At this moment, he Feng has just known some fur, and he probably already knows some in his heart, but to tell the truth, no matter what aspects, he Feng always feels that he still doesn't have a relatively complete system for this matter in his heart, and wants to continue to ask, and then get a more appropriate and real answer.

He Feng asked again, "what's the matter? You'd better finish it all at once if you haven't told me anything. Otherwise..." He Feng raised his hand and began to threaten Du Lin's brothers.

At this time, Du Lin still spent all his physical strength, and then began to reason with He Feng, "I tell you, he Feng, you don't go too far, or you will be finished. You are a villain, and you will be punished in a short time." after that, Du Lin gave him a fierce look at He Feng, but he Feng didn't have any expression, Just take this as Dooling's struggle and duplicity before he died.

"I......" the second son was still struggling. The pain made him want to be sleepy, but he was always awakened by the pain. There was pain and sadness in his eyes. It was a real feeling that life was better than death.

After all, his fingers are connected to his heart. For He Feng, at least he knew that everyone could not bear such pain, and he saw the importance of this, so he began to take this to punish the three brothers of Du Lin.

He Feng suddenly thought that at the beginning, he would feel soft hearted about everything he saw. He felt that it was really right to forgive people. Until now, he understood that every day's efforts and experience were worth it, so he could only work and struggle silently according to the class.

Du Lin looked at He Feng and fell into meditation. He thought he was thinking about things, so he was stunned. At the right time, he could take advantage of this opportunity to live hard and strive for a chance to live for himself.

Because he was surprised to find that he Feng in front of him was not that kind of murderous person. On the contrary, he was very wordy and talked a lot. He was a man who liked mouth guns. It seemed that he should be able to survive from his men.

So he began to plead again.

But because such things are not once or twice with him.

He Feng naturally knew what he was going to do when he approached him, but he still had to keep pretending that he didn't know, and then gave him a chance to come and look at himself and how he crushed him.

Everything is the same in every way.

Naturally, Du Lin didn't know that this was he Feng's trick, and he didn't know what to do. He could only continue to try his best to climb to He Feng's feet. There was fear in his eyes and a determination to win.

Slowly, inch by inch, when he was about to spit out a mouthful of venom from his mouth, he wanted to teach He Feng a lesson from the toxin in his body and let him taste this heartbreaking feeling. Such an idea made his whole person very terrible and looked like a ghost in hell.

Mingming was already in pain and couldn't open his eyes. His hands and feet were all broken. Everything went in a bad direction, which made his whole popularity and look very bad. He Feng smiled with contempt in his eyes.

He can see what this Doolin wants to do. To be exact, she knew from the very beginning when Doolin climbed to her side. There are many things like this. There are a little signs, and all the rest will naturally know what's going on.

He Feng raised his foot, shook his head quietly, and then stepped on it. This foot made Du Lin wail. He had no way to resist, or even the most basic way to avoid.

This foot also made Dooling fall into a brief faint.

He Feng looked at Du Lin, and there was no sympathy in his eyes, but endless indifference. For Du Lin, it was also for all the things Du Lin did, but also for Du Lin's ambition.

He Feng and Du Lin are in a stalemate like this. For a moment, the second son has no feeling and doesn't know what to do. Anyway, he just doesn't dare to go up and hinder each other. He can only quietly watch his eldest brother Du Lin being bullied by He Feng, but he can't help at all.

Durin began to see the scene of being bullied in his mind when he was dark for a short time.

At first, Du Lin was not the boss. He was just a small man. He didn't know what to do. He was very bored to idle around every day.

Until one day, there was a group of bullies in the place where they lived. Naturally, they treated everyone here with a ferocious look. Bullying everyone, not allowing everyone to live a good life, and even doing some very bad things to hurt everyone. Such things are more and more known by everyone. Over time, everyone naturally has a fear and fear of these bullies.

But durin was unconvinced. Although he said that he was thin and small at that time and his voice was very small, he still worked hard to attract everyone's attention. At the same time, he kept improving his ability and wanted to get a better future through these.

At the beginning, Du Lin pretended that he couldn't do anything, and then went to follow the bullies who bullied the people. The people in the village were afraid of Du Lin, who pretended to be a tiger, with disgust and fear in his eyes.

When there are more and more such things, Du Lin feels wronged, but he knows that if he wants to stand out, he can't expect everyone to like you, let alone give in blindly.

Although it is true that what he is doing now is not understood by everyone, slowly, Dulin believes that this matter will be known by everyone. Many things are really like this. At the beginning, he can't see the benefits and results. But later, slowly and faster, we can experience the joy and happiness.

At the beginning, Du Lin followed everyone and was obedient blindly. Even after receiving grievances and suffering a lot, he still worked hard to do better.

Until later, more and more time later, the bully leader began to confidently hand over these rights to Turin and let him take charge of all this. This kind of thing is more and more incredible.

When everyone thought that Turin would screw up everything, a miracle happened. Turin really put everything in order.

Well done. It seems that you are born with this talent!

Then he came out with two brothers, now the second and third, to this island to live together. At the beginning, there was nothing but to find and make by themselves. Slowly, they trained the craftsmanship of the remaining three brothers. Later, they found that someone accidentally entered, and then the other party didn't know where it was.

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