That night, after dinner, he Feng got rid of Li Weilie.

Don't want to pay more attention to him, and then secretly touched Liu Qingyan and Xing Yuanyuan's room!

The next morning, just after dawn, he Feng was awakened by the sun from the East. When he woke up, he Feng was surprised to find that Liu Qingyan and Xing Yuanyuan had got up.

He Feng is making up there and wearing clothes. He Feng is a little depressed. He hasn't had enough.

Then he asked with some doubts, "what are you doing? Why do you get up so early? What time is it?"

"It's still early. It's already more than 7 o'clock. We're not here just for fun, but for our business!" Liu Qingyan said as if she were a strong woman in neat business clothes.

"Oh!" He Feng nodded helplessly.

Then he asked with some doubts, "it's all right. Why are you so busy? Good people are not short of money. If you want money, tell me that you have tens of thousands of billions!"

"Stop bragging. How can you have so much money?" Liu Qingyan said

He Feng smiled. Apart from others, he really did. Even if he didn't have the dragon group, the Gougou finger dragon group had to send it to him.

This is also when chatting a few days ago. Piaomiko told him that the dragon group may have foresight, or rely on the advantages of those guys who can roughly predict the future.

Invested in many commercial companies.

What about Ma Xiaoyun? Most of the shares in their company were quietly bought by longzu in the name of many people very early. I don't know. I thought he had many shareholders.

In fact, it is only the dragon group, the big dealer, who is at the helm behind.

This is also the reason why the dragon group has never been short of money. If there are thousands of practitioners under their hands, how can they do without some financial resources?

You know, Xiuzhen can't do things without money!

So he Feng is really not short of money. Even if he is short of money, he has enough sources to make money without his women appearing in public all day.

Apart from others, he Feng is worried about his own woman running outside all day. What if one day gets himself a hat?

That's sad!

Then there's no place to cry.

So it's inevitable that like most men, he Feng wants his women to stay at home all day, but it's impossible.

Because apart from those rice worms who don't want to make progress, women with independent ideas such as Liu Qingyan won't tolerate this kind of thing. In essence, she doesn't do business outside for money, but to show her strength.

After breakfast!

Reluctantly sent Liu Qingyan away.

He Feng waved away the crowd, but at this time, just as he Feng was about to turn back to the manor and study what was going on with the fountain, suddenly he heard a sound of footsteps behind him.

Then he turned and looked, but he saw several big men coming towards him.

He is not very tall, and his white face is tight.

He Feng opened his psychic sense. At this time, he suddenly found that when he didn't pay attention, the Emily ran to the neighborhood and hid behind the green plants on the side of the road.

"What are you doing?" He Feng asked angrily. He couldn't be more clear in his heart, but he lost face before. Do you want to get back here?

It's a pity that he bullied the wrong person!

He Feng is easy and can be held as a soft persimmon?

He pinches others almost!

The white skins in front of him obviously didn't understand what he Feng said, so they looked at each other, but at this time, Amy Rui suddenly heard a roar, hoarse and angry!

He Feng remembered that when he sent Xing Yuanyuan and Liu Qingyan away, the relationship between the three was obviously close, and he couldn't help it.

It is estimated that these are seen by Emily, so that they will lead to the current results.

At this time, suddenly he Feng saw, behind these two white men, suddenly appeared a black skin, and then there was a spray like thing in his hand, and it sprayed hard in front of He Feng.

He Feng suddenly smelled a fragrance, which was very irritating!

In a flash, he Feng understood what this was.

Overpowering drug!

Unfortunately, is He Feng an ordinary person?

How can this hurt him?

He smiled and looked at the black skin in front of him, and a contemptuous smile was outlined at the corners of his mouth.

Heipi looked at the medicine bottle in his hand, then covered his nose and sprayed it twice, but he was still unmoved when he saw he Feng.

As if it was just ordinary air!

At this time, he Feng suddenly thought that he shouldn't do this!

At present, Emily obviously belongs to that kind of villain. Even overpowering drugs have made her come out, and Liu Qingyan and Xing Yuanyuan meet villains like him.

There is no danger, but it will inevitably be a little disgusting!

He Feng can't help but want to get rid of this Emily. Being idle is also idle. It's better to find something for himself!

It's just that it's obviously inappropriate to do it here. It's easy to cause some trouble. After thinking about it, he fell to the ground in an instant, as if he was really dazed by ecstasy.

Heipi looked at the medicine bottle in his hand, and then whispered to Emily behind him, "master, it's done!"

What they didn't notice was that he Feng, who fell to the ground, suddenly outlined a sneer.

It disappeared in an instant!

"Take it!" said Emily.

After that, the two white skins directly packed He Feng in sacks, and then threw him into the trunk of the car. In the roar of the car, the exhaust fumes sped away!

At this time, he Feng had climbed out of the trunk, sat leisurely on the roof, and then jumped. The flying sword was thrown into the air. He drove the flying sword, suspended in the air, and followed these cars with invisibility.

And use magic to conjure up a self in the trunk below to confuse them!

Next, Emily will be greeted by death.

The car didn't surprise he Feng and drove to the city. Instead, it continued to drive on the lonely country road. The smile around He Feng's mouth became more and more rich, and I was right.

These people also want to avoid suspicion when they do dirty things. They want to find a remote place, but I'm afraid I can't find out why I'm just there to solve them.

This is with their own ideas!

Save yourself any unnecessary trouble.

As the car continued to drive, the two cars stopped at a wooden country villa. It was surrounded by abandoned farmland for rotation cultivation. There was no one. The villa stood in a small tree forest.


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