Like a fool, a group of people began to look forward to the prospect of the future. As for whether the prospect is true or false, whether it is an ethereal castle in the air, it is not what they consider.

At the moment, he Feng is talking to an Yingying, who has not seen him for a long time. An Yingying is in charge of a Nuo big company for He Feng. It can be said that he Feng has the least sense of existence among women.

Because she is a product of He Feng's temporary intention.

"Well, well, you can make your own decisions about the company. If you really can't, go back to the school for further study. Changjiang business school, don't go." He Feng smiled at the other end of the phone.

"However, I always feel that I can't handle the company now. There are many people who deceive me. Sometimes I don't know what to do!" an Yingying said bitterly.

"Honey, don't worry. Don't worry about them. If anyone dares to do anything, I believe they will die ugly!" He Feng said with a smile.

Then he thought again and said, "well, I'll see you later!"

"Really, great, he Feng." an Yingying opposite said happily to He Feng at the end of the phone. It seems that she also misses He Feng. He Feng smiled and hung up after his life.

After that, I took a look at the time on the mobile phone. It was just more than 9 a.m. and shouted to Chen Guixiang in the room, "Mom, I'll go out. Don't worry!"

"Know he Feng, remember to call if you can't come back." Chen Guixiang said quickly.

He Lingling in the room heard that he Feng was going out, so she ran out and shouted at him: "brother, take me, I want to go out together. I want to go to the temple fair. Take me to the temple fair!"

"This!" He Feng scratched his head, a little helpless. He went on a date with an YingYing and brought a he Lingling, that is, an oil bottle or a light bulb. How can he play? So he really doesn't want to take he Lingling.

"Take me, take me!" he Lingling saw that he Feng didn't want to promise, so she took him Feng's arm and shook it for a while.

He Feng was a little upset. After a long time, he opened his mouth and said, "why don't you find some friends and go out together? Brother, I have something, really something!"

"All right!" he Lingling had to nod helplessly. He Feng was relieved. Then she went out, started the car engine with a buzzing sound, and ran out a long way in his off-road vehicle that had been driven for several years.

"We have to build a square so that our old men and women can have a place to exercise. What's more, we have to get fitness equipment. Houshan will build the bamboo forest into a sanatorium. The semi profitable kind can be used by the old people in our village for free..." Xie Dongshan was pointing the river and mountain there, saying this and that.

On one side were the guys who nodded and looked forward to these pictures to satisfy their hunger. At this time, the sound of rubbing the engine passed through their ears, and a car roared away.

He Dongshan, who was pointing the river and mountain, was almost rubbed to the ground, and the accumulated water formed by some melted snow on the ground was dirty and folded and splashed on he Dongshan.

In an instant, the neatly cut and ironed suit was wetted by the sewage deliberately splashed by He Feng. He Dongshan looked embarrassed. He Dongshan had green veins on his forehead.

Trembling with anger, Liu Tiehan was speechless. Liu Tiehan rushed directly to He Feng's car, and there was a burst of scolding. It's a pity that he Feng has driven away at the moment.

"Is Dongshan all right?" Wang Desheng asked hurriedly.

"It's all right. He Feng is really shameful. Fortunately, he didn't bump into people. What should he do if he bumped into people? It's not that he bumped into me, but that there are so many children running in the street and driving so fast. Can he be responsible in case of bumping into people?" he Dongshan frowned.

At this time, he Feng had driven his car to the wide mountain Ring Road, and then drove straight to the city along the road he had built with money.

This time, he Feng didn't play any acceleration array for his car. Sometimes it's just like having your big fish and meat. After eating too much, people always want to taste some wild vegetables and vegetables to adjust their taste.

He Feng is like this at the moment. Now his biggest problem is that he is idle all day and doesn't know what to do. Practice day after day. He Feng can practice even while playing in his hand.

The rest of the energy has nowhere to vent.

It's really a problem. It's a good way to spend it on a long and lonely journey.

The road around the mountain is steep and dangerous. He Feng is not too worried about it. He doesn't have to worry about it at all because of his perceived agility.

He Feng continued to move forward. At this time, he Feng suddenly noticed that there seemed to be someone running next to him. There was a figure shaking by the window. He was very familiar. He knew who it was as soon as he guessed.

Press the power button, he Feng opens the window, then frowns and looks out the window. He Lingling, who is running after the car, asks, "OK, wait, you're okay. Why are you running after me?"

"I want to go with you, but if you don't take me, I'll go by myself!" he Lingling said bitterly. Seeing her look, he Feng had to sigh, and then slowly stopped the car by the side of the road.

Then he frowned and taught, "even so, you can't just run with the car. The repairman should not be known by ordinary people, otherwise it is easy to cause a large-scale panic. Something will happen if you do so. What should you do if you are monitored and photographed?"

"It's all right. Who will pay attention to the monitoring? Who will stare at the monitoring?" he Lingling said with a bright smile without taking this matter to heart.

"OK, get in the car!" He Feng snapped, opened the door and said to he Lingling.

"Well, I knew my brother was the best for me!" he Lingling smiled and got into the car. He Feng drove to the city. He frowned. She was really in trouble with such a light bulb!

After driving and entering the national highway, there are more and more driving on the road. He Feng didn't go directly to the highway. Now it's the Spring Festival, and the highway doesn't charge. There are too many cars. It's better not to go up because it's designated to be stuffed into sausage.

Just drive slowly on this national highway!

Anyway, he was not in a hurry. He drove slowly forward. There was an intersection 200 meters away. The fork led to the expressway. After he Feng reached the intersection, it happened that it was the green light.

He didn't think much and stepped on the accelerator directly.

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