had already broken into several pieces. He was no longer the problem just now. He was like a tramp. It looked disgusting!

Compared with the well-dressed and calm pan Chaoping standing at the moment, the gap is huge. At the moment, the eyes of the Qin Dynasty are red. He knew that he had been beaten for nothing.

After all, so many people are not responsible for the public. If they really call the police, they really can't find a reason. Therefore, just after drilling out of the crowd, the Qin Dynasty has actively imposed all responsibilities on Pan Chaoping.

If it weren't for him to call someone over, I would come here and lose so many people? If it wasn't for him, how could I be here? If it wasn't for him, would the doctor He Feng ridicule me here? If it wasn't for him and pan Chaoping, would I be so rude and lose my face?

Some people like to impose all responsibilities on others, so they only see the Qin Dynasty roar loudly, like a madman, and pan Chaoping pounced on them.

However, his current situation is that outsiders can't stand it. A big man who looks simple and honest can't squeeze up because he is just located on the periphery, so he can't put his fist and foot on the Qin Dynasty.

At the moment, when I saw the Qin Dynasty rushing forward quickly, I quietly changed and stretched out one foot. It was good to have a long leg. More than a meter away, the Qin Dynasty was still tripped by him. Then, it fell heavily to the ground, and a front tooth fell down.

It hurts to see it.

Struggling to get up from the ground, the Qin Dynasty only felt that he was suddenly stepped on his back. Well, it was pan Chaoping, not someone else.

So he was forced down again. At this time, Maitreya appeared.

In fact, several doctors had just planned to come forward to save the Qin Dynasty, but they were all coerced back by his silent eyes. At the moment, seeing that Qin Chao had suffered enough, the middle-aged Maitreya Buddha walked forward with a smile, and then opened it with a sad look. He stepped on Pan Chaoping of the Qin Dynasty with his right foot in a sad tone Said: "everyone is a colleague. They all look up and don't look down. Why? They all told me to stop. You guys, don't pull the Qin Dynasty in for treatment. It's so badly hurt. Poor!"

Then, after the two doctors helped Qin Chao up, the middle-aged Maitreya Buddha still held the head of the Qin Dynasty with his hand, while observing the swelling on it. Although he was more and more happy in his heart, his face was filled with a kind of grief and said sadly, "Hey, why!"

Pan Chaoping was originally a man with an excellent temper. Seeing that he didn't suffer any loss, he taught a lesson to the Qin Dynasty, so he didn't do more. He just turned aside and he Feng, who was undergoing surgery in the observation area!

During the struggle between the Qin Dynasty and pan Chaoping, he Feng had pulled out more than ten silver needles. Pan Chaoping went aside, and the remaining doctors came here to watch. However, at a glance, they didn't feel that they scolded the bastards of the Qin Dynasty.

The middle-aged Maitreya Buddha also came here and looked up. Because he had just been paying attention to them in the Qin Dynasty, he didn't have time to look here. At the moment, when he saw the scene here, the middle-aged Maitreya Buddha's expression suddenly became dull, and he kept casting hate eyes at the Qin Dynasty.

Shit, you son of a bitch, you have delayed my great event. It's such a powerful acupuncture operation that has never been done before. I didn't see it. I lost a chance to observe it on the spot because of you little bastard and you bastard. You deserve to die.

Almost every doctor thinks so. The doctor who is treating the wound of the Qin Dynasty looks at this side with his eyes, splashes a bottle of alcohol on the face of the Qin Dynasty, and then says impatiently.

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