Soon, the boy's trouser legs were cut off. He Feng looked inside in surprise and was surprised to find that the boy's legs were still wrapped in two layers of warm pants.

It's thick after touching!

Seeing this, he couldn't help shaking his head!

It's not too late to mend!

Although you say so, your two legs have been wasted. Now you are continuing to mend after you die. Do you think it is useful?

I'm afraid it's too late to repent!

He cut off two layers of warm pants. Suddenly, a fishy smell filled the air. It smelled disgusting and disgusting. He Feng couldn't help frowning. The smell was too strong.

It smells terrible!

How to say, it's like the smell of corpse corruption.

It stinks. It seems that the boy's leg has rotted. He Feng can't help shaking his head at the thought of this. It's not so easy to cure the disease. I'm afraid it will take a lot of effort!

After all, the legs are rotten. Although the flesh and bones of the living dead can do it, it's not a simple thing!

He Feng was relieved to think that the boy's parents should be very rich. At that time, just ask them for more money. Anyway, compared with their son's two legs.

No amount of money can match!

He Feng's hand continued to move. At this time, he was surprised to find that Liu Xiaodong was covering his nose, as if he felt uncomfortable. He Feng quickly opened his mouth and asked, "what's the matter? If you don't adapt, go out first, the taste is really strong!"

Liu Xiaodong shook his head strongly and said, "it's all right, master. I can hold on. It's nothing!"

After saying that, perhaps to reassure He Feng, he loosened his hand covering his nose. Seeing this, he Feng didn't say anything more.

Instead, he continued to lose the boy's autumn pants. After the autumn pants were cut, what came into sight was a leg wrapped in gauze, and the thick gauze wrapped the whole leg.

It extends to dozens of centimeters above the knee and reaches the middle of the thigh. You can see it from the skin on the thigh root. Although some frostbite is not too serious.

Just apply some ointment, but he Feng can judge some skin that has happened through the root. If the wound below the leg is not treated, I'm afraid it's not just the thigh, but the whole body will rot.

When the last cover of autumn pants was untied, the fishy smell in the air suddenly became much stronger, as if a corrupt coffin had been suddenly opened, and the smell of rotten corpses leaked out in an instant.

It stinks. It's disgusting!

Even he Feng was so knowledgeable that he couldn't help but be shocked by the current situation, because it was so TMD disgusting, but he only met the gauze before. Although the package was thick and solid, it could be seen that the gauze had changed color.

There was a muddy yellow liquid floating on it. The autumn pants he had just cut off with scissors were also sticky. It was obvious that it was the fat from the corrupt body.

"It's too serious. Why are you looking for me now!" He Feng said while cutting the gauze on it.

"When we were in the hospital, the doctor told us that it might be saved, so we didn't amputate in time. We dragged on for more than half a month. We didn't do it until we saw that it was really impossible." the child's mother wiped her tears and said.

When he saw Cao Bin's leg, which was almost rotten, his tears flowed down like a gate, crying and annoying!

"It's been more than half a month. What's going on in this hospital? It's so serious that they probably had to amputate at that time. Do they have any conscience? They want to make a profit from people's lives." He Feng spit on the ground.

The current situation is so angry that it can be easily solved, but it has been dragged to this point.

If he Feng is an ordinary doctor, in this case, his first choice is to have the patient's family amputated.

After being a doctor for so long, even if he has been relying on the ability of practitioners to treat diseases, he Feng can also judge what diseases can be saved by modern medicine and what diseases can not be saved by modern medicine.

The disease in front of us can't be saved by medicine now!

The cells in the thigh have long died. There is no living body at all. The blood vessels are all atrophied. The rotten blood is in the deteriorated body, but it continues to flow through the whole body through the circulation of blood vessels.

Cause corruption in other parts!

It can be said that if not handled in this way, the patient will soon scold and die.

Because the white blood cells in the human body alone are not enough to deal with so many bacteria.

"Then how did you come?" He Feng asked strangely. It's the last minute. It's time to amputate and earn the last operation fee. How did the hospital let them leave?

At this time, we only heard the child's parents say, "a new female doctor told us that if we continue to stay there, not only the child's legs can't be cured, but also life-threatening!"

"Female doctor? What female doctor? Did she recommend you?" He Feng asked strangely.

He really doesn't remember that he had an intersection with a female doctor in the northeast. Is it because he has a bad memory and forgot?

"She recommended us. At that time, we were skeptical, but later the child was unconscious, so we planned to come now," the child's father said.

"What's his name?" He Feng asked.

"I don't know. It seems to be Lin. he is very beautiful. He is about twenty-four or five years old." Cao Bin's father recalled.

He Feng suddenly realized that it should be Lin Xuejing!

Yes, it must be her. Her surname is Lin. she looks beautiful and her age is right. She is also a doctor. The designated name is Lin Xuejing.

"Well, I see. You go out first so that I can cure the child!" He Feng said to them.

"Go out, shall we go out?" the child's mother said with some worry. It seems that she loves her son very much.

"With this heart, what did you do earlier? If you take care of him, he can get to this point? Go out, go out, don't bother me to cure!" He Feng waved impatiently.

"Doctor, is it OK for us to stay here?" the child's father said with some worry.

"Less nonsense, let you go out. You stay here and affect my treatment. In case which affects me, who should be responsible for the accident?" He Feng said angrily.

After listening to his words, the child's father immediately changed his face, and then whispered to He Feng, "doctor, you're almost sure. Don't scare me. If you can't, we'll just amputate."

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