While talking, he Feng threw the flashlight down with a bitter smile, then put the jade box on the table and opened the corner of the silk wrapped in Lanting.

I'm going to ask him to open it, enjoy Wang Xizhi's calligraphy and look at the remains of the calligrapher!

Look at people with words!

Although this is a little unreliable, after all, Qin Hui, the eldest and treacherous Minister of the Yan Pavilion in the Ming Dynasty, and Yan Shifan, his son, Yan Donglou, are all masters of calligraphy.

Zhao Gao, who is familiar to people, is also a calligrapher.

It was because the characters were good-looking that they attracted the attention of Qin Shihuang and made Qin Shihuang reuse them. Otherwise, how could a person in the state of Zhao let Qin Shihuang get around to be a coachman.

Don't underestimate the coachman!

You don't see the driver around the big leader. It's not just the existence of the five grade officials in front of the prime minister, but the existence standing at the peak of the power pyramid in the world.

Because the coachman is the easiest person to get close to him!

And then affect people!

Why can Qin Shihuang's death be covered up for several months after his death?

Isn't it because Zhao Gao is a driver? What Qin Shihuang wants is naturally concealed by his hands

Little gossip, but he Feng opened the package and was about to take a look at it. Suddenly, he Feng's mind was buzzing. He suddenly thought of something.

I seem to forget an important thing, which is very important and related to the source of this thing!

It's a big mistake!

Well, how did you forget this?

He quickly wrapped the Orchid Pavilion with the silk, then quickly opened the jade box, turned on the table lamp, and then illuminated the relief with the light of a strong flashlight.

However, on the front of the whole jade box, on the complete and exquisite relief, there are several engraved seals in his humble lower right corner.

The seal is carved with seal characters!

Like most Chinese seals, people can't understand what is written on it, but fortunately, the huge ocean of knowledge in the tonic stone allows He Feng to clearly recognize what it is.

Seal characters are carefully searched in this series of seals. Because the relief is not large, the area of each seal is only about a grain of rice, and the words on it are naturally very small.

In addition, the biggest feature of seal characters is that they have many strokes and are difficult to identify. Therefore, if ordinary people pay attention to it, they will only regard it as a few ordinary seals.

It won't attract attention!

But he Feng noticed something wrong, or something mysterious.

He Feng was in a good mood when he looked at the seal and said to himself, "Lu Zigang, Lu Zigang! No wonder the emperor wants to cut off your head. What you do makes people want to slap your face!"

He Feng's eyes are very good. Ordinary people may not be able to see what is carved on the millet, but he Feng can clearly see that the words carved on it are Lu Zigang.

It is said in the Jianghu that every time Lu Zigang carves an object, he will leave his name on it. It can be called a well-known trademark of China.

There are also several jade pendants of Lu Zigang in He Feng's space. There are many words on them. As a modern man born and raised under the red flag, he Feng doesn't care about these.

Even vaguely feel that this is a brand, more famous than famous brands.

That price, any piece is tens of millions!

But in ancient times, this was an unspeakable sin.

In ancient times, even if your craftsmanship was exquisite, so what? Scholars, farmers, industry and commerce, these four classes have been solidified in all dynasties. Although our Dameng Dynasty is powerful, it can't help Zhu Yuanzhang, the one emperor through the ages.

The limitations of history have given him some limitations in designing a registered residence system, and even if you are skilled in your craft, you will never be able to turn it around.

High officials and noble lords stately, and your registered residence is on the jade, and jade objects are used by the officials.

A craftsman with a low status, while on the other side is a prince, general, scholar and doctor. Do you think they will be happy?

However, after Lu Zigang became famous, these people may not care. For celebrities, most of us will still give some face.

In addition, Lu Zigang himself is a little slippery. The words often engraved are difficult to find, so it's over!

The jade box in front of him was obviously written by him, but the person who carved it had a high status. Lu Zigang didn't dare to take it lightly, so he deliberately chose such a mysterious method.

Let the other party find no fault!

It is estimated that the other party would not expect that Lu Zigang would do something in this most insignificant place.

And people with bad eyes will not notice here!

After confirming the dynasty, he Feng can be sure that it was during the Jiajing period of the Ming Dynasty.

Zhu Houcong, Emperor Jiajing, whose main business is Taoism and his sideline is the emperor, (that word is difficult to type, don't mind) He Feng is familiar with. Who makes his eye-catching Taoist name too long in those things of the Ming Dynasty?

After the time was confirmed, he Feng began to wonder why he had such hallucinations during the day?

You can't be dazzled!

It's even less likely to be his own imagination, because since he became a cultivator, he Feng is no longer an ordinary middle school sophomore, and his imagination is naturally not so rich.

Of course, it won't jump like that!

How could I suddenly enter such a magical place.

Thinking of this, he Feng inevitably thought of a story about Buddhism, because they are so similar.

It's like this jade box. He's inspired. The carving in itself has grown out of the spirit body, or created a kind of fantasy.

Just like the story about Buddhism.

A man went to visit the temple. When he got to the backyard, he was surprised to find that there was a beautiful place, and then there was a beautiful woman there. He was going to meet him for a while.

Then I peed urgently and took a bubble on the way!

However, the reality of recovery soon changed, and he found that there was a painting on a pile of firewood behind the temple.

There was a large trace of wet urine on the painting, and there was a faint smell. After hiding quickly, a monk came over and saw the urine stain on the painting.

He could not help swearing, "where's the wild boar? I peed a lot of urine!"

Whenever he thought of this story, he Feng felt that it was similar to what he had done this morning!

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