"Brother, we have to be gentle in doing things. Do you understand? Can you keep yelling at others? We should pay attention to means and strategies!"

The friend who lives in the next room, standing on the balcony, may have a feeling, or may have noticed that he Feng has a good temper and is not a grumpy brother, so he couldn't help teaching his experience.

"All right, I'll teach you how to be quiet!" after setting up the boundary, the guy standing next door on the balcony blowing the cold wind could no longer hear a slightest sound.

The guy standing next door was a little surprised, lit a cigarette, and then couldn't help sighing: "brother, it seems that your method is very strategic? This overbearing president really works. No, I have to try!"

After he Feng scolded him, he turned and returned to the house. Ordinary people standing on the balcony in winter can't bear the cold wind.

Besides, I'm still wearing a nightgown!

It can be imagined that this brother must be frozen. After all, it's nine cold winters at the moment.

He Feng observed with his spiritual sense. When he saw that guy had gone away, he put his heart down.

"I won't kill you?" He Feng smiled, lifted Lin Xuejing's delicate chin with a finger, and then said.

He Feng really didn't want to kill.

How can good people fight and kill all day?

Moreover, he Feng has always been a good citizen who abides by the law. How can he do such things?

In terms of character and morality, he really doesn't have to say. It's almost impeccable. Of course, if the master picks the wrong, he may really pick something out.

After all, people lift the steel bars on the construction site, and the lifting bar is people's professional skills. How can he Feng do anything about them?

Those who practice truth are naturally different. They are the best among ordinary people in all aspects, and so are their character and morality.

Therefore, he Feng will never do anything that violates the law and discipline!

When Lin Xuejing saw that he Feng didn't want to do this, she was also relieved. She was really worried. He Feng gave himself the result directly on impulse.

Then there's no place to reason!

In recent years, it was extremely easy for people like he Feng to find a scapegoat. Maybe she disappeared in the world.

So that when she heard that he Feng didn't intend to kill herself, Lin Xuejing couldn't help but breathe a sigh.

The next morning, the house was as warm as spring. He Feng and Lin Xuejing were sleeping soundly.

After waking up, he Feng suddenly felt hungry in his stomach.

After making a phone call, a delivery car sent the breakfast to the side restaurant. He Feng got up and took the breakfast.

When eating, he always had to watch something to help with the meal. He Feng liked it. He took out the remote control of the TV and turned on the TV.

After looking for a while, I found the morning news. The morning news of Anhui Satellite TV is still very good-looking. At least it looks very funny and interesting.

It is suitable for watching while eating at breakfast to enhance your appetite.

The sound is very loud. It's not that he Feng likes it, but that the key on the remote control seems to be broken. It was such a loud sound before and can't be changed.

With the loud laughter and the smell of rice in her nostrils, Lin Xuejing frowned, squeezed her nose, and then slowly struggled to open her eyes.

Lin Xuejing slowly gets up, but he Feng is eating breakfast and watching TV.

As for he Lingling, she was in her own room, packing up her things. If she saw the scene in front of her, I'm afraid some He Feng would be affected.

"Wake up, eat together!" He Feng's eyes felt Lin Xuejing's movement and said.

"He Feng, you bastard!" after remembering what happened last night, Lin Xuejing showed a slight red on her face, and then hit a pillow on He Feng's side.

He Feng didn't even move, as if it was the original parabolic trajectory of the pillow. The pillow slipped past he Feng and hit the ground.

Lin Xuejing was a little surprised. It was only a few tens of centimeters away. Why did she hit it askew?

She rushed to He Feng and planned to teach him some lessons or revenge.

But how can he Feng, who has been full, be dealt with by a weak woman?

Anyway, I'm not dressed. I'm idle!

More than an hour later, it was almost noon. Lin Xuejing, who didn't eat in the morning at night, was already very tired. She didn't even have the strength to lift her fingers.

Seeing her appearance, he Feng leaned over her, patted her on the face and said, "do you dare not be obedient in the future?"

"Roll!" said Lin Xue quietly.

He Feng was not angry and asked again.

This time, Lin Xuejing did not answer or agree.

Seeing this, he Feng inevitably asked again.

Finally, it's time to give in. After all, what can we do if we don't give in?

Struggling to get up to find clothes to put on, Lin Xuejing found that her clothes had been torn to pieces and could not be put on again.

What should I do?

He Feng smiled, then took out a Hanfu from the space, which was worn by Yunzhu. He threw it in front of Lin Xuejing and said, "wear this!"

"Where did you find it?" Lin Xuejing looked at He Feng in surprise. She didn't know where he Feng got this dress.

"Lingling bought it yesterday and I'll give it to you!" He Feng said calmly. He didn't mention his own space or the cultivator.

For Lin Xuejing and he Feng, there is always a little mistrust. Who let this woman brush down her understanding of the bottom line again and again?

He Feng really has no feelings for her!

There was even a little hatred. Everything yesterday was regarded as a lesson for him, and then each had his own way.

Anyway, this woman is also of the same sex and has no time to teach herself.

"Well, thank you!" Lin Xuejing nodded at He Feng.

"We have nothing to do with each other, and thank you," He Feng said with a smile.

He Feng has always been honest and respected these minorities. After all, people do their own business and eat your rice. It's up to you to speak?

He Feng will not ridicule others like some people!

At the thought of this, he Feng only felt that his moral level had reached an unparalleled level and was almost to become a saint. He Feng couldn't help feeling a little floating.

Always feel that let the dragon group give itself the honorary title of a moral saint.

But think about it, or forget it, wood shows in the forest, the wind will destroy it, the line is higher than people, the public will not be it!

This handsome face alone is enough to be hated. Will you let so many moths live or not?

What if they attack together and speak ill of themselves?

I don't have time to argue with them!

After all, he Feng is not professional, and he has never been to the construction site!

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