"Can I breathe? There is oxygen here. Shouldn't outer space be said to be vacuum?" Jack asked in surprise when he took off his helmet and found that he could speak and breathe.

"All right, stop talking nonsense and knock yourself out. It saves me effort!" He Feng said angrily to him.

He Lingling wants to translate, but she can't translate!

"That's all!" He Feng shook his head slightly, then moved his wrist and knocked Jack out in the middle of his repeated screams.

"What should I do now? Take him down directly?" He Feng asked with a frown.

"Send him back to his place?" he Lingling said.

"Well, put his helmet on me!" He Feng buttoned his helmet again, and then wiped out a brain cell in his mind with genuine Qi.

After successfully erasing part of his memory, he Feng, the astronaut around him, was tied together with a rope.

Tied with their ejection seats, he Feng injected a real Qi. Immediately, the two guys were shrouded in a violent energy mask.

Then he Feng kicked it out with one foot, and the two guys spun a rapid landslide from space, and then fell on the ground along the atmosphere!

A few minutes later, he Feng was about to appear on the surface of the moon. At this time, in the space command center on the ground, he was bald just after a painful criticism.

Suddenly I heard a loud explosion in my ear.

Like a meteorite falling in the distance!

The whole space command center is full of sirens, as if suddenly in a time of war, and the sky is full of sirens.

It's like an air raid.

The multi billion dollar space shuttle and rocket on the ground were destroyed. In the continuous explosion, countless firefighters rushed up and damaged the management personnel to put out the fire back and forth.

OK, the facilities here are complete. Everything is available. In just a few minutes, the fire was brought under control.

Just as the bald man ordered the man to clean up the mess, suddenly a firefighter shouted in surprise: "look what this is?"

A group of people rushed up and looked this way, but they saw two guys tied together by a rope in the area where the fire was burning, and then they were sleeping there.

It looks like you're breathing, and you're wearing a spacesuit!

"OhMyGod, is there anyone in our space shuttle training?" a firefighter exclaimed loudly.

"Their protective clothing is too powerful. Such a violent explosion and flame didn't hurt them?" another firefighter said the point.

At this time, he pushed aside the crowd and walked to the bald man in front, but his eyes widened in horror. Then he hurriedly shouted to the left and right: "don't you call an ambulance? In addition, everyone who blocks the news must sign a confidentiality agreement."

After walking out of the crowd, he went straight to the bathroom without doing anything!

But in a toilet, he slowly took out a handkerchief from his pocket and quickly wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

Then he drew a cross on his chest and muttered, "God, please forgive me for my disrespect to you. Now I know your strength."

And it was quickly set as top secret.

As for the two guys, they don't know what happened after they woke up, because their memories have been erased.

Jack's dialogue about God also attracted public attention. He was listed as the top secret of the and set up an office to study it.

After a few years, this matter was declassified and listed as one of the top ten unsolved mysteries in the world. Then some scientists even put forward such a theory that God belongs to the yellow race.

He Feng is in the middle of the moon. There is only one guy on the moon in human history, and then there is no more.

After so many years, he Feng and he Lingling landed on the moon again. It looks desolate here, with no vitality and nothing to look at.

So after staying for a while, he Lingling felt boring. After staying here with He Feng and enjoying the earth in the distance.

"Very beautiful!" He Feng and he Lingling said, looking at the distant earth and sitting side by side on the moon.

"You are not as beautiful as you are!" He Feng gently pulled he Lingling into his arms and said with a smile.

He Lingling's eyes turned into crescent moon, and the corners of her mouth could not help but outline a happy smile, and then she sweetly lay on He Feng's chest.

He Feng took advantage of this to observe everything in the night sky. This is the first time he has seen it, but he has a great world. Ordinary people don't have such a chance.

Then there's no more!

For a long time, the earth has entered the night, and Lingling has some difficulties and convenience. She took out a tent from the space, then set it up and lived here all night.

So there is a Moon Palace on the moon, but it's too simple.

There is no Chang'e above the Moon Palace, but now there is.

But this Chang'e belongs to He Feng!

At dawn the next day, he Feng was ready to leave here. At this time, he suddenly found that there was a footprint under his feet!

He couldn't help raising his feet, and then said to he Lingling, "you said, who else will leave footprints on the moon except the two of us?"

"Master!" he Lingling said without thinking.

"I'll go. What a coincidence!" He Feng said with emotion. He stepped down casually and stepped on the previous footprint. It's a great sin!

A big step of mankind was trampled by him. He had existed on the moon for decades without being destroyed, but he destroyed it all at once.

Alas, I can't bear it!

But soon he Feng was relieved!

I destroyed one of you and left dozens. I don't rely on any technology. I'm no better than you?

What he didn't know was that several years later, with the progress of science and technology, the robot sent to the moon found the residual footsteps on the ground, and then humans concluded that it was left by aliens.

Or it's essentially a lie.

In a certain period of time, it even triggered an alien crisis.

But these are later words.

In fact, although the whole space looks beautiful, it can only be viewed from a distance. It's like a lotus. If you really stay inside.

If he Feng was left alone, he would feel boring in a few minutes.

He Feng couldn't help admiring those aerospace workers who fought for the cause of mankind.

They endure the unbearable pain and loneliness of most people, and sacrifice themselves for the advancement of mankind in this space.

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